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Everything posted by Pamp

  1. Hola Maribel!!¡¡¡Enhorabuena!! acabo de leer tu mensaje en mikasounds...es que llevo unos días bastante malillos y por la noche me conecto un poquito a facebook y a twitter..e intento ver algo por aquí, pero sólo un ratillo...¡¡vaya sorpresa!!!!¡¡¡que contenta estoy de que por fín puedas ír a un concierto y de que nos vayamos a conocer!!!

  2. i mean good morning,.......writting too fast...must go out now with my kids, my daughter has tennis....xoxo

  3. Goos morning Muriel!!


    I´ll also go to Compiegne so we´ll meet there!! That will be a really special gig, right?....and i´ll also go to Oporto.


    I´m really happy about going to Compiegne, cause i´ll meet a lot of you there in person!!


    Have a great weekend!


    Un beso

  4. Hi Muriel!!


    Great to have news about you!! I´ve been really busy too...but this month i guess i´ll have much free time, so will try to be here more.


    Are you going to any of the July gigs?

  5. No, no me llevo a mi bruja, porque tdavía es muy pequeña....Me voy con otras dos mamis del cole....una es fan de Mika, la otra está en proceso,je,je...Nosotras estaremos alojadas en Gaia...todavía no sé ni a qué hora sladremos, pero me imagino que sobre las 7 u 8 de la tarde estaremos allí. De todas maneras ya te iré comentando como vá la cosa....a ver si tu madre te deja cenar con nosotras...yo creo que la mayoría somos mamis y cenaremos y a la camita, que al día siguiente toca madrugar...¿qué tal el resto de tu vida?¿las clases? Un besazo

  6. ¡¡Hola chata!!!


    ¿Qué tal vá todo?.....ayyyy...que poquito falta ya para Julio!!! ¿cuando llegas a Oporto?¿el 15 o el 16?...Nosotras llegamos el 15, así que tendremos tiempo para ír a cenar por ahí todas juntas....¿en qué hotel te vas a alojar?.Un beso

  7. Hi Alfie!!


    How is it going? Did you have a good weekend?


    Here it´s all as usually,and that´s good. My kids are in the school and now i have to clean the kitchen...great, right?....Later i´ll go to the park with them, cause today it´s sunny...it seems Spring finally has come......

    Hope everything it´s ok there.



  8. Ja,ja,jaa.....love your new avatar pic...He looks better than Beatrice!!!

  9. Hi Muriel!!!!


    How is it all going? Hope everything it´s ok there. Miss talking with you.Un beso

  10. Hi sweetie!!


    As i told you today i will finally go the day before the gig.....Can´t wait till July....There is a lot of people from here going, right? It will be really great. Just booked the hotel five minutes ago....Un beso

  11. Hi Nina!!!! we´ll met first in Compiegne...can´t believe it......i will go the same day, cause i can´t go the day before....bufff i have to leave home at 4am....but i´m sure it will be unforgetable....right?...Un beso

  12. And what about you?...Ok...my kids are still awake, and they are really tired....go to bed...Hope to talk with you tomorrow!!!...or later..Un beso

  13. So we´ll stay her...........but the 29th of May we´ll go with the kids to Disneyland Paris..(they still don´t know it......) so we´ll make a great trip!!!..i´m more excied than they will be, i´m sure

  14. We aren´t going anywhere for holidays, cause here there is a lot of people in this season.We have a lot of processions, we have "Equiocio" ( is like a horse fair with competitions, and lots of atractions)

  15. Hi Alfie!!! Finally we didn´t go to the cinema....my husband was playing a paddle match and we went to see him....well, i saw him while my kids were jumping in an elastic bed? (don´t know if that´s the name)...They really had fun..and after that we went to have some driks with their classmates and their parents...

  16. I have to go now, phone call, but i´ll try to be here more often,...i miss you all!!! Un beso

  17. I don´t know what i´ll do today with my kids, in the afternoon, but i supose will go to a mall or maybe to the cinema....

  18. Not cool, cause there are a lot of processions and most of them will be suspended...but...in Galicia it´s like this!!

  19. I´m at work, but i have a few minutes to talk.....Tomorrow it´s the last day of work..then...hoylydays til Tuesday!!! But as it´s use to be here it´s raining...it always rains in Easter!!!

  20. Hi Alfie!!! Did i told you i love your new wall pic? Is that you? Love it, i really do.....How is all going?

  21. Hi Alfie!!! Did i told you i love your new wall pic? Is that you? Love it, i really do.....How is all going?

  22. perio bueno, es lo que hay...si vives en Galicia ya sabes lo que tienes......¿y vosotros por ahí?¿qué tal la Semana Santa?

  23. Como todas las Semanas Santas esta será pasadita por agua, con lo que la mtad de las procesiones no las veremos, y a los niños les encantan, por eso de las estampitas y los caramelos,je,je

  24. yo estoy en el trabajo....pero he aprovechado un momentillo para meterme y curiosear.....Aquí la Semana Santa empezó bien, pero hoy ya llueve...y no tiene pinta de parar..¡¡¡vaya mierda!!

  25. ¿qué tal todo? ¿alguna novedad?

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