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Everything posted by Feiticeiro

  1. Oh sério? Anularam o nENEM, isso é crime!:teehee: Tu queres é fazer de novo eheheh É dificil o ENEM? Que corra pelo melhor. Tira ai alto resultado.

    Abraço de Portugal amigão, fica bem também.

  2. Always home? I want a job like that! =) Everything cool? Lots of movies seen lately? Did you see Ondine?

  3. Always! And how's my fave stalking target?:teehee:

  4. You can't blame yourself :teehee: I miss your words in my wall. I know I write a lot, that's my nature :teehee:

  5. Oh and I miss that too!

  6. Andrianakl, you wont be home this next weekend? Or the next weekend after this next weekend :teehee: Hi! =P

  7. Sure, always! :teehee: I'm great. Can't say the same about the weather. Happy mood is good, so I'm happy too. =D

  8. Hello, hello! How are you?

  9. Hello amigão!

    Tudo óptimo por aqui e contigo? Dias cheios de emoção estão quase a chegar ai. :yay:

    Espero que a semana passada tenha sido excelente e que esta seja ainda mais!

    Aqui mutio trabalho, ai já sei que andaste a fazer nENEMs né? Vida tá dificil para cuidar deles eheheheheh :teehee:

    No McDonald's dai servem sumo de uva? =P Não sabia disso.

    Abração e fica com Deus também!

  10. My birthday was great! Hello, How are you? Then I got a special present, Mika gig, hoooorray! yyyyyyaaaaayyyyyyyy! I'll post report this weekend I hope. And another weekend is here, Halloween is here!:teehee:

  11. I'm here stalking not!:teehee:

  12. There's always many people pretending what they aren't, people that like to sell themselves with the level of acting without having the skills or talents. Maybe being over self-confident gives them something that the true artist (always perfectionist and demanding) just get by recognition and hard work (wow, I'm inspired LOL). Ironically what that people do it's acting too =P

    New weekend coming already. Good plans for it?

    I have no plans, just have to upload my report =P

  13. I'm back =D :huglove:

    That's true, I don't have any deeply conversation with my colleagues, hardly that could happen, except one or two great colleagues, anyway, in life, are those few to have such kind of conversation. With the majority you have social conversation only =P

    I note that many times people prefer to meet others in Facebook, rather than meet them personally. MFC for many several reasons I find different from the rest.

    Your VAT is lower than mine. Why you say we have better standards?

    Hope to visit your country and that you visit mine as well, I love to travel.

    Yes, I like Japanese movies, horror movies, although I rarely see that category.

    There are other more martial arts style I love in Asian movies.

  14. Hellooooooooooo! =DDDD!

    I'm great and You?

    I had a nice Saturday night, lots of food and drinks!:teehee:

    Then on Monday I had free afternoon, Tuesday I had free morning and back to Monday at night I was in Coimbra (center of Portugal) for Mika gig! YYYaaaayyyyy =D :boing: It was so great, my report this weekend =)

    Lucky hair you have, it receives 20 minutes of your attention everyday:teehee:

    So I had to find you out in the picture... Are you the one at left side of a girl with british flag on shirt? I laugh a lot not =) Like your curly hair, liked to meet you =)

    I'm a good brother yes, but in childhood I had bad behaviors amongst my brother:teehee:

    (Continue after lunch - brb)

  15. :thumb_yello:Não irei perder esse momento, pois permitirá estar o mais próximo possível junto a vós
  16. Yes she does =S

    No problem =) Have a sweet sleep, great dreams and rest. That's a good thing, when we know to put ON/OFF modes =) Nighty night:bye:

  17. Me too! Helena, going? Oh =(

  18. Great twice... and me too as well =S

  19. Now I'm really curious to see your hair.

    It was a fun joke, besides, he was in rush to get married, so I did let him LOL

    My work sucks too, hardly I talk in working hours, everybody concentrated in their work and furthermore its different from mine, so I can't trade job comments either.

    And life goes on and we live it =) I think job is more prison than university, if we don't look in money prespective.

    Anyway we can be very well free without much money but we had to live in other society. And thanks, glad you like it.

    I wish you have fun tomorrow as well.

  20. Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy, my reply =)

    You may ask and I answer, your writings, our conversation.

    Eheheh, no problem, ask anytime, VAT means = value added tax.

    I have an idea where Serbia is, near Italy (I took a look at the map).

    And no, nothing to point out to people of your country or any country, as you say there's lot of people without heart, without understanding the true meaning of life.

    That's why japanese movies are so great =) they really can be scary without much illustrative impressionism.

    You're confused? Are you feelling without talent? Come on, you know that isn't that the most valued situation when the places are already taken by convenience.

    Maybe in other opportunity you can show your value =)

    Even when I have curly hair, it doesn't give much trouble because besides being curly is strong as well. You have Einstein hair? Grey colour and all? ehehhhehe =S

  21. Eehheheh, wanna come? Join me =) It's true, Mika is returning to Portugal for the 3rd show this year =D

  22. Oh, great news I read, boyfriend, Berlin, that's super!

    I was a bit out of internet as well, sometimes I still have to be.

    Besides that I'm okay, I've been in London, Edinburgh, as you know. Monday there's a Mika gig and I'm going. Many work, still no girlfriend and tomorrow my birthday party, I made a new year last wednesday.

    Have lots of fun in Berlin!

  23. And I'm here! =P:teehee:

  24. Hurray Hurray! :yay:

    In my weekend... I'll have my birthday party tomorrow. Monday Mika gig!

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