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Everything posted by Lili

  1. Hahahaha so true!!! :teehee:

    Ohhhhhh you're so nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huglove: Thanks sweety!!! ^^ But it's a little bit hard cause it's about a Spanish Tv programme, I think you don't watch a lot spanish tv!! :ahh:

    How is your classes??? :)

  2. You have realized that our last message from here it's from 22-9??? MY OH MY!! hahaha. :aah:

    I'm fine... a little bit tired but I'm helping a friend, so I can't go to bed :teehee: And you???? :wub2:

  3. hey Andriana!!!!!! :huglove:

    How are you?????????????

    So long we don't speak!!!!

    I hope everything is ok!!!!


  4. Guapa!!!!!!!!!!!! :huglove: :huglove::huglove::huglove:

  5. No hahaha. I know Marian after than you!!! :wink2: really!!! the other day was the first time we talk a lot!!! We were talking about The Oscars and other things, but first time!!! ^^. But you know... sometimes when you find someone who speaks your own language and with same things you like it's normal... but I've never met her in person before!! But we were at the same gig, but we didn't know each other :aah:

    don't be jelaous!!! I'm your friend too!!! and I wish we could live near because in this way we can meet eache other in a gig... but... one day I know it'll be true!!! :pinkbow:


    Ohhhh thank's!!!!! I'm practising!!! But very difficult!!! :teehee:

    yay!!! Better!!! :D With the abecedary!!! Ok!!! :thumb_yello:


    hahaha. Well the kind of dance was like spanish one and salsa and stuff like this, I love it!!! :D

    Ohhh I would like again on Mika stage!!! i love it!!!! *^*


    Sleep, sleep, sleep!!! :sleep_1:

  6. Ey!!! :bye:

    Cause we were talking by twitter I forgot to answer by here, you know.. "absent mind" :aah:

    Try what could be done ---> 할 수있는 것을 시도 is it correct? heehee.

    By the way, teach me words in corean!!! ^^ I love learning new languages!!! How can I say: Hello my name is Lili? Cause you know google is not correct sometimes :teehee:

    And If you want I can teach spanish!! ^^

    Ohhhh!!!!:blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl: thank's for the things you say about me!!! :huglove: You're soooooo nice!!!!

    Today I was at gym with a friend and I was doing some kind of dance, and I'm soooooooo tired!!! hahaha. It was so funny but tired!!! :teehee:

    How is your day???

  7. :teehee: well... more or less I'm a star :wink2: It's a entertain program!This link it's me...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvtkaTxNk2g from 2:15 I'm the one with white shirt and blue scarf :P I had to be a tourist making pics hahaha. It was last year and it was on air :D

    Ok!!! :D A sign for you and a exclusive video for you!! :wub2:

    :doh: I'm stupid hahaha. It's true.. he said that on the interview... I was only looking Mika!! :teehee:

    Ohh how was the concert? and with your friends? ^_^

    On Thursday I was also watching a musical, Avenue Q. I don't know if you have heard about it, it's a musical based on Sesam Street puppets. It's so good! But it's not for children! :aah:

    And yesterday I was with my family celebrating my mum's aunt's birthday!! It was so funny!! I love my twin cousins!! They are so cute asking things about Mika!! They are going to be Mika fans soon!!! :kachinga:

    I have to confess that I love Bi Rain! I love how he moves! And he is so cute! :teehee:

  8. Hahahaha yes... life is very busy!!! :wink2: Today I'm going to a Tv programme to be audience... maybe I'm going to be on air again hahaha.


    Everyday I find something about Mika I didn't know it... and I love it!!!!! :wub2: And always all the interviews are so funny!!!!!! I want to be his next interviewer!!! :lmfao:


    No... I think I've never drank leffe... where is it from???


    how are you??? :huglove:

  9. Hahahaha yes... life is busy!!!! :wink2: altough I don't have a job... Where is my busy??? Hahahaha. I think I'm a lazy person... hahaha.

    I've just answered you in twitter!!!! ^_^ Now I'm following you!!! :D.

    Of course!!!! We have to meet in a Mika concert!!! :boing: When I was her dancer, I will have to go with him touring!!! :lmfao: (dreaming is free hahahaha)

    Yes!!! Today I'm keeping hyper!!! And Mika tweeted!!!!! *^* Yes!!!! New album!!!!! ^_^ I can't wait!!!:woot_jump: (see???? I'm like almost four of them hahaha)


    this interview!!

    (the 2 parts) He's so funny, cause at the beginning of the second video, they show him how he can speak in other languages... and he is so embarrased!!!! So cute!!!! :wub2::fangurl:


    And how are you???? :huglove:

  10. Hahahaha we are very absent-minded :wink2:

    Sorry... I'm very stupid :P my twitter ID is @LidiaStars :D. When you follow me, tweet me and then I can know who you are ^_^

    Yes!!!! Positive thinking!!!! Some hotel can hire me!!! Please!!! :aah:

    Ohhhhh really???? I love meeting people that love Mika like me!!!! 5 years???? :wub2:My oh my!!!! Yay!!! :roftl: did you have a good time???

    Of course!!!! We have to stay longer!!!! :wub2: We have to meet someday!!! In a Mika's concert!!! :mf_lustslow:


    Today I'm very hyper!!! I don't know why but I can't stop doing things!!! :lmfao: And you my little lady??? :wub2:


    And... today I watched an interview of Mika that I haven't seen it before!!! And... I loved it!!! He was so funny and cute!!! :fangurl:

  11. Are you angry with me??? :sad:

  12. Sorrryyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! :sad: sorryyyyyyyyy!!!!! :crybaby:

    I read your message but I forgot to answer you... sorry....:sorry:

    Are you still in holidays??? How is your eatings in your friends' house?? =)

    Yes!!!!! :D Bravo our fathers!!!! They are the best!!! :wub2:

    My ID? You mean my twitter or my email??? I don't know anything... :teehee:

    Ohhhhh!!!!! ^^ I'm also a lucky girl cause I know you!!! :huglove:

    Are you going to make to me a massage????I'm going running:dog: Or in a :boat: or in a :plane: or even in a :wheelchair: hahahaha

    Yes... 25 hotels!!! And noone answered yet... :sad: But thank's for the good luck!! I need it!! Heehee


    Today I was in hospital visiting my friend's sister cause her appendix was removed, and this evening my friend Eva for the same thing but everything is ok!!! ^_^

    How are you??? *^*

  13. hahaha that's our google :wink2:

    My father also loves cooking, he makes a really good meals, but not hot hahaha. And your father doesn't cook cause it's too cold weather??? Hahaha, very funny your father!!! :D

    Yay!!!!! I love internet for that!!!! :D :D I also have a friend in Australia and I can talk to her!!! ^_^ By the way... you have twitter??

    Holidays!!!! the best thing!!!! :D Yesterday I was sending Curriculum Vitae, well I was walking around the center of Madrid going to Hotels to give them my Curriculum!!! My oh my!!!! I was sooo tired!!! =P. But I hope one of them call me, I gave 25 of them!!!! So.... a lot of oportunities!!! :teehee: I want to work as a recepcionist, and I was in the hotel Mika was in Madrid, sooooo beautiful!!!!! :wub2: And I was so excited thinking: Mikas was here!!!! :boing: Hahaha

    Enjoy your meal in the houses!!! :wink2:

  14. Don't worry!!!! :wink2: I'm going to write something in google... 당신은 멋진 사람 들이야 is that correct?? :teehee:

    Umm... well my father loves both, hot and soft, but my mother is more like me, and my brother too... so my father doesn't say anything... sometimes he puts his our "hot" on the meals hahaha.

    Ummmm... in youtube I found "full house" in spanish :D. Pleople is very nice!!! ^_^ But I was looking for "Secret garden" in youtube and I think it's not in spanish yet, cause it's very soon, but remember in a few moths and I'll look for it again!!! :D I loved the videos I saw!!!! :D :D

  15. Thank's!!!!!!!!!!! I've never heard before and I love it!!!!! :wub2: It's so... magical and beautiful!! Thank's!!!!
  16. Lili

    Me encanta tu libro!!!!!!! Esta genialosisisisimo!!!!! ^_^

  17. Anyeong hasseyo!!!!! :bye: yay!!! :D Well my korean is good cause I found it :teehee: I think it's the only word I know :wink2:

    I love you're spanish!! :D But I don't know what you mean with "pueblo" heehee. "Pueblo" in English means village =P. But very good!!!!:clap:

    Ohhh... yes.. I understand you!!! :sad: It's very annoying for women that... but.. you're strong and you can manage everything!!!! :wink2:

    Umm... me.. I don't like "hot" in food!! Hahaha. But my father loves it!!!

    Ohhh I'll see it!!! :D when I finish watching Full House I'll look for that :wink2: And I'm going to tell my friend, cause we are watching Full House together :D

    Have a good my friend!!! :huglove:

  18. Anyeong hasseyo!!!!! :bye: I think it's correct written, if not sorry for the mistakes, I'm not a real korean... :teehee:

    Umm... well... where I live there is not snow... it hadn't snowed yet... :sad: I want snow!!! I love snow!!!!

    Ohhhh are you going to start "Lunar New Year"??? And what special things do you do?? ^_^

    Tomorrow I'm going to the supermarket and I'm going to look for ramen in foreign food, maybe there is!!! :D

    You mean the gig with Claire??? Yes I saw it... ¬¬ But... I have no words... hahaha.

    Well Full House is on Internet with subtitles in spanish so I'm following by that :wink2: And it's soooooooooooooooo great!!! I love them!!! :wub2: they are so cute and funny!!! Hahaha.

    But nooooooo don't tell me the end.... don't be bad!!! =P

  19. Ohhhhh you had snowfight!!!!!!! I love it!!!! :D

    No no, everything is ok!!! Don't bother me!!! :wink2:

    Are you going to eat paella???? yay!!!! :boing: I have to find a korean restaurant to eat ramen!!! :D

    Yes!!!!! I've seen some videos and... yes... I miss Mika too!!!! I want to see him!!!!

    Yes!!! Melachi!!! I love her!!! She is so cute!!! ^_^

    Yes he loves a lot to change :teehee:

    I have to ask you something, have you seen "full house"? the korean show? Cause I started to watch it yesterday and next chapter is 5!!! It's soooo good!!! I love them!!!!! :D

  20. Hello!!!! The other day I found this gif but I don't know where it's from... it's the first time I see it! Very funny faces!!!
  21. Hi friend!!!!! :bye: Sorry for the last answer... I read but I forgot to answer you... heehee.

    We have to make a deal, I try Korean food, I don't where but i promise that I'm going to taste and you spanish one!!! What do you think??? :D. Welll but only if it's close :teehee:

    Ohhhh you leave your office very soon, don't you? hahaha. But it's better!!! :wink2:

    I hope you had had a good weekend, mine was good!!! :D

    and by the way, have you seen new pics and videos of Mika??? ^_^

  22. I know the ramen but I've never tasted it!!! ;) It's good??? :D

    I love the spanish food!!! When I'm out from here I miss so much the food, overcoat the paella!! It's my favourite dish!!!! :wink2:

    Have you ever tasted it???

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