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Posts posted by nemobaermydog

  1. I had this dream some time ago, so I don't really remember everything..


    I was in Poland where I had to go to some school where you sleep and so on, and I met some girls who went to te beach with me and then we suddenly were at a field with wet grass. We ran and ran and ran and then we came to another field (which was dry) and there some ppl built something like a stage. Then (of course!) Mika was there screaming instructions into his microphone. He came over to us and for any reason he was angry with me. He spoke PERFECTLY German (The dream is in Poland!!! :biggrin2:) and he told me to go into the tent next to us. I didn't go there I just went away.


    Then it went all dark, I was at a street anywhere with many fields around, too and it rained the whole time. My friend was next to me, sitting in a wheelchair and I suddenly knew where we were going. We arrived at a concert-hall and there was a room before the 'real' hall and it was full of people who were screaming and laughing and anyone screamt 'Mika is in here!!!' I just left my friend outside with her wheelchair.. :teehee: And everybody started searching Mika (who was disguised as a pig with superman-kick ass-clothes) because the one who finds him is going get to talk to him in his office.


    Of course I found him and I chased him as he wanted to escape into the office (What does an office do in a concert-hall??) Then I went in and Mika was all sad and I asked him if he can show me some things he has from his trips all over the world and he made a face and said 'There is an old calendar from London, come over and look at it.' (:aah:) On the picture there were just some flowers and an old castle. I was sad now, too and I just went out of the room into the concert-hall.


    The stage was divided into two parts. On every part there was a toilet. Anyhow the right one looked nicer to me. :aah: And then Mika came on the stage, staring at the toilet (which was standing ON the stage!!!) and walking right over to it. I don't know what happened then, I guess he just went to toilet on stage with all those ppl around :roftl: and then he washed his hands (of course there was a sink, too) and dried them on the flooring (with a BIG smile, you can imagine that, I'm sure.. :biggrin2:) Soo and that's the end, I guess..



    Sry for writing so much, I guess it was just because twitter as over capacity.. xD

  2. :aah: I dreamt he was at my birthday party. I was all hyper and smiling ,of course..:biggrin2: He told me he wants cake and I just grinned and told him the cake is in the supermarket, but he said he wants the cake now and here and so I told my mother she should go and get some. Then I was with my friends standing on some platform in the garden, like a small stage just without all this light-stuff and instruments. He wanted to join us and tried to climb up the stage but he just couldn't!! :roftl: He tried and tried but anyhow his legs were too short.. And I just laughed all the time because it looked so funny.. :blush-anim-cl: And then my mum brought the cake and he told me it's a terrible thing and he wants 'the' cake, u can only get in Austria and so I got my bike and drove to Austria (:aah:) but I fell into a lake and woke up..
  3. Huuuu.. After my first Mika-concert (Orange Warsaw Festivaaal!!) ..


    1. I walked around in a small village with a friend, and suddenly Mika came out of a house and wanted to talk to me. I went to him and he said he wants to invite me to--- (I always forget what he's telling me, that's so stupid.. :sneaky2:) And then suddenly I was at a scouts-camp with my group and they told us we have to learn Polish because Mika speaks Polish.. And we were going to meet him, so we have to speak Polish with him.. (????) So I shouted (SHOUTED!!) NOOO!!! THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! And then I said quietly: He just speaks English ,French and a little bit german.. I was furious at them.. :annoyed_h4h:


    2. I was at a small shop which turned into a strange stage then(I think it was in my hometown) Other ppl there were telling me that Mika was coming and I was just like :kachinga:


    He came into the room then (It wasn't really a stage ,more a gym or something like that..) and suddenly there was a lil bridge over the people and he walked on it and sat down.

    They weren't screaming or something they just told him 'Peace'.. (I think he looked very agressive to them.. :roftl:)


    And then they went away and I was able to go straight to the place he sat.. :biggrin2:

    But I was so excited and I couldn't think of anything to tell him so I just told him 'Peace',too.. My voice sounded so terrible I was embarassed by it and I went under the bridge again to hide.. :blush-anim-cl:


    After that (He did not sing anything!! :blink:) he came over to me with my mother and he talked to me (Cannot remember what he said. :crybaby:)

    And he seemed to like me because he smiled to me all the time while he was speaking.. :wub2:

  4. Mika said: ''Hi I'm Mika and this is my Shepherd dog.'' he was standing there with this GIANT&HAIRY black dog. ''Her name is Nancy and she is a pig.''


    xD Mika christmas video?? 'Hi this is Mika' and he's sitting there with the dog.. :) Remembers me to that.. :biggrin2:


    My friend thought the dog's name was Mika and he introduces the dog.. :roftl:

  5. Me: HEEEEEY!!!!

    Mika:Hello??! Wha-

    Me: OMG!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!

    Mika: :blink: Umm.. Why are you calling and-


    Mika: Calm down! You sound as if you-

    Me: Oh my god... Why are you talking to ME??

    Mika: You were phoning me..

    Me: YES!

    Mika: So why are you calling??


    Mika: Ow! My ear!! Stop doing that or I'll hang up!

    Me: Oh sorry.. I'm soooo excited!!

    Mika: Okay.

    Me: Oh.. I just wanted to ask you... to ask... Oh no..

    Mika: What?

    Me: I FORGOOT IT !!!!!!!!!

    Mika: *sigh* So.. Anything else you wanted to say?

    Me: Yeees! I.... I.. I love your music! :blush-anim-cl:

    Mika: Ok. Thank you!

    Me: Oh yes.. Bye then!!!

    Mika: Bye!! *hangs up* ..What a strange person... :blink:

  6. I finally had a Mika dream again!! :boing:


    We were in Cambodia, where I went for the holidays, and we went to a restaurant. When we got there I sat down at this table with my parents and kathy from the MFC (MissPie) and we realised that someone relatively famous was sitting next to us! So we figured there must be something pretty big going on. I then saw Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie sit down at another table, so we were like :yikes: and Kathy said 'OMG what if Mika comes here you'll go crazy!'


    And then music started and I saw the singer and it was iMMa, and Kathy went crazy and she was begging me to get her an autograph. but suddenly all the walls dissapeared and in the middle of the roon there was a swimming pool full of glitter and Mika was swimming in i! Then Rain started and we realised it was just a new performance of Rain. I got so excited I squealed and I hit the tble really hard, causing half of it to collapseand a peice to roll to the other side of the room! So I got up to go get it,k but that was just the part when mika got to our table and was singing about giving us an autograph, and since i wasn't there, he gave it to kathy, but in the end it was just the restaurant bill. he was still singing when I sat down and I was starng at him like :drool: and he turned and winked at me!!!!


    and there WAS more but i can't remember it! What a strange dream :loco:


    :roftl::roftl::roftl: Phahahahaaa!!! A swimming pool full of glitter... The best until now!! I wish I had dreams like this.. :naughty:

  7. Ok, Here's my dream..

    I went to some 'twitter-meeting' with friends, a few people I'm following there and lots of others I don't know..

    There was a big hall with many stools and we had to sit down there. Mika was there ,too (of course.. ;D) Then a huge, fat man came on a stage that was build in the hall and shouted we have to be quiet because there's going to be a surprise.. Many people screamed and ran around to annoy the man and then he left the room.. Mika was talking to them then, and they laughed a lot. So I was very jealous and I thought he was talking to them because they were loud :blink: So I shouted the whole time.. But he did not come to me and I was very very sad and cried.. Then we had to go to our rooms and a friend said I should go with my CD and try to get an autography. I went outside the room and saw Mika walking around in a circle. I asked him to sign my CD but then he said that I have not got a pen although I had one.. I was angry and stared at him because he was talking to himself and then he suddenly disappeared.. :blink:

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