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Everything posted by Feiticeiro

  1. Eix, és implacável! =DD A Pipas até colaborou ehehehe, foi uma diversão de parte a parte =P Gostei muito de ter estado convosco naquela noite, com os teus gritos que assombram os meus videos hihihihihhi =D

  2. Didn't forget ya! =)

  3. Helloooooooooooooooo! Soon I'll reply you! =DDD :yay:


  5. Também eu LOOOLL então quando passei as frames do video em sequência de trás para a frente e de frente para trás LOOOOOOOOOOOL foi tão engraçado.

  6. :biggrin2: Eheheheh

    Ai sim? E fazias chantage comigo era? Era fixe :yay: LOL

    Que vontade que eu tenho :teehee: mas só tirei essa foto tua do video:thumb_yello:

  7. Looooll =D eu tenho as minhas dúvidas. Mas realmente podia colocar aquela em que rejeitaste a minha filmagem LOL :teehee:

  8. Estas novidades para animar um pouco:teehee: Vem espreitar os links CAMPO PEQUENO: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/sh...&postcount=645 SWTMN http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/sh...&postcount=224 EDIMBURGO http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/sh...&postcount=699 ADORO VOCÊS!
  9. Your welcome, and there's no problem.

    I really thought I would meet you there, but that's ok =) :thumb_yello:

    The picture its just the start:teehee: check my videos:naughty:

  10. And the story begins... That was my first time to use a train in the UK and the subway as well. With some lack of orientation I couldn't catch the planned train. One great factor key of tickets is the fact that you have the chance to catch any train for the specified date. And in the return trip, you have one month to return, if you change your mind by returning in the previous established date. At 12:00 pm I finally got myself inside the train to Edinburgh. It was a 5 hours pleasant trip by the way. I arrived at 5:00pm. A bit late for the queue and meet up before the gig. So any plan of going on stage was by now lost. When I arrived to Edinburgh it was raining, what a reception. A blessed one, some would say in a marriage ceremony context. My mobile phone was almost dead, I had no GPS working, because with low mobile battery, GPS doesn't work. I had to do the check in at the hostel and I felt... lost! Unknown city, alone and without technological resources. I had a map but in that time wasn't much help. Despite all these factors I've found my hostel and made the check in, just though: "Now I can charge my mobile... not". I had no converter for the UK plug. Sometimes it works without it but that wasn't the case. So I had two things on my mind: 1) Find a universal converter 2) Find my way to the gig No converter was found, I've crossed main street (Princes Street) to find my way to the gig. I had a smooth notion of the direction, but I had no idea how much it would take to arrive there. 7:00pm (time of the gig: "I'm sooo late!!!), I grab a cab, he done almost the way I did by walking (a way that I had to go back to catch the cab). Then he turned left and I though "Oh well, I was so near!". He left me at one door where I did see no one, except two keepers. I asked them about the gig, they pointed me the way and I saw a huge queue line (more than 50 people maybe). So I'm not that late. I thought, while I was passing through people: "let me see where are MFCers" (they were already inside). So my conclusion: "Late and I'll have a bad spot to watch the show". That was so wrong and glad to be. The gig space was quite small, maybe would fit there 5000 people or less and I was in second row, so great! At previous gig (In Festival SW TMN, I was in front row, but there was a huger space between me and the stage). I was at left side, in front of Martin. I saw some MFCers but no one to whom I usually wrote to, just later on. I couldn't wear my T-shirt that was made for the gig. Just after the show I could wear it. Anyway I enjoyed the gig a lot, Rain, Kick Ass live, but some of my favorite songs. Any Other World or I see You, weren't present. After the gig there was the Meet & Greet with Mika! The first time was on 11th May, I got my TBWKTM booklet signed but just that. This time, I could deliver him two gifts, one mine with my own message and poem and some messages from other fans. The other gift was from Brazilian fans, a birthday video. I could record the moment and got my T-shirt signed... And spoke with him. For the first time as well, I took a photo with Imma and with other MFCers. Unique moment, unique night, that got so cold at the end. After all but without buying the Tourbook (I only had in my mind the Meet & Greet), I went back to the hostel. There I saw the pics and videos, I felt so excited by living those moments, where we enjoy a show, where we meet people that has the same music taste, where there's a unity of happiness and other emotions. I also took with me the memory of those that weren't present physically as well as those that couldn't be present in my gift for some reason. PHOTOS: http://picasaweb.google.pt/feiticeiro76/MikaEdinburgh?authkey=Gv1sRgCPHDuofUp_u7DQ&feat=directlink THE GIFT: http://picasaweb.google.pt/feiticeiro76/MikaPrenda2010?authkey=Gv1sRgCOiZk7XTno3JUQ&feat=directlink VIDEOS: MIKA - ED 2010: Relax, Take It Easy + Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dU-7wbF4_U MIKA - ED 2010: Dr. John http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLCLcI7wIuU MIKA - ED 2010: Fans on fire 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_vVJ_6wrbY MIKA - ED 2010: Rain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJQOnZwaBf0 MIKA - ED 2010: Fans on fire 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYblXBPqkMU MIKA - ED 2010: Over My Shoulder + Happy Ending http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_Dwl46XeIQ MIKA - ED 2010: Fans on fire 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV248AiSMlA MIKA - ED 2010: Sweet Dreams + Kick-Ass + Grace Kelly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZYk6bxLMLs MIKA - ED 2010: My Meet & Greet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ApKIJ44ttQ That's it! Enjoy!
  11. Xiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Tanto tempo! Desde 18 de julho.... E pensavas que te escapavas da minha gravação?

    Pois aqui estás :teehee::





  12. Oi! Tudo bem?

    Desculpa a demora na resposta, para compensar hoje já poderás ver e ouvir toda a informação acerca do concerto. :yay:


  13. Aqui estão as fotos:

    Ficaram mesmo engraçadas eheheheh







  14. We were so close =)

    But this is just a snapshot of my video.

    Anyway I strongly believe your dream came true :teehee:



  15. É um prazer! Finalmente consegui publicar tudo. Faltam apenas as de Edimburgo - Escócia.
  16. PHOTOS: http://picasaweb.google.pt/feiticeiro76/MikaSudoeste?authkey=Gv1sRgCOC8quzttLeaYg&feat=directlink VIDEOS: MIKA - SWTMN 2010: Relax, Take It Easy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXV7CMXXS5U MIKA - SWTMN 2010: Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyR2VCe_I5s MIKA - SWTMN 2010: Stuck In The Middle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpOfVCxEvfo MIKA - SWTMN 2010: Rain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTw3GBwm1jg MIKA - SWTMN 2010: Lollipop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klynDJJ1eSc
  17. Hello!

    Why can't you? Studying? Working?

    I don't know yet if I can go. As I'm working, I'll need some time off.

    If they give me allowance, I will go =)

  18. Hello! I'm great and You?

    My pleasure, I've thought to do it earlier:thumb_yello:

    Coming to Coimbra?

  19. I love to stalk you! :teehee:

  20. :huglove:Hellllllloooooooooooooooooooooooo! :teehee: Funny pics you're sharing =P (specially the huge one (Hug me-I can't) lol

  21. Being an actress, really? Sometimes we have to build our connections. I believe you can follow your dream and you'll reach it.

    But you would like to go to the US or do European movies? Taking in consideration that you prefer cinema against theater.

    I like a lot of Non-US movies because they reflect a reality outside of what we usually see in US films =)

  22. Hello! So nice =) Great that your brother convinced parents, it was for sure a great choice and such a sweet meaning =P that goes along with the person itself I must say. =) I see your brother is much older than you. I have one brother (31 yrs).

    Eheheh Paulo Coelho, nice reference, he has some great books, did you read any?

    I'll try to keep your madness sleeping =P

    That is a very bad teaching procedure. But I guess some "bad" students contributed as well to that attitude, don't you think?

    Despite the knowledge of life, to which school contributes a lot, many are those not interested in learning. But if we are going to be philosophical, I have to say that is not only students fault. The system itself, here in Portugal, its very theoretical, people end school without knowing what they want to do and without experience.

    So they choose a career more for money than vocation, which I find sad.

  23. Hi and Hello! You're sick? What's up? Can I help?

    I'm great, thanks.

    Oh well, back to work.


  24. Eehehe, it just happen to VIP people =P How are you? And school? And carrot cakes?

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