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Ruth last won the day on July 3 2017

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83 Excellent

About Ruth

  • Birthday 09/14/1954


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  1. That's an excellent review, I completely agree. He was very funny, asking the audience if it was 2 years since he was there? Four...? and so on. I thought the crowd were great, we were roaring along to everything and I was massively surprised how many of us knew every word. It's great to hear that your experience was so like mine.
  2. I agree, and talking about being emotional, whether strictly true or not, gave him the time to get his voice back under control.
  3. Wonderful. My view was pretty bad until we stood up. (I couldn't see the DJ but I didn't care, the people in front loved her but I. am. old. Someone playing records is all) Anyway, they were less enamoured with Mika and left half way through. By then we were standing and jumping the whole time. So these videos are a perfect accompaniment to my memories. btw what and where is mfctoo?
  4. As I said the gig was fab-u-lousand I should have gone away but, no, I waited... ... ... ... Eventually, Mika made a very brief appearance at the stage door. No photos, no gifts, no signing, no chats which was a pity. But, as I waited for a taxi and everybody else had gone, the musicians came out and I recognised Max (thankyou Karin, telling me he was blond) and he was happy to talk about Munich, when I last saw him. So not an entirely wasted time and I did draw in the dirt on one of the gig vans 😁
  5. Set list 1 Origin of Love 2 Talk About You personalised - Manchester 3 Lollipop wrong cue 4 Feels Like Fire 5 Underwater It was very dark on stage so we couldn't see him 6 Relax (Take It Easy) jump 7 Yo Yo 8 Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) (In the crowd) yes, even up with the angels) 9 Elle me dit He got us to dance with each other 10 Good Guys 11 Billy Brown - piano 12 Popular Twinkle twinkle as an intro to 13. Grace Kelly 14. Happy Ending He missed a note - because he was emotional he said. 15. Love Today Encore: 16. Any Other World 17. We Are Golden All wonderful xxx
  6. Priority entrance was fun because I'm with Virgin Media which is 02 and the Apollo is 02. Sadly, because I couldn't find anyone who is going here there's not much atmosphere yet.
  7. The rain has stopped so I hope I'll arrive at the Apollo in the dry. The wind seems less and I found a bus straight to my hotel, so that's a good start. Less good was that I've brought a dress to wear and forgot tights. This is not a night for bare legs! Hurrah for a weird Morrison's called Morrison's Kitchen - a meal deal and tights 😁
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