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tiibet last won the day on January 16 2018

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  1. I have an extra ticket for Mika Philharmonique in Orange June 23, the 3rd row in the fosse area. I bought it originally for a family member. Please contact if interested.
  2. It seems the Paleo festival is sold out before even had a possibility to enter the site. If anyone managed to buy an extra please contact me, I’m looking for a ticket.
  3. I like filming also some full songs but they are in instagram form and I haven’t posted there yet not to spoil too much but I will post them later.
  4. Oh thanks for reading my rambling Saturday afternoon thoughts! I wasn't actually thinking of the word "materialism" at that point, I was simply looking at him in the middle of those items that are painted golden and wondered if they represent something that is real gold (something that is genuinely valuable) or something that is made to look like gold (maybe something expensive that people seem to want). And he was dancing there and seemed to enjoy himself and then he left the room. @dcdeb I agree with you about the fallen angel, that was my first thought as well. He looks exactly like fallen angels in films and I thought I watch too much Netflix but I guess someone else does as well, they made him look so exact. I would really like to see the wings on stage but of course, who knows what he plans. More than the angel theme the scene makes me think of our moral decisions. Whatever took him in a situation where he feels the world is crushing him was still something he knew is the right thing to do because that's what guides his actions. Also, I guess I want to think the ending a bit differently. Mika can occasionally feel that world is crushing him but I want to believe in the end he's the one who is holding it. He does what he feels is right and in the end he holds the world in his hands. The video is basically a music video filmed in an art exhibition but I really like the result. They have managed to create several scenes that can be seen so differently. Very thought-provoking, love it when he does that. I've always liked this collaboration, very good quality.
  5. A long shot, I know, but I’m looking for a ticket for Dublin. I have one for myself but I would like to take my son as well. This is such a long tour that I’m buying a few tickets for my family as well just to be able to see them! Luckily they like Mika and his music and have already seen some shows in the past. Please contact me if any extra. Edit: just bought the missing ticket 👍
  6. It works now for standing tickets if anyone wants to buy. I got one and had no problems. But what I actually wanted was a seat and the good ones are gone now so I will try those on Friday again.
  7. They had golden area tickets but those disappeared immediately. I managed to have two nice seats in my basket but never managed to pay them. So stressful.
  8. I will have a gluten free proper margherita, thank you! Also some dessert if available but not sure if those are gluten free.
  9. Will be so good to see you again, Deb! I will happily join any dinner or meeting. Not sure I can eat anything at the pizza place but will be nice to meet everyone.
  10. https://music.apple.com/fi/album/keep-it-simple-feat-mika/1660936664?i=1660936736&l=fi What happens if you click the link? I was offered to buy iTunes Store when I click someone’s link. Also, Spotify worked for me when I used the link Mika tweeted (just not in app). I haven’t tried Amazon France but I’ve bought there digital material before. I know it can be a problem though. I haven’t managed to buy older symphonic albums anywhere.
  11. I bought this song from the iTunes Store and if I use the link Mika tweeted I can open it on Spotify as well (however, it’s not available on the app).
  12. Thanks girls, you are so kind with your words. His repost made me very happy. I felt grateful and wished I could share and express it so I tagged him in one of my stories and thought he might or might not see it, we know how busy he must be. He reposted it soon after, it really warmed my heart.
  13. Isa, I've had the same problem with several of my tickets. Yesterday I got this message when I filled the form in English, then tried again with the form in Italian and it went through. Probably it's not about the language, you just need to try several times and it can get through. Maybe the site is occasionally too busy. I have still many tickets to try. If I can't get the form through I will just leave it. I don't have energy to deal with the Italian customer service.
  14. Today I spent hours at the Ticketone site trying and crying and as the result of more than 30 tickets (that I had bought for myself and my family) I managed to fill the refund form for 9 tickets. The form won't go through and gives the message some others have received as well or the site throws me out and when I try again it says the ticket is being processed already (even though it's not, I hadn't completed the form before being thrown out). I have to say that the site is a nightmare, I don't think we will get all the refunds. I will continue tomorrow, too tired to try more today. Such a sad task to ask refunds for gig tickets but it's been even sadder to see people's reactions. I will never learn to understand how being harsh and rude and lacking empathy could be somehow normal or even morally rightful. This is an awful situation for Mika in every way and will probably cost him a lot as well.
  15. It seems I have a couple of extra tickets for Cap Roig. Row 3 seat 31 and row 4 seat 12.
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