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Posts posted by Miss.roxy

  1. YKYAMFW one of the events for next weekend is celebrating Mika's bday :teehee:


    My brother was like 'WTF!?' when I told him :roftl:


    YKYAMFW you make an event on facebook - celebration of Mika´s bday.

    you invite your 4 very bestfriends. and they accept, even if there´s written - come dressed like Mika as much as possible, bring your foam sweets so you can play chubby bunny and some helium balloons so we can sing Grace Kelly like Mika. :mf_rosetinted:

  2. Bonjour tout le monde :biggrin2:


    Je vois que l'été est pourri dans beaucoup de régions. Encore un été mémorable sur le plan climatique :sneaky2:


    J'ai découvert le nouveau clip de Mika hier soir, personnellement je n'aime pas du tout et j'ai même été déçue du résultat :boxed: Je ne dis pas ça parce que Mika ne figure pas dans le clip, car même si on l'avait vu dedans, je n'aurais pas aimé plus pour autant. Je n'aime pas du tout ce que fait François Ozon en général. Enfin, c'est juste une question de goût :biggrin2:


    Bonnes vacances à celles qui ont la chance d'y être et bon courage pour les autres :wink2:


    oh, c´est trés intéresant, je pensais que les francophones aimeraient. Parce que le clip me semble trés francais. :teehee:


    You should really draw Mika in his MA costume :wub2:

    Sorry I was just thinking about that and I needed to post :aah:




    Hm, that´s a great idea. He could love it. but I need to find some super large picture where the shadowing is awesome and the pic must be different, interesting. :teehee: do you have any? :angel_not:

    he should do some photoshoots when he didn´t appear in the video at least. pfff. :mf_rosetinted: how does he want me to draw him then? huh?


    @eloise OFC! I love gifs!! :wub2:

  4. Bonjour MFC, excusez moi pour déranger, mais j´ai besoin de l´aide. :blush-anim-cl:

    Est-ce qu´il y a quelqu´un dont langue maternelle est francais et qui a une bonne grammaire? :angel_not:

    J´ai traduit le texte pour mon site officiel et j´ai besoin quelqu´un qui pourrait corriger. Merci bcp. :wub2:

    1.5 pages. pas beaucop.

  5. Hey guys!


    Today my wildest dream came true!

    I'm a flight attendant for easyJet and I've been DREAMING for over 2 years to have Mika on a flight one day.

    And.... HE WAS on my flight today!!!

    I still need to cool down a bit as this is the most random thing ever! I was just boarding the plane in Olbia (Sardinia) and there is Mama Mika, Yasmine and Mika:mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:

    I didn't want to cause chaos, although I honestly felt as if I just saw a ghost and really didn't believe that was actually happening, so I wrote a note for Mika telling him I've seen 14 shows, was a Big Girl in Brighton and that I've always imagined he's on my flight and this is actually happening!!!!

    He read it, smiled, his mum said my face looked familiar to all of them and we had a lovely chat.

    I didn't let them pay for their snacks - who would?!?!?!?! We took photos, giggled, they left, I was left speechless and just over the moon!!!!!

    Please remember this story as a proof that miracles DO happen!!!!

    Photo to follow in a few minutes:wink2:


    THIS is the most amazing MIKA story I´ve ever heard!!! :clap:

    You´re soooooo lucky! I would DIE if I were you! Seriously, from happiness!!!! :shocked:

    you´re so lucky. oh my god. xD please talk! everything you remember. I wanna know more and more. :biggrin2:

  6. :dunno:





    byw Roxy can you add to your thread "how to draw hair"?:aah: esp mika's curls:boxed:


    Wow I like it a lot! :wub2: it´s cool.

    Oh yes i´ll do a step by step with my Mika 24. in earlier tutorials you can see it a bit, but if it´s not enough, of course, no problem :biggrin2: (And Mika´s curls were painful even for me everytime I was drawing them. Sometimes I wish him to have straight hair, not currrrly. :mf_rosetinted:)


    you draw totally the same way as me, you just don't use a tissue to blend the graaphite. brilliant, seriously. :mf_lustslow:


    and STEP, that wolf is impressive, I've already seen it on tumblr....you insire me to try my hands on drawing animals! I've always wanted to try that! Is it very upsetting? Drawing aaaaallll that hair? :biggrin2:


    Thank you! oooh that means I could be like you with right tools :teehee: thank you! :huglove:

    +1! It scares me, so much of hair.

  7. Mikute or known also as Micute

    When something is so cute, but the word cute is to weak to describe it. Usually it´s Mika who needs a new word for his cuteness, so Mikute fits perfectly. It´s just super - extra - cute.



    Your own religion, when you´re convinced that the answer on any question is MIKA.



    A disease. Very infectious.

    Symptoms - you listen to Mika´s songs, you often talk about him, you show every MIKAvids and songs to everyone that´s close to you. In advanced stage you can see the others around you infected.

    For ex. me -

    I was fangurling over Mika for a year and my biology teacher is his big fan too, thanks to me! :)

    • Like 1
  8. I promise I tried but I can´t understand a word :aah: and google is not helping that much :aah: Do you mean that it´s the use of that stuff making him unconfortable to play raw and not the other way around? oh well, and now here I am making a fool of myself again... :roftl:


    oh well, that´s what I mean that the "feelings" are not the same when you see a gig live or on youtube... that was the feeling it gave me through the vids I saw... exactly the opposite as it was... like he was all time nervous less at a couple of minutes that he was comfy. Thanks for explaining!


    +1 :biggrin2:


    oh and .. my feeling from youtube vids from that private gig - it must have been amazing, but it was short in my opinion and I think people that came and paid a lot of money to earn those magic points and to win, maybe they deserved a little bit more of attention. :dunno:

    But that´s just my point of view. :original:

  9. A year ago, when you told me to give it a try, I never thought I'd be drawing this a year later! :shocked:

    When I told you a year ago to give it a try, I never thought you´ll be standing right next to me with your awesomeness! (maybe even a bit further than me :teehee:) you´re just freaking perfect drawer.

  10. Well,I´m not in his head and I don´t know what he really meant, but what we all thought was that he was referring to the song.. as we all know it was made in a hurry and stuff... maybe he wasn´t that pleased... he was asked to do that french song in order to sell more tickets in Compiegne and we know it´s not the way he likes to work...






    Yes, he said "esta canción es un error" but as he said that in Spanish maybe he wasn´t thinking in "mistake" but in something that happened by accident, I don´t know...:aah:


    Oh, well if it´s true, he´s very good in working under the pressure then! :biggrin2:

    That song is really good.

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