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Everything posted by NekoPixelz

  1. LMAO, awesome! just what i needed! a good laught! 2 tweets from Owl City made me laught this afternoon when i saw them, they're not as funny as this pic! "Periodically spray computer screen with insecticide to prevent system bugs from spreading. Sweet idea." "Oreosis (or-ee-oh-sis) - n. The practice of eating the cream center of an @Oreo before eating the cookie outsides." He always tweets funny and cute things
  2. Non pas encore, pour l'instant je suis en stage. Et je repens le 1er :original:

  3. J'aurais adoré visiter Londre! :mf_lustslow:

    J'étudis les arts graphiques (photo, video, communication visuelle, animation) Une année stressante m'attends aussi c'est ma dernière, après c'est le diplôme! Rien que d'y penser ça me stresse déjà! :aah:


    Et toi, tu fais quoi comme études? :biggrin2:

  4. Salut! :wink2: moi c'est pareil! :aah: je fini presque par sortir des mots anglais quand je parles Lol! Ca va bien et toi? :original:

  5. Yayy~ ! i was waiting for it! thanks for the link!! Woah, it's so amazing! i love it, and at the end he transform into an owl, so great!
  6. Cool! dans un an (si j'ai mon diplome ) je pars habiter et travailler en france! j'y ai passé une semaine cette année et ça me manque telment depuis LOVE & ROLL in my pants!
  7. OUI!! カンタレラ (Cantarella) in my pants!!
  8. シザーハンズ (Scissorhands) in my pants!!
  9. I thought it was because of lack of exercice! Well, I'm pretty sure getting old is not the reason! i'm 22!
  10. Stuck In The Middle (Acoustic) in my pants! (I just found this thread, i love it! *suscribes* )
  11. Starting tonight i'll sleep like that then.. I have 3 kilos to loose, i'm too lazy to do sports and i can't resist my love for cakes! I usualy sleep in foetal positon on my left side and my left shoulder often hurts me.
  12. Wow, this color suits him so well! and i love the hat! thanks for sharing, this one is new to me!
  13. Thank you so much for sharing!!! do you have the scans in better quality? (i want to read it in french too xD) Edit: Got them! Thanks a lot!
  14. The Owl City University has opened! I don't know what it'll be about yet, but i registrered! link: Owl City University
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