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Status Updates posted by butterflygal

  1. Thank you very much for doing that! :huglove:

    We're doing OK, but the trains aren't running as usual so people are having a hard time getting to work...I guess this state of chaos will continue for a while.


    Also, thank you for the friendship request!:pinkbow:

  2. わお!きれいなチョウチョウ☆


  3. It's great to hear you like Japan! Okay then! We can speak in both English and in French:thumb_yello: I'm going off to bed, so talk to you later:) Bonne nuit!

  4. Ahhh, tu es français(e)!! Je parle français aussi, j'adore la France et la langue française.:mf_lustslow:j'ai vecu en France pendant 9 mois en 2008.

    Moi, je suis japonaise et je viens de Tokyo.

  5. Doing good! How are you? Where are you from?

  6. @Kumazzzさん


  7. こんにちは:bye:

    お元気ですか?Japanese threadにも気軽に遊びに来てくださいね:wink2:

  8. こんにちは:bye:

    気が向きましたらJapanese threadにも遊びに来てくださいね:wink2:

  9. Well my job is project based, and the project I've been working on is nearly finished. So I'm starting to work on my next project, but it hasn't gone in full swing yet, so I'm enjoying my downtime:wink2:

    Oh I was meaning to comment earlier, but I hear you were a dancer in iMMa's video. I can't wait to see it! It must have been awesome working with her:aah:

    Gotta go to bed now, it's LATE, but I'll chat with you again soon. Good night :)

  10. Watashi mo genki desu!:biggrin2: Samui & Ame ha zanen dane:sad:

    I'll send over some sunshine:pinkbow:

    Yeah it's too bad they didn't allow any physical contact with Mika. It might have something to do with Universal Japan and the promoter, since the last time he came (in November 2009) there was a campaign where the first 100 people to buy his newest version of the album got to shake his hand.... I could have just stuck my hand out when he came in front of me, but I would have definitely gotten yelled at by the security guard:teehee:

    So what have you been up to lately? Are you still on vacation, or has school started?

  11. Fringeお疲れさまでした!スレッドの素敵なレポート読ませていただきました:thumb_yello:うさぎの花嫁さんだったこと、そしていちご大福をMIKAに食べてもらったこと、本当に良かったですね!きっとMIKAもいちご大福には感動したでしょう:pinkbow:(私も食べてみたいです…:wink2:)Japanese threadのレポートも楽しみにしています!

  12. あともう少しでFringeですね。イギリス南海岸からエジンバラはやはり遠いですか?スレッドも盛り上がっていますし、きっと it'll be worth it!!:biggrin2:


  13. ノリコさん






  14. Hi there! Thanks for your message, and sorry for the late reply:aah: The Kilt project sounds like fun! Though I'm wondering how I'd make a teeny tiny kilt:biggrin2: Does it have to be Tartan check?

  15. Thank you for the link Tomomi!! :flowers2: 今見てます:naughty:

  16. You're welcome:wink2: Hope to meet you in person one day. Who knows, I might just fly to London for his next gig:fisch:

  17. こんばんは。Thanks for your friend request!


  18. Hello! How are you doing? :)

  19. Hi! How are you? Thanks for the butterfly pic. It's pretty:pinkbow:

  20. Hello! Thanks for adding me as a friend :)

  21. Hello! Thank you for your warm welcome! You're from the US? I used to live there....way back in the 80s!

  22. Hello! Sorry for my belated response. I hadn't realized I'd gotten a message! My name is Naoko. What's your name?

  23. I'm doing good! How about you?

  24. Thank you for the warm welcome, HollyD!

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