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Status Updates posted by spoony33

  1. That's good to hear! Aw, I remember when he left you. I'm glad he's back with you because I know how caring you are. I really admire you for all the fostering you do.

  2. Aw, thank you for your support :) I'm hopfully on the mend but it depends how my body takes to the chemotherapy.

    How have you been?

  3. Buy you have some albums on your page? That's what I mean :)

  4. That's great, thanks for your help :)

    Do what? Uploading pictures?

    Aw, i'm sure you'll find something

  5. Hey! How are you?

    Haven't spoke to you in a while :)

  6. Yeah, it's really encouraging to have all my family and friends around me :)

    How have you been?

  7. Yeah me too but I guess it's something that I need to get in order to recover. I just wish the side affects weren't as severe as they are turning out to be. I would love that, it would just take my mind off things that upsets me. Yeah, you're really supporting me, everyone on this site is which is really encouraging. I'm happy to hear that Aiden is back to his usual self and got to church. Ooh yum, cinnamon pancakes! They sound delicious! It's much better than hospital food... It can be really dul sometimes. One good thing about being hospital is that I have had time to upload loads of pictures to this site :) How has your day been?

  8. It does seem like a lot of food to prepare but you're right, it's small portions so it should be easier. Is there anyone from your school that could help you? You're getting a lot of jobs and sooner or later, once things have got going, you'll have many more. I'm sure you'll be amazing at this, I just have a god feeling about it :)

  9. You're right, i've found if I keep my mind occupied, it stops me from thinking about things which upsets me.

    Yeah it does get really boring at times. Especially after i've had treatment and I have cant do anything too strenuous. I'm just so glad that I can still continue with my dancing. And all this spare time, i've actually had the time to upload loads of my pictures to this site :)

    Yeah, my dad has taken 4 months off his work and my mum had to come home from her work in Japan with all that has happened there. My brothers also come over as much as they can. At the hospital we have been given a little apartment to ourselves.

    Haha its okay, I'd rather talk about it and not bottle it up inside me :)

  10. Tell me about it lol I'm there all year except the odd holiday like christmas and summer

  11. I was bleeding alot when ever I even got a paper cut and I couldnt stop it from bleeding. So my school took me to the hospital and called my parents and then I had loads of tests and found out it was cancer.

    Yeah, I have to stay another year at school to catch up with the stuff i've missed :(

  12. I have leukaemia

  13. Aw, thank you :) There is times that all I want is to just sit and talk with someone and to try and forget about everything :) One good thing about being in hospital is that I have managed to upload a load of pictures to this site :)

    Oh right, how is it going? What kind of work are you looking for?

  14. Oh right Haha

    I couldn't get use to that, it would feel so weird

  15. I think so but can't really remember my log in but I'll look it up :) Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate it.

    Yeah, I have been getting tutors visiting me on my good days. They have been leaving me some work to do, just whenever I can manage it. They have been really caring about the whole situation. They are letting me re-take all my subjects to allow time for me to catch up.

    My dancing instructor has been coming in and doing some light exercises with me to get me moving about.

  16. Aw, thank you for you support :)

    How have you been?

  17. I'm good, thanks :)

    Stuck in hospital though :(

  18. Aw, thank you.

    Sorry again for not getting in touch sooner :(

    I've had to take the time off but I should be going back on the 18th if all is well. I'll have a specialist nurse with me to look after me

    How's school with you?

  19. I just didn't get the chance to get on a computer and let everyone know. And I wanted to wait to see if my doby would take to the treatment :)

    That's good to hear

  20. Hey! How are you!

  21. Hey! How's you?

  22. Oh I've been there a few times :) do you stay at your school or go home? :)

  23. Where about in Scotland do you stay? I stayed in Aberdeen for about a year. What's a high school? I'm not use to the way regular school works. I'm just stuck at school 24/7

  24. Hey! How are you? :)

  25. Yeah, I am too. Especially in my situation, stuck at school all year and having nobody to talk to, you're always there for me. Aw, thank you for the support and I love that I always have you to chat to and make my day seem much better :) Like today, after my chemo, I felt so bad. I couldn't stop being sick and it probably made me feel worse if anything but I your messages that uplifted everthing. Aw, its great to hear that Aiden is back to his usual hyper self. Did he mange to attend church? Ooh your buisness is sounding very professional :) I'd love to see some of your menus :) When does your first shift of your new job start? Its really thoughtful of you to prepare a thank you card, just to show that you really apperciated the time you spent cooking for them. Ooh you have a website? I'm your offcial virtual taste tester. I'll get my Grandmother to come in with the family Tarte Titan recipe if you like? She would love the recipe to be global Haha

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