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Status Updates posted by Treasa

  1. Hello, thank you for your friend request. Happy to accept.

  2. Hi:bye:

    Delighted to be your friend, thank you.

  3. Oh that's not good. I guess you're sleeping in each morning as well. Lucky students. I wish I got lots of holidays every summer . :teehee:

  4. I'm good. What has you tired?

  5. Hello :bye: How are you?

  6. And I see that you are away for a few weeks. I hope you have a wonderful time.

  7. Hello:bye:


    I'm just back from Portugal. Had a lovely weekend. The gig was good but I think Compiegne gig was better.

    How are you keeping?

  8. I love all three new songs. I simply adore Karen, even though I can't really understand it. And I love Blame if on the Weather, some say it's too old fashioned, maybe that's why I like it :wink2: I shed a tear while listening to it.

    My upload failed two times. I'll try again when I get back from Portugal.

  9. I don't know how it happened but I ended up front row centre stage.

    That's why I'm annoyed I didn't manage to get good photos. I think it was the lighting also and the fact the Mika never stays still for very long. I have a nice video of Blue Eyes, I'm trying to upload it at the moment.

  10. It's important to be able to speak your mind and express yourself so long as you do it with respect for others. No point in hurting people along the way. You'll find the balance along the way. In fact you sound perfectly ok to me as you are. Just, if you have something to say, say it, but say it nicely and genuinely. Gosh I do bleat on a bit :teehee:

    My day yesterday was weird, still on a high from the gig but very disappointed with my photos, they didn't turn out so well. Should have got some tips from your brother :wink2:

    We were curious on the night about the VIP section. Where was it?

    The organisation of the gig was such a mess.

  11. Oh you boast away girl, if you want. But maybe you think it would be nicer to keep that special moment you had with him private. Do what you feel best with.

    Make sure you rest up and do as the docs say for the next while. :huglove:

  12. Aww I'm so glad for you. You so deserve something special like this... Did you get photos? Would love to see them. You should do a gig report in the thread. It would be nice to hear what it was like in the VIP section.

    Yes we got to see him yesterday, I think thats as close as I'll ever get to mika. haha!


    I hope you'll recover soon, it is very tiring even for those who are feeling well and fit. I'm so happy for you. :huglove:

  13. I guess you got to see him then?

  14. I arrive in C ompiegne Friday afternoon (I hope, that is if I've read all the routes and timetables correct, my french is very bad :teehee) Sunday we hope to go to Paris to see wax Mika. Our flight home is lateish Sunday night. We are flying to and from Beauvais. I'm travelling with Buttonslovesyou.

  15. Glad to hear you're doing ok and taking it easy. Are you going to stay in Compiegne or are you travelling back after the gig.

  16. Hello :bye:


    How are you doing? I hope you're still keeping well and looking forward to next week. I'm getting so excited now, have everyone here driven mad with my excitment. Did you like the new song?

  17. Is your mum still working away? it must be very difficult for you both at the moment.

    A lot of people seem to call me their 'other mammy'. My own boys always bring friends in and I seem to feed half the Irish nation most of the time, but I love it.

    I don't think the words nun and mother could be linked at all, Well certainly when I was you the nuns were mostly horrible creatures.

  18. I'm so pleased to hear that you are on the mend. And I'll be keeping everything crossed until the gig that it continues that way for you.

    You know about the queues for Mika gigs? Well there probably will be one in France. You may get to see a lot of MFCers there, but I don't know if that would be a good thing :teehee:

    I glad your day went so well and you got to do the things you like. Mine was fine, busy as usual with my little foster son. He's a crazy little thing.

  19. That would be a great lift for you to get to see Mika. Have you got VIP tickets?

    It would be great to see you, make sure you look out for the Q and I'll wear some shamrock :wink2:

  20. Oh that would be great if you could make it. I'll keep everything crossed for you. And if you do make it and there is a queue please pop over to us and say hello. I imagine you wouldn't be able for the queueing at the moment. I really hope you can make it. I think it's going to be a very special gig.

  21. Oh you poor girl. :huglove: You're really having a hard time of it. Hopefully now things will improve.

    Is there any chance you might be able to see Mika when he is in Compiegne? Or would it be a little too much for you at the moment?

  22. Hello :bye:


    How are you doing?

  23. Hello Cassilda:bye:

    We're having a lovely time thanks. No4 is really enjoying himself. We can't get him out of the swimming pool :teehee:

    How are you?

  24. Don't worry if you don't get to reply to messages. I understand :huglove:

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