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Cassilda last won the day on May 3 2015

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About Cassilda

  • Birthday 06/16/1971


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  1. Hallo alle miteinander Jetzt wäre ich schon etwas neugierig, was Mika in Wien macht Wie geht es euch allen?
  2. Cake+Flowers: Melanie and I are in, for sure, will send our contribution in the next hours... Meet-Up: can't tell yet, depends on where and when
  3. Lustigerweise hört meine Tochter sonst eher eine andere Musikrichtung (mehr Metal, aber welche Richtung kann ich nicht sagen, und Grunge), aber gemeinsam haben wir Mika und (für mich neu dazugekommen seit einem Konzert im August) Versengold - wobei ich bei uns der Mika "Hardcore-Fan" bin Ich bin waschechte Kärntnerin und lebe in der Nähe von Klagenfurt - da sind wir ja eh fast "Nachbarn"
  4. Hallo alle miteinander! Melanie und ich sind in Berlin auch dabei Spannend wird das, Mutter und Tochter auf Konzertreise für eine Woche @CharlotteL von wo aus Österreich bist du denn?
  5. Mal den Thread hochschupfe - vielleicht verirrt sich ja mal wieder jemand her
  6. That sounds really nice I think, I've seen you, but I didn't kow you are an fellow Austrian, what a pity...
  7. It looks like this... And as far as I know it's always only one artist...
  8. I think it's because of the location... You only get there by hiking or with the bike... Come posso raggiungere l'area concerti (Laghi di Fusine) L'AREA CONCERTO E' ACCESSIBILE SOLO A PIEDI O IN BICI, L'ULTIMO TRATTO DI STRADA SARA' CHIUSO ALLE AUTO. Sarà possibile parcheggiare a Fusine (MAPPA) e proseguire a piedi o in bici, percorrendo solo l’ultimo tratto di 1,5 km di strada di accesso ai laghi, sommato alla distanza dal parcheggio. Per chi parte da Tarvisio il percorso ha una durata di ca 2 ore a piedi e ca 45 minuti in bici(è tutta strada ciclabile tranne l’ultima tratta di 1,5 km).
  9. This is kind of a homegig for me...it's a one hour drive from my place...
  10. I am glad, too, I only had "real" tickets, so couldn't copy (not sure if I would have thought about this anyways ) I am sure we'll meet again and talk then...this time it was more of a family thingie, as husband was with us 😉
  11. It's embarrassing. It was all my own fault. I couldn't recognise the letters/numbers properly and always wrote AD instead of A0. Now it worked. All that trouble because of me being presbyopic
  12. Thank you, I sent an email...now let's hope 🙏🏻
  13. I did, I also changed them as I wasn't sure which one is which, but both ways didn't work... And the concert isn't in the list of cancelled/postponed concerts, and I don't know why 😭
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