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Ordinary Clown

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Everything posted by Ordinary Clown

  1. I might be a newbie still,BUT i am allmighty too! I won't go down easy!!!!
  2. Huh? So you made a nice programme for you too,huh? I demand that Mika is mine for at least 2 days a week! Otherwise i am calling your programme invalid,and i'm calling all the other MFC's to manifestations against it!
  3. Ika? Mikida? They both sound like medicins names! I take 5mg of Ida in the morning and 10mg of Mikida after lunch.... This can only mean that we decided to hate Mika's kids before they are even born....
  4. I didn't ask the translation,but you have a thanx from me too! I saw the video,but didn't understand everything he said.... The bolded part is sooooo funny!I would have peed my pants should i have seen that live..... Oh,and happy birthday Zuleika!
  5. You told her???? Why would you do such a bad thing???? *now,where to hide,where to hide????*
  6. I don't know if these have been posted yet,but,from what i've seen on yt,these are my favorites: 1.Grace kelly.french version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRY0dDtKb5c 2.GGG: 3.Any other world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5Kx60cSLMU Well,the last one is just epic....It makes it absolutely clear how great an artist he is.Wish i had seen that live,but even from watching just on yt,still i'm speechless.... Was searching for a smilie to add,but couldn't find one that would express exactly how this song makes me feel....
  7. Well,in the first place,let me just say,that this does not look like a really nice bouquet though.... I would say that it looks more like he had wrapped some popcorns in some laurel leafs....
  8. You naughty naughty girl.... Is this supposed to be a ''i'm sorry for being so naughty,won't do it again''tread????
  9. Still alive,huh? Anybody thought that we should change at least the title of this thread maybe???? I'm thinking something more like ''Mika entertains the MFC''....
  10. Not tight enough? He will suffocate his future kids should he were anything tighter than that..
  11. Well,i guess i could quote every single photo to say what i want to say,but that will take a lot of time&space so i will just say what i want to say....That is:
  12. NOOOOO:yikes: Poor Mika,what he must have gone through...Tow puppets argueing on his lapel....
  13. So now....let's see how we could convince Mika though.... PS:and how the h*ll will i fit in his suitcase....????
  14. Well,the undies MUST be clean!! But for the shirts....I wouldn't mind if they smell mikaish just a little....
  15. I want to be in his pocket!!!!!! Or even better,in his suitcase..... Cuddled between his striped shirts and his grey undies..... Can we arrange that??????
  16. I have a question... Where is the second doll he had on his shirt???? There were 2,right??
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