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Posts posted by nemobaermydog

  1. Mika's smile at the end of this video made me smile


    but I really laughed when I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, there's one part at the Quidditch championship there's some old man wearing a muggle-women's sleepingsuit and another guy following him trying to convince him to wear a pair of ordinary trousers :roftl: because they want to look like ordinary people :biggrin2:

  2. First - you don`t know Wika? Wax Mika!


    Second... WHAT?!? :aah: that made absolutely no sense.


    Ohh of course I know Wax Mika! :biggrin2: I've just never heard anyone call him Wika, I've not been on here for months..

    Hahaha of course it doesn't make sense, that's the funny thing with sims, you can do whatever you want :biggrin2:

  3. Does this mean that Mika has been cheating on Wika with another Mika!?

    Or is Wika actually the lucky guy?

    Do tell all!!


    Hahahaha who is Wika?? :aah: I created one Mika first and then anyhow I put him in a house but the mika was still there in that 'sim-library' or ath and I took another Mika and put him to the first Mika :biggrin2: Then Mika had a daughter, who was away some time and she aged faster :blink: and then she was as old as her father and went back to the house where the two Mikas lived :roftl: but they werent together. Then that girl had sth with the second mika (well call him Mica) and they were together but the first Mika was so lonely I decided to take another guy into the family, hes gonna marry the girl and so Mica and Mika ended up together :aah:

  4. You know youre a Mikafan when your mum's complaining about Mika-stuff and pictures lying everywhere in the house and in the car.....


    and when you're trying to hang up every little piece of paper and every drawing, poster, postcard, etc. on your wall just to try making it kinda look like the WAG-room and you always feel 'watched' by the many people on the wall then :aah:


    and whenever it rains and youre outside you go TOTALLY crazy and dance and scream and sing and feel amazing just because Mika wrote a song called Rain :teehee:

  5. I had just funny dream few days ago.

    so here's...

    Mika was in my school like guest in our country ( even I cant understand how:aah:) and it was his Bday and we were celebrating there, in school:boxed:

    there were his band, iMMa ...etc..

    we all had glass of champagne and I spill it on meeks:aah: then he took off his shirt cuz it was all wet (by me):biggrin2: then I throw to him piece of cake into naked body :roftl: then I run and he followed to me:naughty: then i fell down and he wanted to (how to say...) feed me with that piece of cake which I throw to him. then I take away that piece and still throw to him...


    so stange dream. when I woke I just start laugh:biggrin2:


    Hahahahahahahaa :roftl::roftl: Just imagine that! :roftl::roftl:

  6. It's an original dream ^^

    As fas as I remember, my mika best dream wasn't as original as yours :boxed::mf_rosetinted:




    Hah, yeah I always have that kind of dream where EVERYTHING happens and I just write down the Mika-parts, but I already had dreams, phuh, for two hours or so.. :blink: But that was SO mean I couldn't read the next letter.. ugh, I think my brain wants to save me from the hard truth (:roftl:) or I just don't know what he would write so I cannot dream about it.. weeeeeird.. :blink:

  7. Ooh, I dreamt that I went on a thing like msn and I saw that Mika had a profile there, too and I wanted to add him sobad, I wrote him a very dramatical letter (:roftl:) and he wrote back and it was something like 'I'm very very sorry it's not possible to add you/me because... ' and he wrote a second letter with explaining why but I couldn't read it because my mum and my friends went sledging with me. Then I was in my room and turned on Love Today VERY loud and my brother came in and asked me where the hell the red hat was..

  8. I dreamt about school and we were all cutting out parts of our skin and tied it around some meat in art-lesson and when I was finished suddenly black, thick, ugly hair grew on the skin and I was dead-frightened and nearly puking because of the hair. In the room there were Mika-statues standing around everywhere and we had to put our 'packets' into their hands... :boxed: Not a very nice dream but interesting..

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