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Status Updates posted by STEP___

  1. I left you a song in the garrulous & crazy thread :mf_rosetinted:

  2. thank you :huglove:

    I'm going to bed now tho, need to get up at 6am for school tomorrow :huh:

    and I'm even more ill than yesterday :tears:

    this is not fun at all :sneaky2:

  3. I saw :naughty:

    good girl :naughty:

    I'm going to go lie down somewhere and cough out my lungs etc :aah:

  4. vampire-diaries-damon-shirt-off.jpg



    I'm going now...not feeling so well

  5. I knooow :fangurl:

    and he so knowes how to use them!!!

  6. :fangurl:

    I just comepletely fell in love with his eyes :swoon:

    and he does this thing with it, you can see it in this interview aswell:

  7. no :aah: well, I can take a tram but unfortunately they've been working on renewing the tramlines since september....and it still isn't finished, so I can only take the tram to the trainstation when I come back from school :aah:


  8. exhausted and I've got a cold :aah: not fun at all, especially not if you need to walk for half an hour every morning. I think everyone in my school thinks i'm dying or something when i arrive at school :lmfao:

    how are you???

  9. need.damon.pics.vids.whatever.now. :mf_rosetinted:

  10. :mf_rosetinted:

    I should sleep. But i can't since i'm nervous to know my exam results

  11. :woot_jump:


    te veel koffie :mf_rosetinted:

    en dit:

  12. the coffee's waring off :aah:

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