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Everything posted by nemobaermydog

  1. My name on there is Clara Leeder, thaanks^^ That's okay
  2. I am definetely missing something. boohoo. is that a picture of a real crocodile? you think im REALLY lama ehh? and oh yeah im too lazy to open it
  3. I know that it's not in the south and not in bretagne, hell yeah It's a school trip, an exchange, so these students will come here in spring:teehee:
  4. umm, i guess somewhere near lyon you see, im not very informed about this trip my brain doesnt work so well atm ahhhh XDDDDD yes yes. le wild flockdraw fights rool friends yeahhh animal?
  5. How is fortune connected to you? except tinychat and please explain me crocodile you know i don't agree now that sounds weird, dont be scared
  6. u need to hear how my mother speaks english tries to. it was fun how she thought if she spoke real clear and slow german that american girl would understand her and you think you're embarrassing sorry, mum
  7. Aww you're amazing he will be our slave XD I'll choose a hat sometime.. tomorrow School is telling me to go to bed.. just like mum so have fun without me *pokes with fish*
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