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Everything posted by ilseh1983

  1. they were getting slaughtered today, at least they could make a bit less worse. it ended up 3-2 and they had to win, so now they're out of the championship


    have you checked the baalbeck thread? there are updates from the concert :biggrin2: it's almost as good as bein there yourself :teehee:

  2. have to say that i know the feeling. Was soo late to wake up this morning (10:30) but at least the first thing i heard on the radio wqas KickAss. I should start with my exercices again as well, maybe than i'll be able to get up earlier again:teehee:

    I'm doing quite well, except for the fact of being a bit:sneaky2: with the Italian football team.

  3. hey:huglove: how are you doing today?

  4. hope she does and that she likes it:biggrin2:

    I'm trying to convince some of my friends of his genius as well :naughty:

  5. erg he, zit constant die thread te checken:teehee:

  6. was een echte afslachting van Italië door Slovakije :sad:Mja zal nu een andere ploeg moeten zoeken voor te supporteren he :roftl:


    Wou nu zoo graag dat ik in Baalbek, Libanon zat :aah:

  7. klinkt idd veel beter :biggrin2: Geniet er van zou ik zo zeggen.

    Ik heb niet veel reden tot feesten, Italië is uitgeschakeld :boxed:

  8. don't worry about writing too much :biggrin2: i tend to do that too sometimes :teehee:

    Yes i believe i was very lucky indeed.

    I myself am not so crazy about beer, but do love our chocolat. my favourite kind has nuts in it :biggrin2:

  9. I do love KickAss song, heard it twice today. after this morning they played it again this afternoon:)

    I live in Belgium :wink2:

  10. ok zeer goed, mag ik eventueel dan ook jouw e-mail, want anders komt dat wrs in m'n ongewenste post, vrees ik :)

  11. ik heb idd een e-mailadres, heb er zefls 2 :wink2: zal dat geven wat ik het meeste gebruik

  12. amai, als ze al zeggen dat het de beste presentatie in een aantal jaar is denk ik niet dat je je zorgen zal moeten maken :teehee: Herinner me van mijn presentatie ook nog dat ze alles afbraken, want dacht achteraf dat ik er niet door ging zijn, en een week later bleek dat het toch goed was.

    Die proffen toch :aah:

    Is wel een last die van je schouders valt he?:biggrin2:


    ivm tw classic: zou idd belachelijk zijn van allemaal appart te gaan. en dan kunnen we (vooral in mijn geval dan) elkaar al een beetje leren kennen en in de sfeer komen voor het festival (en vooral Mika) :roftl:

  13. the Tw classic gig is a festival also. And you're right, if i'd have the time and the money i'd see all his gigs too :roftl:

    I've heard he like our beer a lot :roftl:

    After that volcano thingy when i've read that the lisbon gig was cancelled i feared that that stupid volcano might cause more trouble and that he'd have to cancel the antwerp gig as well, but luckily it didn't :biggrin2:


    I was actually very lucky to get tickets, 'cause the show was supposed to be in march at first, bur due to technical problems it got postponed. and because of the fact that there were (luckily for me :biggrin2:) people who could'nt go at the new date, i managed to get tickets (was sooo happy when i realised i've got tickets and i could see him live for the first time)

  14. I saw him in antwerp. it was the greatest concert i've ever been too :biggrin2: I'll be seeing him for the second time at TW classic, i can't wait for it :aah:


    Where have you seen him live?

  15. Yep i'm piscis, and exactly 5 months older than Mika:roftl:


    i've known about Mika since Grace Kelly first came out, bought the first CD, but seeiing as i don't really check the cd's out in what's written on the back:teehee:, i did'nt find out about the official website untill last january when, for some reason i was looking a bit more closely and found out about Mikasounds. i registered there, and then the day after my very first concert i saw a link to the MFC on his website:biggrin2:


    I'm kind of slow in discovering theze kind of things, but hey, better late than never :aah:


    sorry seems it's gotten a bit of a long message :aah::biggrin2:


    how about you?

  16. no problem:thumb_yello:

  17. :roftl:

    hoop voor jou dat de vergadering niet te lang duurt dan:biggrin2:

  18. sorry to hear that, i hope you'll get better soon:thumb_yello:


    i'm fine, woke up this morning to find strawberries in the fridge:biggrin2: and the first song i heard on the radio was one of Mika's. Now Italy has to make to the next round and my day'll be as good as perfect:biggrin2:

  19. hey,:bye: how are you feeling today? hope a bit better than yesterday?

  20. ik kijk eigenlijk bijna alleen naar de voetbal als het wereldbeker of europabeker is ofzo :roftl:

    vergadering.... vindt dat woord altijd zo saai klinken:teehee:

  21. did'nt see your response last night, was allready gone to bed :teehee:, those timezones he :biggrin2:

    Today i'm very good, the first thing i heard on the radio this morning was Mika vs Redone's Kickass:biggrin2:. So now i'm convinced it'll be a great day overall

  22. Goh; ik vind z'n krullen leuker als ze niet te gekruld zijn :mf_rosetinted:

    ongeloofelijk, is nu al 22 graden ofzo, vrees dat het vanmiddag mss iets te warm is, maarja, zal wrs binnenzitten, want Italië speelt deze middag.

  23. goodnight and sweet dreams, think i'll be off for bed soon too :huglove:

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