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Posts posted by Valmont69

  1. On 6/2/2024 at 1:44 PM, Hero said:

    Wasn't sure where to put this, but as it relates to tickets this thread seems best. 


    In case anyone hasn't seen the news, Ticketmaster/LiveNation has been hacked, with over 500 million customers' personal info being sold on the black market. Includes names, postal addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, credit card numbers, ticket orders, etc.  Advice is to immediately change your password on ticketmaster and on any other sites that use the same password. If you have a payment card linked to the account, keep an eye on your balance for unusual activity. Also be wary of emails, phone calls, messages, purporting to be from Ticketmaster, asking for further information as it could be the scammers seeking info. Ticketmaster should be emailing those affected by the data breach with info, but they're taking their time about it, and with so many people affected its best to assume the worst and take action now. 


    If scammers have your account details and password, they can access your tickets and transfer to their own accounts/emails. 




    Note about the credit card details, they are partial details only (last 4 numbers and expiry date) so not useful by itself, but may prompt increased phishing attempts as the scammers seek additional info. So don't panic, but be aware. Also, the potential for exploitation is several years, the scammers dont have to immediately use the data, so long-term awareness is required. 




    Thank you so much :shocked:, I go immediately on their sites, I checked that Ticketmaster has several domains, not always managed with the same credentials.



    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Jaela said:


    Putting the ethics of the McDonalds gig aside, I think if I participated in this giveaway thinking I would see Mika in some intimate private concert just for Mika fans, and I then found out on the day itself that actually it's going to be in some huge stadium (if I recall correctly McDonalds had a LOT of tickets to give away in their app too) and there's also going to be that other guy, Vacra, performing, I'd be quite surprised 😅


    It's still a nice opportunity, especially bc those who maybe wish to see Mika but didn't want to directly support McDonalds can now potentially attend it through a backdoor without having to buy a burger and install an app and what not, but why wouldn't Mika's team be transparent about what sort of gig they are giving away places to? I really had to come and check on here, because I thought maybe Bloom just connected the wrong dots or something, but no 🤷🏼‍♀️


    I said yesterday that it could make sense, 'cause he had a lot of troubles with MC Do event, so I related the :group_hug:of his fan club with the necessity of organising THIS event without writing about that on social medias. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, dcdeb said:




    From the website:


    "Entry will be at Door Opening time for given event unless otherwise stated"


    So you bypass the regular queue and get to enter at the same time as everyone else. That means you don't have to queue all day, if you don't want to.

    Obviously there will some of us who will queue to be first among the first 😇

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, mellody said:


    I know he keeps saying that, but it still doesn't make any more sense to me. Especially not with the reason he gives, that they were / are very expressive in his family. Big gestures, big drama, standing on the table (or on stage) and shouting out your worries, totally makes sense. But why be mean? Why not just use the same intensity to shout out your love and your happiness? If you take the lyrics of MAEP, with his explanation it makes sense that he gets jealous and says "is there another guy? I'm not on the list anymore, I think it's over". But what, Mika can use harsh words because it was usual in his family, but if Andy does it, he gets called a monster? Maybe there's something that gets lost in translation for me, or Mika forgets to mention a few details that would explain it - which is ok of course, he is already VERY open about this... just if he tries to justify being mean by growing up in a family that often shouted at each other, he can't expect me to follow his argumentation. :dunno_grin: Being expressive / emotional and being mean are 2 different things for me.

     He uses the word “méchante”, which means bad, also mean of course, but for the storytelling of the song, I interpreted what he said at Tours, and maybe also in some other venues, that you can be expressive with a song telling about the very sad moment when one lover, in this case not Mika, says I need to leave you now. The badness is in the fact that you remember to the person of the title that: ok now we are together, but I want to tell everybody how much you hurt me when I saw that sad smile in your face. Sort of posthume love revenge, in that sense he feels bad, but he underlines too that a real love song must be cruel. 



    • Like 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:



    La Nouvelle République
    Publié le 14/03/2024
    Tours : Mika en grande forme pour son concert

    Le Vinci était plein à craquer, mercredi 13 mars 2024, pour accueillir Mika, le petit prince de la pop, le « zébulon ».

    Il a lancé le 1er mars dernier « Apocalypse Tour », une tournée de 17 dates en France, avant de poursuivre à Bruxelles, Londres, Berlin et de terminer à Dublin. Une tournée qui accompagne la sortie de l’album Que ta tête fleurisse toujours (1).

    Les Tourangeaux (et bien d’autres) ont eu la chance de le voir ou le revoir (son dernier passage à Tours était en janvier 2020) dans un spectacle haut en couleur, comme l’artiste affectionne.


    Un Mika en pleine forme

    Ils ont eu peur, ces fans, après l’annulation du concert de Brest pour cause de grippe. Mais Mika a retrouvé la forme, son énergie dévorante et sa générosité. Il ne s’est pas ménagé, puisant dans ses ressources physiques pour régaler un public conquis, lui rendant bien.

    Un voyage psychédélique

    Les 2.000 spectateurs du Vinci ont eu la chance d’accompagner Mika dans un véritable voyage psychédélique, avec des multiples références à Peter Pan ou Alice au pays des merveilles… Même le piano blanc a un plateau en forme de pied.

    Au début du concert, le chanteur sort d’une cage à oiseau géante, habillé tout de rouge en déployant tel un ange, d’imposantes ailes, sur un foudroyant Bougez, et l’écran géant, derrière lui, fait défiler des vidéos imaginaires tout au long du spectacle.


    De « Relax » à « Love Today »

    Les spectateurs trouvent le rythme dès le début et comme dans un tourbillon, chauffés à blanc, reprennent avec lui ses titres emblématiques Relax, Elle me dit, Grace Kelly, Big girl, Love Today… ainsi qu’un hommage à sa reine Jane Birkin.

    Sans oublier l’émouvant C’est la vie, une pensée lucide sur la vieillesse. Si le corps va vers la terre, la tête et le cœur doivent aller vers le ciel, dit-il.

    « Un théâtre élégant ici à Tours »

    Tout au long du show Mika, qui a fait son retour comme coach dans la saison 2024 de The Voice, s’exprime dans un Français parfait.

    « Nous sommes dans un théâtre élégant ici à Tours… et tout là-haut il y a les anges au paradis », dit-il, en pointant du doigt les spectateurs du fond.

    L’espace de deux heures, on oublie l’actualité morose et on se laisse emmener dans un monde féerique et une explosion de couleurs. C’est beau, c’est bon, c’est puissant !


    (1) Le 1er décembre 2023 paraissait l’album Que ta tête fleurisse toujours, chanté entièrement en Français. Le titre de l’album est un hommage à sa mère, décédée en février 2021. Cette phrase que lui a soufflée sa mère, son dernier message avant de partir.


    :uk: Google translator

      Hide contents


    Tours: Mika in great shape for his concert


    The Vinci was full to bursting on Wednesday March 13, 2024, to welcome Mika, the little prince of pop, the “zebulon”.

    On March 1, he launched the “Apocalypse Tour”, a 17-date tour in France, before continuing in Brussels, London, Berlin and ending in Dublin. A tour which accompanies the release of the album Let your head always flower (1).

    The Tourangeaux (and many others) had the chance to see or see him again (his last visit to Tours was in January 2020) in a colorful show, as the artist likes.

    A Mika in great shape


    They were scared, these fans, after the cancellation of the Brest concert due to flu. But Mika has regained his form, his devouring energy and his generosity. He did not spare himself, drawing on his physical resources to delight a won over audience, making him feel good.


    A psychedelic journey


    The 2,000 spectators at Vinci had the chance to accompany Mika on a true psychedelic journey, with multiple references to Peter Pan or Alice in Wonderland... Even the white piano has a top in the shape of a foot.

    At the start of the concert, the singer comes out of a giant bird cage, dressed all in red, spreading imposing wings like an angel, on a thunderous Move, and the giant screen, behind him, plays imaginary videos throughout the show.

    From “Relax” to “Love Today”


    The spectators find the rhythm from the start and, as if in a whirlwind, white-hot, take up with him his emblematic titles Relax, Elle me dit, Grace Kelly, Big girl, Love Today... as well as a tribute to his queen Jane Birkin.

    Without forgetting the moving C’est la vie, a lucid thought on old age. If the body goes towards the earth, the head and the heart must go towards the sky, he says.


    “An elegant theater here in Tours”


    Throughout the show Mika, who returned as a coach in the 2024 season of The Voice, speaks in perfect French.

    “We are in an elegant theater here in Tours… and up there are the angels in heaven,” he said, pointing to the spectators at the back.

    For two hours, we forget the gloomy news and let ourselves be taken into a magical world and an explosion of colors. It’s beautiful, it’s good, it’s powerful!

    (1) On December 1, 2023, the album That Your Head Always Flowers was released, sung entirely in French. The title of the album is a tribute to his mother, who died in February 2021. This sentence that his mother whispered to him, her last message before leaving.












     Thanks @Kumazzz!! ❤️ I’ll follow you here, I’m looking for GK 🤩🤩🤩, I have my videos, but with my Apple :tears:, and above all suddenly I had to stop filming because he came towards me and made a mess with my hair, while singing,  after I was like: 

    Shocked Sesame Street GIF by Muppet Wiki

    • Like 4
  6. On 2/21/2024 at 3:51 PM, mellody said:

    Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-21 um 15.23.18.png

    The text on his jacket says "Blue Jeans" on one side and "Love harder" on the other. I wonder if it'll be one of his tour outfits? Probably... and I suppose for this song, because only in this context the "Blue Jeans" makes sense. Not sure though what he means by "love harder" ... something like love (yourself) more? I saw the word "love" at first and then was surprised about the "harder" - does it make sense to English speakers in the context of the song? I suppose it's hard to express the feeling of love in this song in just 2 words, so maybe that's what comes closest and something like "love more" could be misinterpreted as "make love more often", which I'm sure he doesn't mean ... oh dear, even if I think I know English well, such details in certain expressions still confuse me. 😅🙈


    For me "Love harder" means: when someone who loves you is the same who makes you fall, don't stop loving. Love harder, don't stop loving just because you fell once.


    • Like 2
  7. On 2/28/2024 at 3:29 PM, mellody said:

    For those with spare tickets for Berlin, @Jaela suggested to use ticketswap for these, as there's a high demand on that platform for Berlin tickets. On here it seems the supply of Berlin tickets is much higher than the demand (while for tickets for the UK gigs it's the opposite, no need to pay fees on a ticket platform if you have spares for Dublin or London). Just as a suggestion. ;)


    Vielen Dank Karin, some friends and I managed to sell Berlin on Ticketswap :cheer:!

    • Like 3
  8. On 2/24/2024 at 12:18 PM, mellody said:


    I've deleted your personal data, not sure why you posted that here? I heard from someone that fansale is only available for German addresses, but I don't know, I've never used it. :dunno:


    Thank you Karin and @krysady

    Ok, then, I personally will never buy tickets on eventim.de, it's annoying for foreign customers not to have this possibility.:mad3: 

    I relate to Italian friends who had the same problem.

    • Like 1
  9. On 2/24/2024 at 2:14 PM, krysady said:

    @Valmont69 Not sure if you've read Deb's post, we don't "sell" tickets on MFC, you can say you have a spare one and talk the details on private message :wink2:



    About the resale on Eventim, I answered you on the other thread :thumb_yello:


    Thank you, I edited the post :doh:.

    • Like 1
  10. Hi, if everyone interested in Berlin, I have one extra ticket, Berlin is sold out on Mika site :punk::germany:!!

    Did anyone try on My Data (fansale.de)?

    I'ma having problems with my billing address, but everything seems fine, if I go to my profile data on Fansale platform.

    I'll try to open a claim, if there's an option.

  11. On 11/11/2023 at 8:52 AM, mellody said:


    Wow, so cool!! :excite: Only fansale tickets available now. :biggrin2:


    Yeah, wonderful news:punk:., a friend of mine told me that she saw something on eventim.

    Do you know if it's possible to put tickets on Fan sale? I tried but I don't know how to confirm my Italian address. It's fine on eventim site, but when I switch to Buy and sell tickets for concerts, football and more - fanSALE, it tells me that "The country of your invoice address is not activated. Please change your address data", but even on my FanSale profile all data seem correct. 

    Any of fans outside tried to sell Berlin on that platform?

    I will post on Extra-Ticket thread, too.

  12. 59 minutes ago, dcdeb said:


    I love your "skatey banana" Myriam! If I could make that an emoji, I would. :lol3:


    I do really love the video -- and I love that they included English subtitles. Thank you, Mika!:yay:


    Yeah, that's why I chose this gif: I hoped that someone of us could make it :das:.

    I appreciated the subtitles too, even if I tried to find out on my YT settings if it was something I did on my YT account.

    I discovered on the guide that it's a channel option :doh:.


    I tried and tried to do some screenshots without subtitles :lmfao:, poor thing!

  13. Hi everybody,

    I have a couple of spare tickets:

    - Berlin, April 2nd

    - Geneva, March 28th, seated place


    Block: BLE - Bloc E
    Reihe: B, Plätze: 57


    If anyone is interested, pls DM me.



  14. 6 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

    Carla De Coignac ( co - author )

    https://www.instagram.com/carladecoignac/ story


    En savoir plus sur la chanson Jane Birkin de Mika.
    Une chanson que j'ai eu l'immense honneur de co écrire avec @mikainstagram


    Un hommage par un homme magicien des mots.





    Osez sortir de la piscine


    :uk: Google translator

    Learn more about the song Jane Birkin by Mika.
    A song that I had the immense honor of co-writing with @mikainstagram

    A tribute by a man who is a magician of words.





    Dare to get out of the pool






    "Osez sortir de la piscine" :punk:

    • Haha 1
  15. On 10/23/2023 at 11:10 PM, carafon said:

    Now that we've got the lyrics , it's time to debate about all the small video details (and meanings of course ......) :naughty:.



    That's made me smile because in French  "avoir le feu aux fesses" means having lot of sex 

     The second meaning is being in a hurry . In this video , it could me a combination of both :naughty:

    on b.png


    I made a screenshot of this when I saw the video the first time, with the intention to warn my Mika friends the specific day when I ....

    Kinda DO NOT DISTURB, it's TODAY!!!:cheer:

    Don't laugh if you will see that on my FB cover :das:

    • Haha 2
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