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Everything posted by Black-Cinderella

  1. Oui, enfin de firminy et de ste sigolene. C'est trop pomé person conné alors je veins de St étienne ^^ C'est plus simple.

    Tu viens d'ou ?

  2. OMG "Me couurt sur le haricot" ??? J'avais jamais entendu cette expresion !! j'adoooore tu as trouver un centre de truc-much (terme technique ^^) pour ton stage ?
  3. It's simple (in theory) you just have make him laugh. If you make him laugh, I will apreciate you. Then after you'll have to be courageous. When you make people laugh we're obliged to like you. Life is simple. I also have to. (Because I really want this boy and his blue eyes)
  4. I understand you, one of my best frined is far away, and her boyfriend just let her down, she is so hopeless, and she can't stop to cry. I don't know what to say to her. I WANT A BOYFRIEND !!! (I mean I really want him, the sweet biy besides me in history (I want a lot of cheese with him )
  5. Hum question peut-etre idiote : Comment puis-je aller a ta galerie ?

  6. You Belong With Me - Butch Walker Cover of the Taylor Swift's Song. I love what this man does.
  7. C'est pas grave ^^ Tu nous montrera quand tu fera un nouveau Mika (ok même si c'est pas un Mika^^) ???
  8. Je m'apelle Léa. Tu passe trois heures d'afillée penchée sur une feuille? Enfin, quand on voit le resultat on se dit que sa vaut bien ça !!! (Enfin, je comprend je passe des heures penchée sur mon clavier a écrire des histoires sans queue-ni-tête, mais j'aime ça...)
  9. Chanceuse !!! j'espere vraiment que tu seras acceptée !! Je voulais partir pendant un ans dans un lycée Americain, mais mon pere a trouver l'idée, je cite, "puérile et débile" (quand j'airais loupé ma vie et que je serais SDF sa sera sa faute !)
  10. Alone, sad. but happy. (OK, I don't even understand myself) Bored.
  11. Tu dois y passer des heures!!! J'adooooore !!! Tu as du talent !!! Je pourrais jamais fait ça (je fais encore les mains des bonhommes avec un rond et 5 traits qui en sorte comme en maternelle ) Bravooooo !!!
  12. Is there one person on this planet who doesn't think that Tim Burton is a genius ? Charlie and The Chocolate factory is so wonderful, I don't understand how this man does for do film so huge, happy, human, natural, dreamly... I love him, that's all. Mr Jack is my fav film of all times (OMG! It's a Disney film, and I've seen it ! Miracle !!) I understant you. But Mika and dirty things it's not bad... Hum I replaces my mind stop think about what i'm thinking now:sneaky2:. And going to bed. (I finally didn't do my italian ) Good Night everyone !!!
  13. I had too !!! I remember It hurt so much that I didn't do the third injection. For the second I couldn't move my arms for almost one month !!! My doctor is a butcher !!! Now I'm so scared of needles ! But don't be afraid, you must do it, it might save your life !
  14. I know I have to !!! I always reproache to my mum that she didn't allowed me to watch it when I was little (My parents are against americanism ). She just bought me the casette.(For just 1 euro you come back to prehistory!) One of my friends is an absolute fan of it, so I'm gonna watch it with her in eating a lot a candies. I'm also obliged to see Pinocchio (I don't know why ) but I wanna see Alice In Wonderland (before going to see the film with Johnny Deep ). I think I've a cultural and educational problem.
  15. Are you paid for seeing Tv and being on the internet ??? It's sooo cool !!! (When I work I write adress on envelope at my dad's factory, A job so interesting ') I've never seen a Disney Film. Yeah, I'm a Mess. (I need to see "Le roi Lion" <= no idea of the title in english ')
  16. Dancing Alone in My House. Trying to feel Better and not to think about Him. Fact: I Hate Being In Love.
  17. I'm Supposed to do my italian, but I'm here in the MFC. It's almost midnight I gotta wake up early tomorrow but i'm here in the MFC. I must phone my best friend but i'm here in the MFC. You ruin my life (but I love it !!!) I think I'm in love. And I don't jnow what I am supposed to think, is it Good or Not ? Because He will never loves me.
  18. You never knew me at all but I see you But I see you... (Sorry, I was obliged )
  19. Yeah It's TH. Lady GaGa did won but I dont remember what. There was nothing intersting in fact. Katty perre spoke about her menstruation (You know she is bad.) To save : Green Day's Live and U2 covering a little bit of Bob Marley (Get up Stand Up) with Jay-Z. I don't think anybody did understand the message of Peace. Now wanna see a Gig of U2 !!!
  20. Tu t'en fous ^^ C'est ta fete non ??? (Juste mange pas la semaine prochaine ^^ et bois de l'eau => sa coupe un peu la faim ^^) JE veux un cupcake avec plein de petit smarties dessus !!! PLease ^^ T'envera une photo, hein ?
  21. Yeah Eminem didi win for best male And moreover TH won the price of the best band (Not even sure they are a band ^^ Sorruy if there's fans) I'm gonna kill myself. But U2 did a great performance bringing peace (15th bday of the berlin wall)
  22. Je viens d'avoir une phrase du film direct dans la tête là: "Violette, tu deviens violette." Dit par sa vilaine môman en jogging bleu. Je la comprends (Oui, je partage enormement de gout avec les enfants de 6 ans, Bob l'eponge:wub2:, les bonbon en forme de coeur,ect...) Johnny Deep sait comment captiver l'atention. et Tim Burton sait comment filmer Johnny Deep. (Je me tais sinon je vais parler de ce film pendant des heures et des heures et des heures... )
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