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Everything posted by nemobaermydog

  1. oh yeah right my english really isnt the best it's so stupid, noone in my family is even the tiniest bit interested in chemistry
  2. it was obvious you wouldnt pet real god even not in imagination flaffy ket meeka mast beh ciut
  3. Aaaaaaall? We just need money for plane tickets and I have to quit my school somehow soon And rum.
  4. Oh yay, this already is about chemistry I missed something in lesson (I was "sick" ) , noone could borrow me their notes over christmas.. What please is um that particle count thing and what does it have to do with the substance quantity number? (I google translated this, sorry:aah:) I just don't get what these two mean..
  5. You've already proven that u're a genious so many times U can make god do things? Why haven't you made all our dreams come true yet
  6. yeaaah, that rocks i want an acceptable sims app hoooly mika, where is the big grey beard?
  7. pfff nothing is better than mine. half of the screen is awesomely green, cd-thing has broken off, it can only open internet explorer (crashes with the others ) and i need five minutes to open facebook. i threw it on the ground once when i tripped over the cable^^ now top that
  8. it makes me happy, crying about fictional dead dogs or sherlocks better than showing no emotion at all mm i finally stopped eating, my cat likes to be bitten
  9. aah its surely better than german TV I actually like crying at stuff when its not my own problem
  10. Hallo It's me again, not been here for ages Hey Mary, hey Micah, hey everyone^^ Made a cake but anyhow I can't stop eating, once I've had enough of one thing I get the next, what can I do
  11. Thanks a lot!! :DD how did you find ouut?^^

  12. Uhhhh im so depressed right now, I was at the munich gig on tuesday and it was aaaaawwwesome and i was so happy and i wanted to wait for the m&g but i had to go and i regret it so much and ahh was looking forward to meeting him so long
  13. Oh, I enjoyed it so much Just felt strange being surrounded by people that barely danced at all, when I was screaming, jumping and going crazy And thanks to Ruth I got in for free Thanks again!! And afterwards I was also waiting for Mika but I had to go Today I'm kinda sick, have skipped school and looking at the few weird photos I took And oh yay, I cam change my sig now
  14. Nooope, Streuselkuchen xD and my mother told me to put apples on it I tried apfelstrudel once and.. well i couldnt eat it XDDD dough was too dry and the filling was FAR too sweet..
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