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Status Updates posted by Diva86

  1. Ahahahha hai visto che veloce che sono stata? :roftl:


    Grazie per il benvenuta che prima non te l'ho detto :biggrin2:


    Che belli i pantaloni colorati li voglio anche ioooooooooooo!!!! Da terranova c'erano quest'estate.. Ma ho preso solo quelli rosa.. Che sciocca che sono stata....... Stavo per prendere anche i rossi ma la mia amica mi ha detto che non era il caso.. Mai piu' mi lasciero' sopprafare.. :sneaky2: Mika non sarebbe contento ahahahahha:roftl::roftl:

  2. Hey i tuoi pantaloni rossi e quelli verdi sono fantastici!!!!! Stile Mika al 200% :thumb_yello: Io ne ho un paio rosa :naughty:

  3. Hey!!!!! Tu vas bien????

  4. :roftl: And don't forget when you're running around.. WE AREEEEEEEEEE SEXY GOLDEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!! :naughty:
  5. :naughty: I see you too lucky funny girl!!!!! :teehee:
  6. Ahahahahaha you're right:teehee:

    I stop............:blush-anim-cl:


    Katy do have msn? You're a so so so funny girl!!! I really want to stay in touch with you :aah:

  7. :teehee: ahahahahaha


  8. :thumb_yello: Sure!!!! And I wait hearing from you soon!! :rolls_eyes:

    Glad to know you now!!!


  9. Ahahahaha "touch myself" aahahaha :roftl::roftl: But you're right you know :teehee:


    Yeah, I hope I'll see him soon.. But it's not easy...... He's going to sing in a gay bar? Nice :wink2: Well, and none wants come with you????? Wait a minute, I take the plane and I'll come with you ahahahah

  10. Mike is so so so so so so sex.. Not sexy.. Just sex ahahah so I understand when you say that you like seeing and wishing.. I do the same.. :wub2:


    Unfortunately I've never seen Mika before.. :tears::no::crybaby: And you? I've seen in your signature the photo it is you with Mika?

  11. Ahahahahahahahah you're so funny!!!:thumb_yello:


    My name's Francesca and I'm 23, I come from Italy, Now I live in Sassari, Sardinia do you know? But until 2 years ago a lived in Geneva Swizerland. So my english sometimes is not very good but I do my best :biggrin2:


    But tell me Mikagasmic stays for Mika orgasmic????:mf_lustslow: ahahhaahaha

  12. OMG girls!!!! I've found someone who's already sexcrazy like me aahahahhaah

  13. Ah je savais pas tout ca.. Comme dirai Mika "Je suis un ane" sauf au féminin ahahahah:teehee:


    J'éspère aussi de le voir bientot.. Mais d'un autre coté j'me dis que quand je l'aurai vu j'vais surement devenir encore plus folle de lui.. Et alors là je serai mal ou pour mieux dire.. Je serai vraiment dans la merd... :roftl::roftl:

  14. Malheureusement oui.. Je vais la manquer.. Parce qu'il ne vient qu'à Milan.. Et moi j'habite en Sardaigne.. Si seulement j'avais quelqun a Milan.. Quel poisse.. J'connais des gens dans tutte l'Italie mais pas a MILAN!!! Qu'ai-je fais de mal pour meriter ca.. Ahahaha:shocked:


    Tu sais que j'étais convincue qu'à Bale et ses environs on parlait l'allemand?? Wow on en apprend tous les jours et dire que j'ai habité an Suisse pendant 20 ans..:shocked:

  15. Oui bien sur je parles francais!!!!! Toi aussi? Donc tu parles allemand, anglais et francais cool!! T'as trop de chance de pouvoir aller le voir!! Tu sais j'ai meme penser de faire la follie d'y aller aussi :teehee: mes parents habitent encore à Genève donc.. De Genève à Bale ca peut se faire.. Mais bon.. Je sais déjà que cela ne resterà qu'un reve.... :tears:

  16. Hi!!! Fineeee!! You're going to see Mika's concert in Basel? Yes I come from Italy, I live in Sassari, Sardinia, the island do you know? But I was born in Geneva and lived there until two years ago.

  17. Hi emerald!!! Where do you stay in Switzerland?????

  18. Thank you for the welcome:bye:!!!!!

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