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Everything posted by !xkirstyx!

  1. :aah: was Anders all crazy with his tambourine?? :aah:
  2. Hehe I didnt know you were online :aah: Tell me about Alphabeat :aah::boing:

  3. hehe :aah::teehee:

    :boing: YAY! :yay: I will talk to you later today on msn? :teehee:

  4. I know hehe, I wrote on your facebook wall :aah::boing:

    OMG OMG YAY! I did remember hehe, oohhh what did you win? Do you have a picture?? I wanna see Gaga Helena :aah::teehee:


  5. haha cool :D We are both golden xD :D

  6. Aww nice! Ohh thats cool, I have long hair which is golden so i tell my friends i am golden xD I love long hair! :)

  7. Awww wow, that sounds good! So you all have long hair then? Yeah i would love it :)

  8. ohh i see! Sounds like you got the better job! xD Awww wow, that must been amazing, I love your horses names :D:wub2: Whos are the other horses? I would love to work at the local horse sanctuary those horses are amazing, they all have been saved from bad places :/

  9. I bet it does take a while to get use to! Ohh thats an ok job to do haha :) Ohh wow!! You have five horses, thats so cool!!! :D I love horses! It sounds really good, I love animals so cleaning them and sorting them out would be fun for me xD Sounds fun, your lucky if you don't get caught, it must be awesome to do! :D

  10. 5:30 thats very early! What sort of jobs do you have to do in the mornings? Wow you do awesome extra curricular things :D What animals do you have? It sounds fun the night time part haha! Thanks for telling me all this, its really interesting to know about :)

  11. really?! :o thats kinda stupid for them to say that. Aww that sounds really nice, a nice family get together :) So like a normal school, but with extra rules then? :)

  12. I agree with you :) ohh i see! I can understand that, it must be nice at christmas :D Ohh wow, it sounds pretty good there, I don't think I could go to boarding school because im use to being at home :)

  13. :lmfao: I love it, it makes me laugh everytime xD
  14. cool :D I like science :) Ohh really, thats cool :) Do you like going home?? I mean you spend most of the time at school so you must be use to it? :)

  15. Triple science is the three sciences, in separate GCSE's (what we are graded in) Child Dev is kinda boring for me xD I dont like it :/ Im still not sure, do you know?? OMG why cant you have snow days??

  16. thankies! :D I changed it now, to the on of her slapping Andy on SNL xD

  17. Its from last years children in need :D I have lots of gifs with Gaga xD

  18. I take, Triple Science and Child Development! The our main lessons are P.E, English, Maths, Science, ICT :) Haha yeah it is! :D We had loooadds of snow today, but none of it layed :/

  19. I dont do cooking at school, its an option subject which I didnt choose xD Ohh cool, I want to decorate!! :D It didnt snow today, I was right xD Thats good then! :)

  20. Haha thats cool! :D Ohh wow, its supposed to snow here tomorrow, I dont think it will xD Hahaha ok, can you wear woolie tights??

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