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Everything posted by francoise

  1. Tu as bien raison, il est genial. J'y ai passe ma journee .. au lieu de travailler:teehee:
  2. Merci pour le CR Black-Cinderella Muse a quand même l'air plus hard core que Mika.. Contente de voir que en tout cas, tu t'es bien amusee
  3. I understand what you feel Keep all this fab moments in your mind and in your heart until next time. For sure, with such an atmosphere, he'll come back soon...
  4. My company is in Hakdong sagori.. very close

  5. Of course we are friends ...and for long now

    Mika Fans are friends for ever..

  6. OK thanks Yuna

    At least I didn't miss it...

  7. Bonjour les francophones, Comme promis, voici un petit compte rendu en francais du concert de Mika a Seoul Samedi. J'avoue que j'ai encore du mal a atterir tellement c'etait incroyable alors je prolonge ce moment sur le MFC au lieu de tavailler.. Le concert etait parfait mais d'apres ce que j'ai pu voir des videos de la tournee europeenne plus simple en terme de mise en scene. Pas de scene inclinee, pas de valise, pas d'astronaute mais une energie et une ambiance incroyable..Le decor etait magnifique aussi, tres feerique.. C'etait mon 1er concert de Mika et les fans coreens du MFC et du Fan club local ont fait un travail incroyable en preparant des milliers d'avions en papier que nous avons lance tous en meme temps pendant Happy Ending. Mika a semble tres emu. Il y a eu aussi des pluie de confettis dore au moment de WAG et plein de Lollipos lumineuses ... N'hesitez pas a aller voir les photos sur le thread de Seoul, cela vaut le coup http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23798 Mika a ete incroyable, sa voix est vraiment fantastique et pourtant c'etait son 3eme concert d'affilee en 3 jours. Et je vous jure qu'il m'a donne la chair de poule sur Happy Ending. Mais j'imagine que tous ceux qui sont deja alle le voir en concert savent de quoi je parle.. Il nous a fait aussi beaucoup participe, beaucoup chante. Il innove tout le temps, c'est incroyable. Il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau par rapport a toutes les videos que j'avais vu des concerts precedents... Il nous a fait participe a son solo de trompette sur SITM et tout le monde a chante Kick Ass avec lui. C'etait le feu... Bref, je suis encore plus conquise qu'avant . Mika m'impressione aussi par sa simplicite et sa capacite a s'emouvoir pendant un concert, ce qui semble rare pour une pop star de son niveau.. C'est un vrai bonheur... Une fan coreenne a ecrit sur le forum "Les anges existent, j'en ai rencontre un samedi..." Il n'y a rien a rajouter a cette phrase... Je n'ai pas eu la chance d'aller au M&G, l'amie qui m'accompagnait n'etait pas assez fan pour attendre 2h apres le concert:sneaky2: La prochaine fois, j'irais avec mes copines du MFC Car la prochaine fois va arriver bientot.. Prochain concert de Mika au Festival de Poupet le 22 juillet :boing: J'ai tellement hate d'y etre.... Voila j'espere que je n'ai pas ete trop longue mais j'avais tellement envie de partager mon bonheur avec vous... Bon courage a toutes pour cette nouvelle semaine qui demarre
  8. I'm living in Seoul, Bangbae dong

    and you?

  9. I will be delighted... Thanks so much

  10. Hello Yuna,


    Just one question.

    Did you see the Tour book on sales during the gig? like the Imaginarium tourbook sold in Europe ?



    I tried to find it but found only CD, DVD and tee shirts...



  11. Your english is good. You're too humble..

    I don't speak fluent english also then that's ok for me

  12. You're lucky. I will be happy to see the pics you took during the M&G.

    I came back home just after the end of the gig.

    My friend was not fan enough to wait 2 hours until Mika came outside for M&G so we came back home.. what a pity...

  13. I'm sure we will have another chance to meet soon.

    Thanks to your work with giving the paper planes to the audience, we has an inforgettable moment with Happy Ending.

    I am sorry to not be able to speak korean so I can't join you on the korean thread but I will be happy to talk to you as often as possible

  14. Girls, you just confirmed what I said.. you are very generous. MlleRyu has already give me 2 lollipops as a gift before the gig and you want again to give me a new one.. It's so sweet of you.. Thanks so much but it doesn't matter. I will glue mine and will keep it like that..as a memory Thanks again
  15. OMG, me too.. I'm not hungry anymore since saturday..

    Can't sleep friday and saturday nights but yesterday I was very tired..


    I am glad you met him.. you are very lucky.

    My friend was not fan enough to wait 2 hours until he came outside for M&G so we came back home.. what a pity

  16. By the way, you know what.. My 5 years old son broke my wonderful glowing lollipop 5 mn after I came back home saturday evening... I was so sad but my heart is full of memories of those beautiful moments and it's the most important...
  17. All Koreans are like that... Really sensitive, friendly and passionate.. They are very generous people and always ready to help.. But I have to say that Korean MCFers are even more exceptional.. It's a country which deserves to be better known. It's a pity that it's not the case.. Guylainem, if one day, you have a chance to come in Korea, don't miss it.. You will be surprised... I am happy living here since more than 2 years even if I can speak korean due to my poor capabilities...
  18. Hello laymay kang,


    How are you?

    I bought the asian tour edition of TBWKTM with Mika ToFu doll during the gig. Is it the same than the korean editon one?

    I'm so happy for you to hear you will see him in HK. Enjoy....

  19. Hello Mango,


    So much fun.. I could not sleep also saturday night after so much emotions...

    It was really amazing... thanks to you and all the korean fans..and Mika as well of course...

    Thanks so much

    Did you have the chance to meet Mika? I read all the posts but sorry I can't remember, I'm confused..

  20. Hello Yuna,


    So glad to hear that you have met Mika.. lucky girl.. but you really deserved it

    I didn't expect so much work and events planned by you, Korean MFCers and Mikaholix members... It was amazing.. thanks again..


    Of course, I have printed many copies of the paper plane and I even helped my neighbors to fold it before the gig. No worries of the B plan, even if I don't speak korean, I understood it thanks to the small notice put on each seat.. It was very helpful


    Not to difficult to land on reality after such emotions??

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