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Status Updates posted by cathouzouf

  1. t'es trop modeste...

  2. I sent you an email... it,s about the column!

  3. it has been sent...

  4. I will send you something as well :-)

  5. I was gonna ask you something but I'll wait...

  6. finished reading... you have every reason to be proud. It's very good ;-)

  7. sorry, just received it ;-) I'm reading right away

  8. you need to send it for me to like it...

  9. Good...


    especially when it,s a bit boring at work XD

  10. me again:blush-anim-cl:


    you know patience is not one of my best qualities:roftl:

  11. FYI = For your information


    send it to my work address please :-)

  12. Great! Wanna share it?


    FYI I'M not working tomorrow ;-)

  13. YOu are really going to be super nurse with all this studying ;-)

  14. are you still cold? because it's still snowing here ;-(

  15. it was snowing when I was on my way to work!!!

  16. not sleeping. Already at work. Aruianne has skating practice early tonight...


    How are you?

  17. having MSN problems?

  18. question for you... do you see it when I write to you on Twitter???

  19. Fais de beaux rêves!

  20. moi aussi, même si c,est plutôt calme ces derniers jours...

  21. Pas de problème à partager ma recette... surtout qu'elle n,est aps de moi! Je l'ai trouvé dans la section cuisine d'un journal financier il y a très longtemps...


    Oui, ca va. Plutôt tranquille au travail et aucune activité ce soir... ca fait un bout que c,est pas arrivé.


    Toi, ca va?

  22. I keep on writing then...


    still thinking about yours, no brilliant ideas so far :-(

  23. I guess you liked it?:pinkbow:

  24. sure I will... you should receive an email in a few minutes. Let's talk tomorrow

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