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Everything posted by rian

  1. :sad: another deleted post...and nothing else...

    Hope you have a good day!! :huglove:

  2. Hubbie starts working on monday again...I work on wednesday, friday and saturday...kids will still have 3 weeks to go :wink2:


    Have fun!! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!!

  3. You are right: I am getting punished because I don't do sports enough

  4. Yes and I am getting punished for that now...my body hurts all over :aah:

  5. The very first one I got into got me sick already...and I had some more to do so...pfff...all the walking around made me tired yes!

  6. Hey sunshine :wink2:

    Think I will go to my bed early...so tired...

    How are you?

  7. Hope you have a great holiday Cath! We all know you deserve it after all the hard work! :wink2:


    Oh and I've got your mail...have to make time to read it...thanks!

  8. Give me 5 minutes ok?

  9. Bas has his phone back too...but it will not work till monday...it has to be 'activated' at work...which is starting on...monday :wink2:

  10. Maybe you can catch up on some sleep during the day...but not too much cause then you can't sleep again at night...


    Talk to you later! :huglove:

  11. Aaaaw sweety, what are you doing on my wall at 5.15?

    You should have been sleeping then!

    And I wish I was close enough to do the rl-hug-thing...would jump in my car and rush to you :wink2:

  12. No? Should I? :wink2:

  13. And I already answered and you didn't!

  14. I asked first :aah:


    but I am fine!

  15. How are you today?

  16. YES! It was nice...just a bit of rain but also some sun :wink2:

  17. Welterusten dan maar!! Doei! :bye:

  18. Aha!! Naar de kapper kan ik alleen maar toejuichen :wink2: euhm...niet dat ik vind dat je nodig moet maar dan blijven 'wij' mooi werk houden hè? :lmfao:

  19. Hey Ilse!! Alles ok? Ik las dat je je papieren toegestuurd hebt gekregen?


  20. I did not die...

    My laptop did not explode...

    I did not want to leave yet...

    I was not by far finished talking...

    I JUST HATE MY ****ING CONNECTION!!!! :sneaky2:

  21. Speaking of Melle...have to get him in bed now...brb!

  22. I didn't bike that much but Melle was on the back of my bike as well...he is getting too heavy for that...next time he has to ride himself!

    My knees hurt too...boeee...I have no condition at all! :sad:

  23. It was...no rain luckily...kids had fun in some playground...and now my butt hurts :roftl:

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