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Everything posted by Pamp

  1. Resolution Number TWO; Be Kind Not Nice. Who likes Nice? Nice isn’t sexy nor is it honest. People are only nice when they want something or when they just want to get you out of the way. Being nice is like being drunk too many times in a week. You feel tired, anaesthetised and very angry underneath. Kind, is sincere and takes more effort. The plus side is that you don’t have to do it as often. It does take a lot more control however, and that takes discipline. But we all know that discipline makes you feel better about yourself. So, being nice makes you feel like **** and being kind makes you feel good and zen like. Be careful to not be too pious however, then everyone thinks your just a self satisfied prick.

  2. Resolution Number ONE; I shall find myself a canon. After the death of the legendary american writer Hunter S Thompson, his ashes were exploded out of a canon on top of a mountain in Colorado. None other than Johnny Depp lit the taper. This is a very very good way to go. Forget Johnny Depp tho, I don’t know him. Why spend so much money on a burial plot when a story like that will travel for so far and for so long. Please note, my resolution makes no implication that I will die in 2011, I just want a canon. A little post life theatre can’t be a bad thing.

  3. LOVE MIKA´S NEW ARTICLE IN LRXL.....I don´t know how to post it, so here it is by parts....SIMPLY GREAT:


    You’ve obviously realised by now that this issue is about Glam. By the time you’ve finished reading this magazine (or just looking at the pictures) you would have had enough bright coloured lipstick, smeared sequins and alter egos to last you the rest of 2011.


    Imagine if you had woken up in the early hours of 2011 lying on the floor, dressed in a blue catsuit with glitter in your hair and a puddle of drool under the corner of your mouth. Well that mess was me on the 1st of Jan and the Glam rock themed new years party which preceded this ugly scene was to blame. That is the reason why I don’t feel like writing about Glam. Instead this article will be far more traditional; the ultimate new years resolution list. Trust me, I need one.

  4. :blush-anim-cl:Hi!! Yes our Christmas were familiar but great....happy that yours were fun too. My husband is better thanks...in two or three days he will be Ok....How are you now? Hope you´re fine...here everybody was ill at Christmas..it´s the time, isn´t it? ..here it´s raining a lot, so it´s normal to have colds...What did you do in London? Any funny plans?...Besos

  5. Hi!! Yes our Christmas were familiar but great....happy that yours were fun too. My husband is better thanks...in two or three days he will be Ok....How are you now? Hope you´re fine...here everybody was ill at Christmas..it´s the time, isn´t it? ..here it´s raining a lot, so it´s normal to have colds...What did you do in London? Any funny plans?...Besos

  6. I must leave you now, my husband is ill and i have to give him his medicine...nothing serious, just a cold i guess.....Hope to talk to you soon...Besos

  7. Have you seen the last pics, i mean Mika pics...he looks great. I´m a little sad cause i thought Paloma was at home, but the most important thing is that she is recovering, even if it´s slowlier than we tought it should be, isn´t it?

  8. Christmas had been great...how was yours?....We had a very familiar Christmas, with my mom and da, my brothers and my laws....My kids have been overexcited all days during the vacations...and now coming back to real life it´s being a little hard for them.....but in two days all will be ok

  9. Hi Alfie!! Long time since we talk for last..Christmas is a very busy season for me...that´s why i´ve been out for so long...

  10. La verdad es que llevo mucho sin entrar demasiado en ningun lado, pero espero que esta semana ya podré hacerlo muuuucho más.....Un besazo

  11. ¡¡Hola Guapa!!! No sabía que estabas aquí....¡¡que alegría!!

  12. HI dear!! Hope you ahd a great Christmas day and hope you´ll have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Any special plan for 31th?..Besos

  13. Hope everybody had a great Christmas day...and will have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! YOU ARE ALL GREAT...BESOS

  14. Hola Sara!! ¿Cómo va todo?...menos mal que vas colgando cosas por tw..porque sino de tí ná de ná......Aún así te mando un beso....

  15. ¡Hola guapa! ¿qué tal vá todo?....Oye, sabeis alguien si Paloma sigue en el hospital????? La verdad es que entro muuy poquito por aquí últimamente y ya hasta me olvidaba de quien anda por aquí..imagino que a tí te pasará lo mismo.Un besazo

  16. ¡¡Desde luego!!...esta Veromika estaba aquí escondidita y nosotras sin saber ná de ná....Vero......Manifiéstate con xeito!!!! Un beso

  17. night,night Angel.....sleep well..Kisses

  18. music helps always.....never leaves you!!

  19. sorry you have that problems.......but for what you told me you´ll be knocked out in about 5 minutes.......Hope you´ll have a good night and sweet Mika dreams!!!

  20. Can´t sleep tonight!!!...i hate this nights..cause tomorrow will begin at the same time......how about you? it´s 1:48am!!!!!!

  21. Hi Nina!!! Can´t sleep tonight!!! Glad you had a good weekend...yes, this weeks have been a little busy and most of the nights my husband needed the pc,...so i´ve been around here just a little......-25 º...can´t even imagine how cold is that!!!! Brrrr....here when we are like 1 or 2º we say is too cold.........hope you have a good fire at home....Kisses

  22. any special plan for the rest of the weekend?

  23. I´m fine, thanks....sorry for your headache...i know what that is...i have a lot....and it´s horrible!!

  24. HI!!!! well, why do i love Fridays?...cause it´s the begginig of the weekend and the end of the work week, at least for me......don´t you think Fridays are great...for me are the perfect days...you are still waiting for the weekend, but knowing it´s here.....

  25. Hi Muriel!!! How are you today? Besos

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