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Posts posted by nemobaermydog

  1. I was in a TV-show (the ones that sell expensive things yo really don't need ;) and they were showing a 'Beam Yourself Into Other People's Brains' thing to a big audience and I was the first to try. Suddenly all was black and then I was under the water, being one of these guys in the film 'Hangover' and he was diving there.. When we got up, there was a beautiful little island just like these pictures on postcards. The other guys from 'Hangover' were there, too and we climbed on a surfboard. Suddenly I turned into myself again, fell from the surfboard, took that man and swam to the beach..

    There was a little house and I walked in (carrying the man) and Mika was there looking cool and relaxed and then he fell of his chair :roftl: and laughed himself to death.. I got some water and put it over him to make him stop laughing and then I woke..

  2. 'He's screaming like a cat!' :roftl: My mum when we were listening to Grace Kelly on our way through Poland to see Mika in Warsaw


    'So that's her album?!' :aah: My brother when I asked him if he knows Mika and showed him LICM..


    'Ooh, that's that young guy who always sings so funny songs!' My mother's friend


    'Mika stole you and replaced you by a freak!' My friend who doesn't really like Mika


    'Mika remembers me to that monkey' My other friend

  3. Woohoo!! Again a Mika-dream!!

    I was in London. No idea why, but I was there. There was a big hall, I went in and it was a Mika-concert of course. :biggrin2: Two girls who were waiting inside (nobody else was there) saw me and talked to me like old friends.

    We looked for good places and then a wooden wall appeared in front of the stage and behind/on it was a little room with a mixing-desk and Mika was in there, looking tired and amused and he was staring at the empty hall. Something inside me told me, I had to climb the wall and look at Mika. I did and suddenly there were hundreds of gingerbread hearts (like the ones you get on 'Oktoberfest' in Munich) :roftl: I took them all and then I fell off the wall.

    I felt that Mika looked at me, but I was too shy to look back.. Then he went outside to 'get fresh air' and he was nearly crying! I thought the concert will be not so great because he was so sad and I was sad then, too..

    Other people were entering and Mika came back to sign stuff. I panicked. I had no pen, no piece of paper and no shoes :roftl: (I wanted him to sign my shoes??!) When he came to me the girl next to me gave me a little handkerchief and he signed it. He drawed a little picture (with colours though the pen was black :blink:) which shows that cover of the single of Love Today and a tiny map of London.

    He was like 'Hi clara!' and I was so excited, (why the hell did he know my name?? :aah: ) and then he started to talk to me (complaining about traffic jams in London.. :biggrin2:) and suddenly we were walking. I agreed, and told him it's just the same in Munich (I invented that) and he was so happy! We walked through shops and bars (even a strip-club!! :roftl: but thank god nobody was there..) and it was quite cool!

    Suddenly he stopped and asked me why my english was so good. I was confused (I didn't say ONE English word!! We were talking German) and told him it was because of twitter.. :biggrin2: Unfortunately we arrived at the concert again. He told me he had to go inside and sing and just left me behind.. :sad:

    Suddenly there was a group of people yelling at me: DON'T YOU DARE ENTER WITHOUT A TICKET!!! :teehee:and they ran over to me and tied me to some gangsters and I struggled. There was a helicopter above us and the woman who caught me screamed: Haha! Now they are going to cook broccoli for the school cafeteria!! :boxed: :aah:and then my mother woke me..

  4. :naughty: no, i'm not too keen on that bird shirt - and i can't even give him the excuse that it might not have been on purpose for some reason, since he only would've had to close the white button-down shirt to hide it! :aah:


    bird shirt is on the same level for me like this outfit:


    :naughty: - i know there are some who like it, but i don't. :teehee:


    i think there was one more item of clothing that i didn't like, but can't remember now what it was. well, the frilly shirt with the feather tie isn't my fave either, but imo still better than birds or neon stripes. :naughty:


    Uuuh, I don't really like that pic too, but it's the very only poster of Mika I got!! I had to hang it up.. :roftl:

  5. Heya!! Can I join you?? I'm gonna watch the movie tomorrow, how did you like it?? Did they leave out things again?? (It's kinda annoying, thees a scene in the book you'd love to see in film and then they leave it out!! :sneaky2:) After Mika, Harry Potter books are my greatest obsession, so you could say that is much! :biggrin2:

  6. Oooh, my first really cute dream.. :wub2: The others were all so weird..

    I was at home. It rang at the door and guess wo was there!!:biggrin2: My mum sait to me she told him to come over here and stay a few days. Of course I was so happy, and then after talking a bit, we went to visit my school.. :aah:

    It was so dark and suddenly we were in a tunnel and I was so frightened I wanted to run away, but of course with Mika there I didnt want to leave him alone (he could get frightened too if he'd be alone I thought :roftl:)

    He saw me and said something like: Oooh, don't be scared honey.. and then he hugged me.. :wub2: Then the day was over, we were in my house. I fell asleep and as I woke up my mum told me he's gone but he's gonna be there soon. But I waited and waited and as he didn't come I cried for the rest of the day.. Then I woke up.

    I can anyhow still remember him hugging me... :blush-anim-cl:

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