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Everything posted by Feiticeiro

  1. Oh =( But you didn't tell me what's up.

    I'm great and weekend coming in... 5 minutes :yay:

  2. Hello Jamie!

    How are you?

    Finally I'm updating my net activities.

    I already posted my reports about the gigs, the writing about my travel to London and Edinburgh (although haven't posted it yet - in my blog).

    I had to do a pause since I can't spent so many hours in front of the pc. And I'll do it from time to time.

    Anyway I regret as well that we couldn't meet up, it really would be complicated since the plane got late, so all went out of plan. Hope one day we can balance this and organize a new meet up with all of us oldlings. London was so much enjoyable as always but always different and new. Edinburgh was also an wonderful and challenging experience (alone in a unknown city - it was very important in this phase of my life).

    How's been work, life and everything?

    See you soon! =)

  3. I've been great and you? So long without your news but I did read somethings:teehee:

    I'm with Imma in the avatar =D

    I'm back to work since the beginning of September. I was in London, Edinburgh (that's from where the picture comes from) and two Mika gigs. You can find the reports here. One was in Sudoeste and the other Edinburgh. This time I got my T-shirt signed and I spoke some words with Mika.

    Monday a new Mika gig coming ehehe =P It's my birthday gift sort of.

    Awaiting your news.

  4. Oi Mara!

    Já deixei comentário para ti no Birthday thread.

    Aproveito uma vez mais para te agradecer o carinho de amizade que sempre me dás.


  5. I'm great!:huglove: Hope you have fun doing shopping today.

    That's true I should try it but neither indian food I did eat on my birthday.

    All for sake of harmony among all my colleagues.

    Any special recommendation from the greek cuisine chef? =) If we don't speak in the meantime, have a wonderful weekend.:bye:

  6. Hallo und viele danke!

    Its true, I write several kind of writings, poems, songs, thoughts and letters. I even have a blog. That's nice, what most you like to write? Thanks for the comments concerning my post about the Edinburgh gig. Were you there? Frauke is your real name? You see, Paulo means little (man) =P

  7. Muito grato pela felicitação A&J, estou a ficar mais jovem =P Mas sempre feliz na vossa companhia. Beijo

  8. Finally weekend is arriving, you can rest a bit and so do I. My work is a time stealer. See you soon:huglove:

  9. Hope you're feeling better today! :huglove:

  10. I say kinda the same (long time no read your lines:teehee:) How are You?

  11. Sorry about that! :huglove:

    So what's up? What are the symptoms?

  12. And How are You? I'm great!

  13. That's ok =) How are you? =)

    It was a great day yes, all the messages of MFC, Facebook, in mobile and a little family party with parents, brother and sister-in-law. Dinner with friends will be on saturday.

    Thanks for the wishes =D

  14. Yes I am =) Great to find out who you are!, I was wondering about that =) Your welcome, that night really was full of magic!
  15. Assim não teria piada =P E podia ser que mais alguém fizesse uma confissão LOL :teehee:

  16. And how are you? =)

  17. they "were" its the correct word Helena:teehee: (eheheh just stalking)

    Hello Andrianakl, long time, long time. Tomorrow I would be going to lunch in a Greek restaurant but my work colleagues, the majority, did choose Indian. Guess I have to wait a bit more to try Greek food.

  18. Pois não, pois não =S Eu gritei muito, fui eu, confesso =P :teehee:

  19. I'm standing across from you... =P

    Heloo Helenaaaaaaaaaaa!

  20. That audition process just reminds me how people choose employers to their companies here, more than talent, they choose image and social network.

    The good girl in opposite to the bad girl, I like that a lot. I think we can always act best what we are not, it becomes easier, because doesn't carry a lot of responsability :teehee:

    I promise I wont call you porcelain doll =P I'm small too and slim. Oh and I like curly hair. Mine gets curly too, when its too big.

    I get along very well with my brother, only in childhood we had our differences.

    He got married before me, for two years now.

    Veronika a great book in deed and that line its precious but so many times we forget it or this society doesn't give us choice to live a simplified life. Simplified here means, live more for family, for ourselves rather than money and work. We could be so much happier in fact.

    Gotta go for now. :huglove:

  21. Yay! I'm alive, yes =) :boing:

    I like your writings btw!

    I'm great, great! And You?

    Situation here in Portugal went worse you know? We'll have a VAT of 23%. Don't know if such measures solve our structural system problem.

    Serbia, a country that I know so little about.

    I did saw SlumDog Millionaire yes, it was great to see some flashes of how is living in that country. And it was a hard love story, however like few in same circunstances it had a good destiny.

    That's true, many american movies are very predictive, they live in that world called USA movies that becomes a sell out all over the rest of the world.

    Regretfully European movies , don't know about asian ones (and I like a few too), have a low budget to conquer sucess. But by other hand, great movies have been made with the lowest budgets ever. And success shouldn't be consider as a reference.

  22. Oi Mara!

    Fico mesmo sem jeito com tuas palavras.

    É bom recebermos essa cobrança pela nossa ausência e não o fazemos intencionalmente como é óbvio.

    A integração neste grupo é bem diferente de qualquer outro que eu já experimentei.

    De facto por outro lado tenho reduzido um pouco o tempo na net mesmo porque durante o dia passo muitas horas a olhar para o PC.

    Alguns contratempos é? Espero que se estejam a resolver. Mas de facto creio mesmo que a aprendizagem pela vida passa pelos ditos desafios, conciliados à alegria de viver e nunca perder a esperança.

    Eu escrevo isto mas são lições para mim.

    Agradeço as tuas visitas ao meu blog, em breve vou lá colocar a minha aventura em Londres e Edimburgo. O texto já está escrito faz algum tempo, falta mesmo a montagem com fotos.

    E um dia a ver se vou ao Brasil para vos conhecer.

    Um abraço com beijinhos

  23. Verdade, foi mesmo. Obrigado =) Your welcome Julia Yeah, so true, lots of great memories Sure =) Okay, what that mean? =P Hi Ilse, long time... In deed editing videos give some work, but after finding the proper software its easier, anyway always take time, specially the frame selection. Most important is sharing so I don't doubt that your video is great.
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