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Status Updates posted by spoony33

  1. Aw, that's alot to be going on with you. Have you been to the doctors? I hope you're okay :) It's a long story but I've got cancer :( Well leukaemia

  2. Yeah, in the centre of Paris when the switch on all the lights on for Christmas looks ace. Especially the Efifel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe but its packed with tourists so you can never get in about. Aw, i'm glad she's okay. Yeah, the one with his dog? :)

  3. Hey! I've missed you! :)

    Aw, what's wrong.

    Oh nothing much, just in hospital :(

  4. You're welcome :) It's great for your first attempt. Yeah, I'd rather not bottle it up, just talk about it. Yeah, It was a build up of things but at that show I kind of over done it and that why things started happening. Aw, thank you for your support. Yeah, I love games that just take up so much time because you get sucked into it Haha Yeah, just to give me a little pick me up and its nothing to tough. Yeah, i'd love that but i'll make do with this site :)

  5. I would have loved to have seen that, there was nothing like that over next to me :(

    Aw, what's wrong with her, I hope she's okay! :)

  6. They look ace haha :) I'm not feeling too good today but I'm okay. How are you? :)

  7. Yeah, I suppose I'm use to it now but it just stange feeling when I'm around my family. Even thought the routine is so hard sometimes and we work on a Saturday, we still have a really good time :) Im getting to go round and visit my school on Monday morning, I can't wait :)

  8. That's good to hear! I'm fine, thanks but in hospital :(

    So how about a bit about yourself? :)

  9. You're welcome :) Haha Yeah, he's so gorgeous :)

    Aw, thank you for your support

  10. Really? It looks so nice though? I would go just to take photos :)

    Aw, thank you so much :) It nice look nice but its so much hard work and pain Haha

  11. You're welcome :)

    I also love your photography, its amazing. I'l have to visit Denmark sometime it looks beautiful :)

  12. You look so pretty :)

  13. Heeeeeey! Is that you in your profile picture? :)

  14. It's made up of two seperate parts in different sides of the schools grounds. There is the junior from perschool to grade 9 and senior is from that up to uni. I've been there since preschool and the really bad thing is that it's a all girls school and the routine is hard work. Also we only get home about twice a year :( And I hardly get to see my family.

    Yeah, I think my parents are going to phone and try and arrange a time where I could visit the school for an afternoon or something. So hopefully i'll get that :)

  15. Yeah, but I have to stay in school until I'm 23 because my school is also a university so i'll be doing a course there too. Yeah, some of them have visited me but they can never get away from school :( But I phone the school every night to speak to everyone :) I'm at a boarding school... :(

  16. Hey! How are you?

  17. I shall try out that games and let you know how I find them. I like playing Tetris and Monopoly :) I sometimes play with other people in the hospital in the appartments next to me, when my family are not around. I had my Dancing teacher in again today. He was doing some light workouts with me to keep me active :)

  18. Yes, I hadn't been feeling right for a while but I never thought anything of it. During one of my preformances I cut my foot just by doing one of my jumps and I thought it was strange because I have done hundreds of them. When I came off, I noticed I was still bleeding and the medics couldn't get it to stop. I told them I had been feeling run down and they looked really concerned and got in touch with my parents and told them to make their way over to France. I got rushed into hospital and got loads of test done and then they told us it was cancer. I don't mind talking about it, it gets it out my system :) Really? Haha Everyone needs a hobby and there is nothing wrong with indulging yourslelf in something girly :)

  19. Yeah, very true! I hate when teachers just expect you to memorise everything... Its impossible Haha Ooh I love crêpes especially with peanut butter and bananas or chocolate spread if i'm allowed :) Yeah, I guess its about time that I gave my body a good rest until i've fully recovered. Yes, but I just wish some of the food tasted of something at least Haha Thank you, I can't wait to see all your dishes. I love your website, it's very colorfull and creative :) Aw, that is very seewt of him :)

  20. Aw, poor you! But I know you'll pass them :)

    I had my ballet teacher in this morning, doing some light workouts with me to keep me active.

    I have to retake this year of school, to do all my subjects again. But I should be going back to school in about 2 weeks just to catch up with things. I'll have a specialist nurse with me to keep an eye on me. I want to see all my friends again but I really hate that I never get to go home :(

  21. Hey! How are you? :)

  22. Aw, thank you so much for this support all your friends and family are giving me! I would live somone to sneak some good tasting food in for me but i'm on a strict diet to try and improve my immune system. But like you said, we can always imagine what it would be like! I would do anything for some fresh bread or something like that at the moment haha Aw, well done! You're doing so well at school, like always :) I did see all your carvings and they look amazing, I wish I could do something like that :) How did your test go?

  23. Oh yes, I never thought about that! Haha you never know, anything is possible :) Yeah, I really appreciate the help I'm getting from everybody! Defiantly, I don't think hospital food tastes nice anywhere :) I'm in a specalist hospital so I kind if thought thr food would be better. But yes, you're right it's better than starving! I've never had this much time on

    my hands before, it feels strange!

  24. Thanks for understanding! Have you been up to much lately? :)

  25. Thanks again. Sometimes when it gets too much for me, I like just chatting to someone to get my mind off things.

    That's good to hear! I'm suprisingly feeling really good today :)

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