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Everything posted by southeast

  1. Oh, I'll sure try to interpret the Grumpy pics in the future as well!! There are not so many threads where I can write something interesting, this is one of them. I am just not so much the OGM type of fan (only sometimes :teehee:) & don't own so many pics of Mika as to be able to contribute to the pic-threads. Love the ones where there are interpretations of the lyrics, since there are some very interesting ideas about those...

  2. Yes, but I/we were not sure how much earnest conversation about Mika we could do on the Grumpy thread. Pple were starting to complain (no pics, just bla bla). Perhaps we can go on on the new thread? I would love that! It was fun! Nobody expects pics on the new thread... And we put a disclaimer so nobody feels bad! :wink2:

  3. Hey! We've just changed threads. Check this one out: :wink2:


  4. Never heard of him... So many good Italian writers to discover. I hope there is something translated in German or English from him! Thanks you for the tip!

  5. Hey, Laura! Have you read Natalia Ginzburg? Just finished Lessico Famigliare! In German... Loved it. I love everything from her.

  6. Oh, hell... What are we going to do now.... OK, I take Jamie, you take Mika, right? :roftl:


    But it is as I said, I like short men. And his wife is Sophie Dahl, this ex-model that writes cooking books now, and I guess he has to try everything she cooks...:roftl:

  7. Yes, it is strange, isn't it? Somehow it is Mika's house...

    But I like Jamie Cullum, he's cool... HE is more my type, And I like the way he walks arund with that wine glass...

    But REALLY horrible hair :shocked:

  8. Am listening to Jamie Cullum Live_@_Home at the moment. Very cool too! But a bit strange to see him at the "Mika" house. Did you watch the documenary?

  9. Hi! You wrote in the Shrinks thread that you have pics to show me... That's why I asked. Or are those some Pics of Mika that need my professional opinion as a shrink? :roftl:

  10. Pics? Me? Yes, please! :mf_lustslow:

  11. Wanna be friends? :-)

  12. Yes, it would be a pleasure! :wink2:

    But I am too stupid to activate my friendship request button.

    Wonka already told me it is not activated, but I can't find it...

    You know, as a psycho I am not any good at technical things...

  13. Ach, ok... Ich bin zurückhaltend mit Infos über mich - kann ja schließlich jeder lesen in den Foren und überhaupt im Netz.

    Wie macht man denn das mit dem Aktivieren des Friendships-Status? Es ist bei mir nicht aktiviert und ich bin offensichtlich zu blöd dafür...Psychologen und Technik...:-)

  14. Oh, thanks for telling me! I didn't know this! Will change it and send you a request :-)

  15. Wo bist Du zu Hause? Ich wohne in München. Wie hast Du denn rausgebracht, dass ich aus D. komme. Ich habe mich so gut versteckt, dachte ich...


    Das mit der Klinik sollten wir uns überlegen :roftl: Ich müsste nur noch eine klitzekleine und gar nicht teure therap. Ausbildung absolvieren. :roftl:

  16. Hi, you other shrink! :wink2:

  17. Nope. Nobody wants to be friends with a shrink. :boxed::roftl:


    Ok, ok, I have three friends now. They asked me.

    I don't how the rules on MFC are: should I ask pple or do they ask me? But somehow I want to know pple for some time before I decide if I wanna be friends with them. So I still haven't asked anybody. I am a choosy girl...



  18. Sure! :wink2: How do you do this? I am new here: shall I ask you or do you ask me?

  19. Yes, I think so! :wink2:

  20. Oh, yes, I forgot: I like Martin. But David looks very good, I think. And he CAN play the piano!

  21. Oh, I am sorry about this last message of yours! :shocked:


    But then, I too am not a good fan. I was at only one gig, wouldn't want to be his friend, prefer the acoustic shows, think he looks to thin shirtless and talk all the time about his problems... And I don't like taking part in any group activities like sending presents and drawing books for him.


    So, we can make a group of "Mika's bad behaved, anarchistic semi-fans". Booo for us. :biggrin2:

  22. Oh, wow, you are really good then...

    I only learned the piano as a kid, but then went to a high school for history and Latin and Ancient Greek and stuff like that. This was in Bulgaria where I come from. And then I went to Germany to study here and I studied Psychology in Munich, where I still live now. So I am much better at languages than in music... And now I read a lot of French again, thanks to Mika. Very good for my intellectual development he is. :roftl:


    I hope he will still perform and write music. Not the big shows though, I prefer the acoustic stuff, I only need him and a piano and Martin as a support. He doesn't need the big shows to be good really (but not so many pple here share my opinion, :teehee:). But it is a matter of marketing and money... And he likes it atm... Not good for his voice though, you are right...

    And sometimes I think he should take singing lessons again. Professional opera singers do this all the time, don't they?

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