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Posts posted by nemobaermydog

  1. cookies are probably the least likely way to get you a harassment/kidnapping/assault lawsuit.:roftl: My classmate has a recipe for these awesome pistachio/white chocolate cookies. I'm not a sweets fan normally, but they're to die for:aah:


    Okay, I admit it, I once baked a cake without baking powder :teehee: and afterwards you could have used it as a frisbee. :aah:

    So mind if we kidnap your classmate, too?

    Guess she has nothing against sitting in a truck full of good looking males :biggrin2:

  2. That's what I was thinking, but they might do it for cheap if we tell them its for Mika? How about this. Prostitutes AND cookies! They won't be able to say no!:aah:


    Oh it seems like my mind is wandering off to strange places as I read these posts :roftl: How about we open a company selling these guys (only if we have too many :teehee:) And if some are left over they can be our slaves :aah:

  3. HA! I swear I had this convo earlier today! Haha but a little less PG. We said we would offer Prostitutes, because Europeans love nudity.:aah: It was just my friends making fun of European art, but i swear this conversation is going exactly like the only I had earlier today! How odd!:biggrin2:


    I always knew I had these hidden..... abilities..... *gets out that kind of glass ball thing* hmm...

  4. Hahaha My car isn't too terribly pretty, but it is an elephant! I think you could fit 3 or 4 Mikas, Fortunes, or Mika/Fortune-look alikes in the trunk, and then a few more in the back seat!! Mercury Monaray. (sp? is it wrong that I can't spell out what type of car I drive) Those things are total beasts.


    Sounds good! :teehee:Let's see if we can find any more lost Pennimans in the area :roftl: And of course we'll share and I won't steal your car :biggrin2:

  5. Hahaha perhaps he could help you 'study'?:naughty: Hahaha My friends and I were just discussing this, but with a pillow case!:roftl: Anybody that's over 6'2" is going to need one giant pillow case (or suitcase, in your case)!!:teehee:


    Yeah, guess he would have to explain me some things,too :aah: Oh what a great idea!:biggrin2: But wouldn't it be cooler to lock him in the boot of a car? I mean, he's tall, he's heavy... :teehee: Aand then im gonna steal that car, too and I have everything I wish for:biggrin2: (if its a pretty car of course..)

  6. Huh. Anyhow I love needles :roftl: I have a huge phobia of snails and squids. Even thinking about them can make me cry or go mad, its really bad and people laugh about me :boxed: Soon therell be several talks in our scool by other students about bone-less animals and of course theyre taking exactly these animals.. I guess I'll stay at home these days, better than to have to be sent to a psychatrist.. :huh:

  7. I heard Grace Kelly on that What not to wear show with one woman called mica :roftl: forgot the other's name, but it was something about what twins should wear, found it on BBC iPlayer :teehee: and theres a german show called Berlin Tag und Nacht ( berlin day and night) and i guess they always play kick ass at that intro thing, but im not sure :biggrin2:

  8. I had a dream these days that I see Mika on the stage, and he is singing something in German, Opera-like. But not being 11 years old, but with his usual voice, like now.

    It was awesome!!! If I heard something like that in the real life I would die. Can something be better than UW??? It could - in my dream!


    In German? :roftl: Do you remember any words? :aah:

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