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Posts posted by Yuna

  1. He talks in Italian this time :wink2:


    If you want, i can make a translation of the whole interview so everyone can understand what he said :wink2:


    Thank you so so so much Marina for the wounderful work :flowers2:


    Will be appreciated if you do it for non Italian speakers! thank you!!

    Being a Mika fan is so hard.. gotta catch up 4 different language! haha

  2. http://www.deejay.it/video/mika-ho-scritto-il-nuovo-singolo-a-katmandu/343923/






    Mika wrote Live your Life during his vacation in Katmandu with his family and friends, 9 people. He saw a documentary about that place and he decided to go there after 24hours. He called the vacation "hard" trekking because he didnt realise until he was there that in Katmandu during january is really cold and there's no heating so it was -25c at night :wink2:


    that sounds weird.. Live Your Life the name of the song was already leaked last summer, and he went to Katmandu this January. :naughty:

  3. 14


    Si tuvieras el poder de poder cambiar tres cosas en el mundo... ¿cuáles cambiarías? Un beso y enhorabuena por tu música.

    Dice ser: Baby Navy


    Me encantaría poder leer de forma ultrarápida, me encantaría poder jugar el tenis bien y me encantaría hablar coreano.



    I almost fainted to see that ..

    I can be your teacher, Mika! :boing: Now you can start! :mikacool:

  4. I'm crazy enough to translate this long interview.. :naughty:



    Mika? Holy cow, the Musician Mika? At the time we're supposed to meet Mika, his long-time fans crazily called us to confirm ELLE magazine is really interviewing Mika. (I didn't do anything! :aah:)

    Global musicians rarely spend hours at the day of the concert. Mika, who just came to Seoul to attend Seoul Jazz Festival, not his own gig though, got red in his face already after enthusiastic rehearsals before comming to this studio. He came here without guards but just be accompanied his mom 'Joannie'. Unlike his breathtaking performance on the stage, he actually was a type of shy man, even too cool to the editors. If the staff didn't tipped us that he avoids to use his voice before the concert, I must have felt hurt for that. But in other hands, when we're talking about his hobby horse, like Classical fashion brand like Saint Laurant and Dior, he talked a bit with favor. "I don't like to have curls like middle aged women. Please dry and make them to have more various sized curls" "Could you hide this dark circles more? My face look so tired with that" He was very attentive to his appearance, carefully checked his face and appearance before the photoshoot. He arrived here last night, and had a rehearsal in early morning so he apparently looked so tired. But when we got into photoshoot, he was just a professional celebrity. When "Celebrate", the song from his latest album "Origin of Love" was played in the studio and the camera shooting rush on him again and again, he seemed to feel that more comfortable with that. His poppy songs like sweet bubblegums reminds a scene of happy festival. His songs create hope and courage to let the listeners feel themselves more powerful. All happy energy from his music gave him loads of devoted following fans all over the world. Especially his first album, "Life in Cartoon Motion" included all 10 songs got super hit, it's very rare to musicians. He can sing 3 octaves, he's a superb music producer as well to master his album on his own, but he had darkness to have to be 'cosmopolitan' from very young age, getting bullied. Fortunately he started music by home-schooling, not actually going school, he could find his identity from music.


    Q You look like a 20 old guy. You don't getting old, right?

    wow, what a praise! I'm getting 30 soon. (31 in Korean age) Getting 30 is not that big to me, but all ppl around me ask me how it feels to getting 30 soon and what am I going to do on my 30th birthday. I started music from 10 years old, and you know it was not easy. Now I'm lucky to do what I love. What can I say... I already felt being 50 when I was just 12 years old, so doesn't feel like 30 at this moment. Mosic and creativity never make ppl getting old.


    Q Define your 3rd album, <The Origin of Love>

    Whole compilation of Love Songs. Some are classical symphonies, some are eletronics full of anger and sadness, some are happy songs. Those sounds all diferent but ppl who fell in love feel all of that. I wanted to find true meaning of love, what love is.. what we're so blind when in love..


    Q Love is not forever, we know that but we fall in love again and again..

    When in love, we're happy and life is fool of joy. At the same time, we feel scared and depressed. all this various kinds of feelings make you happy after all. I fell in love with someone just before getting into making 3rd album and that gave me inspiration to make this album. I spotted that and put them into this album.


    Q Sunlight, Freedom, Struggling.. all are in the lyrics too. Are those are part of memory with that person?

    I broke up with my ex leaving a sheet of letter. I wrote my feeling on that letter. I felt so ordinary because of that person, and expressed that on the song "Rain". It was one of my lifetime hurtful moment. Some artists creat good songs when they're in sad, but I'm not. When I feel hurt I can't make good songs. Because I just lost something to give me inspirations, to communicate with.


    Q You seem very sensitive to the feeling 'Love' than any other ppl. To you, What is Love?

    Love is not romantic at all. It's actually very dangerous. It makes engine works like a fuel, but just one mistake can burn up everything.


    Q You said this 3rd album is one of his best to make you feel free. But I never felt you' got locked up somewhere?

    My life changed a lot just before releasing my 2nd album "The boy who knew too much". Honestly I tried to make it similar to my first album, because it had a huge success. I felt free when I made the first album, but I couldn't when I made the second one. Now I feel free at my third album as it contains my personal things a lot. In the past I hided behind fantasy characters in my imagination. For example, Billy Brown, who left his family for one man, actually I hided behind him. On this album, I thought I don't need to hide any more.


    Q This is your 4th concert in Korea. Seoul Jazz Festival.

    My Korean fans are so unique. They remember all of my songs' lyrics. Imagine thousands of fans sing my song, what I made in front of my piano. It's like a dream. I remember watching worldcup game just after my second concert in Seoul. I'm very well adapted to every place wherever I go, because I've grown up three countries, but Korean fans enthusiastic reactions make me amazed, everytime I come to Korea. And above all, I love Korea. I can feel so much energy here, which is hard to find in Europe actually. People are so generous, music, design, culture..I even want to make my next album here. Seoul is one of the most creative city which is full of mixed up trends in unique way.


    Q All your albums its identity full of its own story.

    First I send my demo to record companies, but no one answered. So I went to Miami and made my music, and had a quite a good song, so I could sign with my label. It was the story of first album, and the second album is, the movie 'The man who knew too much' was a reference of that. Personally I'm a fan of Alfred Hitchcock, I wanted to make this album title just like a movie title. The third album, it has 'aura' which could be find from groomy adolescence. It's like a Tim Burton's fantasy. That's because my sister, Paloma, fell from the window and it was very serious. At the same time I fell in love, so all my emotions at that time became the motive of my third album.


    Q You moved to place to place when making 3rd album.

    I felt I have to be isolated when I'm working on 2nd album. I worked in front of my piano for 7 months. I felt so lonely. I didn't want to do that again, so I decided to forget myself all and tried to work with other musicians. I went to see Nick Littlemore in Montreol, made album with him. JoDi Marr and my friends in Miami helped me to make huge part of this album too. And I went to Stockholm, and collaborated with Klas Ahlund from Teddy Bears, and Pharrel Williams.


    Q So you write songs, sings, do producings, and directing the show by yourself?

    (In this Seoul Jazz Festival, he put 20 professional choirs to show amazing performance to crowds)

    Theatrical stuffs is a great add to the concert. Music doesn't exist by itself but with all visual things related to that, and that's very important thing of my show. If I don't do that properly, it's boring. On rehearals, on the stage I set the instruments and sings, and thinks how I should work on new things this time. I sometimes fix up my stage with staffs. I started music from Opera, so I love Opera theatre set design. What is matter is creative idea, not the cost. All tours should have own visual identity.


    Q Professional show producer Mika, I wonder how's your early shows have been.

    I started doing shows in small pubs in London. I decorated the place with candles and flowers. Light off, I wanted to make the audience feel being only with me for just one hour.


    Q It's interesting, you're working with your brothers and sisters too?

    We're always together. I have 4 brothers and sisters, we have no money to start something so had to help each other. I'm doing music, Yasimin does arts, Paloma does art, styling, pruduction, Zuleika does sewing and metal crafts, and my brother does architecture and graphic design. Even set designers, Stylist says No on something, we made it happen at last. We could do that because we work for ourselves, not for money.


    Q I heard that your mother travels with you on tours. It's rare thing that 30 years guy is so close to mother.

    My mother advise me as my music companion. For me, School is a disastrous place. My mom help me to do home schooling instead of sending me school. She's a talented designer as well. When I was young I was surrounded with pabrics, artworks.


    Q You have 3 octave voice. It's such a bliss.

    I can sing higher than general men. My parents can't sing so it's not coming from them. I got piano lessons and that's why I could sing from then. I wish my voice sounds better than this.. what am I saying...I'll shut up, sorry.


    Q Your songs has bight popping melodies, but lyrics are not like that.

    Beauty exists in contrasts. If the joy comes from pure joyness, that's a sweet fake. Joy is real and beautiful thing when mixed with darkness. When make perfumes with just sweet scents, that's just a crap. when tangy musk is mixed with some scent, you can make amazing perfume.


    Q How could get your inspiration and idea ?

    When I worked with one songwriter, he said "When you write songs, never use your best memory of your life" That means, if you regulate yourself not using that best memory, then you can make best song after all.


    Q What's your best inspiration then?

    Curiosity, Desire to seek troubles, and life of people around me. Not only for artists, every ppl have to recreate things in their life.


    Q Do you have any special ability that no one has?

    Well If I have a supermental power, I want to stop the time. Then I can do something fun. Which things I can do... so many amazing paintings to steal, for example.


    Q You're so creative. You could be a writer.

    I want to write a fairytale for adults. I read 'Winne the Pooh' by A.A Milne, I realized how amazing it is. It's just a simple story, but it contains amazing stories. Someone says it's just for children, but adults can understand its meaning better.


    Q I know it's too early time to ask it, but how's your next album going to be?

    I already started to write songs for new album. It would sound like 70's Billy Joel. The arts in my music would be something psychedelic , very colorful and creative.


    Q Heard that you write songs behind hidden four pennames, for other artists too? Is there any well known songs except Madonna's 'Gang Bang' ?

    I have several, and recently I said I wrote songs as a penname 'Alice' . I wanted to separate part of myself and create something new, so I sometimes use my penname, not the name 'Mika'.

  5. Thank you for the great Pics and videos!! I'm going to upload my pics but you are going to laugh of them... from where I was (line 1.000) I did my best XD


    I'll try to do a small report-->


    The begining of everything started when I came to live to France one month ago, and in stead of going to the Mika's concerts in Spain I had to search the closest to my new place, in this case Rouen. I decided go alone (well I didn't have more opcion, or go alone or not go XD), and thanks to the help of Alireine I could I had a place to stay that night :)

    It was great to meet Alireine, DoReMi and the Korean girl!!! and see faces that I knew from the pics of the MFC :wink2:

    It was difficult to find the way to arrive on time to the concert in fact I arrived at 21:05 and the concert was already started!! (strange). Now you can imagine since where I could watch the concert... how I'm small and just one person, I tried to get closer but it wasn't easy so I settled with seeing him from the screen:biggrin2:

    Everything was new for me, the place, the trip, the people, I was alone and in line 1000... but I enjoyed a lot!! (you will think I'm crazy but I will do it again even if I just see him from line 1000 and there isn't "meet&great", because I had a great time)

    Mika was great, and I loved when he said Espagne (Spain) I screamed YEAH!! (yes, I screamed, sorry for the people arround me:sweatdrop:) for explaining that he was going to sing a song that he launched a few weeks ago in Spain. While I was signing the spanish version, he song the english one but anyway I like it.

    Last thing is that I believe that Mika wants to kill Max... poor Max, he almost die for missing breathing


    I can say I liked the new Mika experience :D


    Korean girl again! Oh I saw quite a few Korean tweets and blogs who's been Rouen gig... :shocked: must be one of them....

  6. Just read the Magazine, contains 3 piece of pics and 2 pages of interview.

    Those 3 pics are just all of them, and the interview... too long to translate it properly, will summurize some if i have some time... :teehee:

    Those are just Dior Homme, Etro or other luxurious outfits, he wearing reinvented Korean outfit photos will be released as TOOL Magazine edition, I heard.

  7. (From @Kumazzz and @Mousetrap tweets)


    Universal Korea will publish "TOOL Booklet version" soon (like "TBWKTM" Korean booklet version)


    Here's a link to buy The Origin Of Love (CD+DVD Tour Edition) [Korea Version]





    1. Origin Of Love

    2. Lola

    3. Stardust

    4. Make You Happy

    5. Underwater

    6. Overrated

    7. Kids

    8. I Only Love You When I’m Drunk

    9. Step With Me

    10. Popular Song

    11. Emily

    12. Heroes

    13. Celebrate

    14. Make You Happy

    15. Elle Me Dit

    16. Stardust – Italian Version

    17. Popular Song with Ariana Grande






    ‘Underwater’ Music Video

    ‘Celebrate’ Music Video

    ‘Make You Happy’ Music Video

    ‘Elle Me Dit’ Music Video

    ‘Celebrate’ behind the scenes

    ‘Origin Of Love’ - Track By Track

    ‘Stardust’- Track By Track

    ‘Celebrate’ - Track By Track

    ‘Lola’ - Track By Track


    Nonononooo wrong info..


    The link above is 'TOUR EDITION' , nothing special but some MVs and Track by Track vids with same booklet.

    The Magazine Edition - think we gotta wait several months more . NOT released yet.

  8. That's the first song i thought of :naughty:




    no, the reaction was fine... since nobody knew the words, we were all listening attentively but the applause and reaction was good


    I seem to remember the first time he sang EMD at a gig, he messed up the words.

    I always thought he was looking at his band to save his life :naughty:


    exactly! I say when the crowds are too cool, I can see he's looking at bands or the ground a lot :naughty:

  9. You know, I've got a very good view on you and Blue Sky from the backstage, but I suppose you didn't see me because it was very dark there :) I didn't see you waving to me because I was very buisy trying not to fail :doh: I have a huge stage fright too but I wasn't nervous at all this time, I don't know why :blush-anim-cl:


    Haha I can imagine that! And I know, on stage, you can recognize ppl so well... so clear and huge when seeing crowds on stage...their face, reaction...

    that's the reason I have a stage fright :naughty:

    I waved to you again when you're standing alone at backstage , you looked very serious there , maybe you're thinking something about next performance :teehee:

  10. 구글에 미카랑 전혀 관계없던 뭔가 검색했는데 검색 결과에 두번째로 뜬게 코리안뜨레드네요 ㄷㄷ

    덕분에 2010년도 글 복습했습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    지금은 아련해진 쥐님도 있고 망고님도 잉키님도 있고, 미친듯이 달리던 미더긔분들도 있구 ㅠㅠㅋㅋ


    서재패 끝나구 왜 미카가 한국에서 유독 인기가 있는걸까 혼자 많이 생각했었거든요

    잊고있었는데 그거슨 미더긔님들 덕분이었어요 ㅜㅜ 복습하다 깨닳은..

    그동안 내한에 그 많은 노가다며 이벵준비 안했으면, 미카 한국에서 지금같은 위상 가지고나 있었으려나요 흙흙


    여기까진 좋았는데

    괜히 추억돋아서 믹스가서 제 후기 찾아보고 오그라들어 손발이 굽었네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    일기는 일기장에....써야했던것을...엉엉

    온김에 서재페 뜨레드에 동영상 링크나 남기고 가야겠네요 ㅋㅋㅋ


    우리가 2009년부터 뭐 전투준비 하듯이 결의를 다지고 노가다를 해댄 이유가... '미카 떡실신(!) 시켜 내년에도 또오게 하자' 가 목표 아니었던가요.... :naughty: 비록 작년한해 결근하기는 했지만... 매년 왔고 '한국을 사랑하는, 한국이 사랑하는 아티스트' 라는 살짝 오글대는 타이틀도 얻었으니... 덕후로서의 소명을 다한듯 :naughty:

  11. 안녕하세요 :bye:


    I'm from Japan, sorry can't speak Korean language.


    Does anybody know which internet-shop can I buy "ELLE Korea July issue" from Japan ?

    I found a KOREAN-books online shop in Japan.


    It's expensive 1,890 円 ( include shipping )... :huh:


    Could you give me some advice?


    고맙습니다 :pinkbow:


    I think you can buy the July edition there..

    It costs about 6000 won in Korea (500 yen around, maybe?), considering the shipping cost 1,890 yen sounds make sense... :huh: I know some online shopping malls, but they don't offer shipping-abroad service.

    If you want those pics above, the photographer said those are Universal Music official cuts not for ELLE. We will have Magazine Edition TOOL soon, so you can wait for the real one ;)

    About Elle - I'll post and translate them so don't worry. :teehee:

  12. Yes! It was unbelievably amazing moment we were with MIKA in his waiting room! I was too one of Polka dots dancers there!

    I've heard that MIKA is so in focus to the show and concentrate with no words just before the show, however, he gave us, 6 dancers, dance lesson by himself! He grabbed my shoulder and arm to explain my position on the stage and also choreographed us.


    After the show, he invited us to his private room and we had chat for a while. Other Japanese dancers don't speak English very much, only Mousetrap and myself do, therefore I could have plenty of time spending chatting. Actually, I sent Japanese traditional coats for him and his band asking to put when they come to Japan, but they didn't. I asked him, rather argued...., why? Then he told me that his mother must keep them and promised me that he will wear when he come back to Japan next.

    While MIKA was chatting with Mousetrap, I could take a pic very closely and one lady, who chose me as a dancer and gave cue dance at the stage side, passed me a paper, the set list with some memo telling how dance. I believe that hand writing is MIKA's.

    wwwww, it's too incredible to be true....


    Hi! Thank you for sharing great stage experience :wub2: So great to see you there... and so happy to see Zhenya and you on the stage! During Mika singing in front of me, I crazily waved to you guys but you didn't see that ... :lmfao:

    I've never been at backstage to perform something ... this time I was asked but said 'NO I have a good number ticket!!' but wished there's two of me there and wanted to send one to backstage :mf_rosetinted: Maybe someday..Mika give me a chance to perform something...

    well wish he doesn't know I have a stage fright and might mess up everything :lmfao:

  13. No, it wasn't. :naughty:



    Beautiful report, and how wonderful we could share a smaller gig standing side by side together before this MASSIVE gig in Seoul.:aah:


    Mikaholix Korea have done so much work to get Mika known and noticed in Korea, you should all be so proud of yourselves. It looks like an amazing gig.


    Was it as big as Parc des Princes? Bigger? And everyone singing along, just wonderful :wub2:


    Laymay, great to meet you and your friends too:thumb_yello:

    And thank everyone for sharing all the great videos



    yes those two gigs are so different... in Osaka I was in front row in cozy place, and had -eye-to-eye gig :wub2: I've never had that much eye contact so far ..so I was a bit embarassed and sometimes got blushed :lmfao:

    I was in 25th row in Seoul, had a blast in the middle of craziest crowd!

    It can't be compared with Parc des pincess... it was a massive football stadium gig!

    Maybe this one is similar as overcapacity filled Paris Bercy? It's huge thing in Korea, the K-pop dominated country.. :naughty:


    It was my first time to see my favourite musician with my own two eyes. He was always in Youtube' date=' photos of my laptop and my ears with his voice. But I found it out he was a definitely real person.


    It was absolutely unforgettable lifelong moment and cannot be compared with any other experience ever in my life. He was not just singing with his voice, but delivering all the lyrics line by line with his face, motion, and just everything in himself. Truthfully, it was hard to remember the every single moment right after the gig. Maybe that's because I felt it was a bit unreal.


    That night will always be with me during rest of my life and I will pray for all his bliss. Hope he can sing with all of us together for a long time. :blush-anim-cl:[/quote']


    haha I was like that too when I first saw the concert! , like 'He's real! breathing! moving! unbelievable!' :lmao: And forget everything what I've seen... our memory remains only with vids.... :wub2:

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