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Everything posted by ilseh1983

  1. So, decided to write a little report from this gig I arrived on thursday with Camille. We met Danielle at the the trainstation close to the city centre. We (Camille and i) first went to the hotel. Was a quite nice hotel, close to the venue. After installing our stuff in the room we went to centre of the city where we met Jolanda, Annemaaike, Navah, Rian and Saskia. We had dinner togehter. Was nice to see them again and to meet Saskia. After dinner we went to 'le pot au lait" to see if there were some other mfc'ers there. And yes we did find some It's a nice little bar "le pot au lait" tried to take some pics but they're not very good. After a good night's sleep, the day of the festival arrived I had a really good time with my fellow mfc'ers waiting for Mika. Must say the bands before Mika weren't exactly to my liking. Alex Hepburn was ok. There also was a band i've been hearing talking about for a few weeks over here now, so i thought they'd be good, but ... well they were very boring It was all worth it though once Mika came on! He was just perfect. I get the feeling he's only getting better and better and i already thought he was perfect the very first time i saw him about 3 years ago. Don't know quite what to say, but Mika being perfect. The crowd seemed to go crazy again. Everyone seemed to have a great time When the crew started setting up the stage, there were these big beach balls thrown in to the crowd from somewhere at the back. Some got on the stage and some people from the crew started to have fun with them, shooting them into the crowd like they were giant footballs. that was fun so Mika started with "un soleil mal luné" . i really loved the way he sang the song! Then on the "relax" i really like how he made little changes to some of the songs now. Like how he started big girls for example. It's hard to tell much about it, because i can still see it before me, but not in the right order and stuff (i'm not a good report writer ) At a certain point he went to the left of the stage and came back with a huge balloon. throwing it in to the crowd, and other balloons soon followed, smaller ones and ones as big as the first one. And the confetti, i always like the confetti at the end as well. It can look very beautiful when it's all coming down. I saw him come out, but sadly couldn't get to say something or get anything signed. Cause at my side we had to move a bit for a car to get through and somehow i ended up behind other people ah well maybe next time (one day i hope to have a perfect little meet & greet after the show waiting for him to come out. I always say the gig is the most important thing and the little meet and greet is just an extra bonus. I still stand by that, but that doesn't mean i can't hope for a nice little moment/meet and greet afterwards, right? , so fingers crossed, i'll get that some day) I also want to say i had a great time talking to mfc'ers while waiting for Mika to come out. some people i talked to before, and some i hadn't before friday. It was great to meet you all! I know i haven't talked to everyone i see here or on twitter. Maybe next time. but when there's some people around i sometimes get to shy to go talk to something i haven't talked to in real life yet. Allthough i must say it gets better with every time i go to a gig and see lovely mfc'ers don't know what else to say, there's so much and i'll just leave it to people who write better then i do just wanted to share that i had an amazing time during Mika's gig and i can't wait to see him again as soon as possible
  2. i got home a little while ago after an amazing gig!!! Was wonderful, maybe i'll do a proper report later, but first i want to check my pictures from the show
  3. liège guillemins can only go there, if i want another i need to change trains in liege guillemins.
  4. not sure yet what we'll do, we arrive between 4 pm and 4.30 pm tomorrrow. any idea what time people will go to pot au lait would be nice to meet indeed. Looking forward to it!
  5. hello and welcome to the MFC
  6. ilseh1983


    hello and welcome to the MFC
  7. hello and welcome to the MFC
  8. hello and welcome to the MFC
  9. hello and welcome to the MFC
  10. hello and welcome to the MFC
  11. ah echt? ok, da's wel makkelijker voor me ook Een plaatsje bezet dan?
  12. bedankt voor het aanbod, mag ik er even over na denken en zien wat Celien gaat doen?
  13. ja ik dus ook niet, ben al blij dat ik de dag er na m'n vrije dag heb. Mss kunnen we proberen samen naar daar te gaan op een of andere manier?
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