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Status Updates posted by Siu

  1. 2254255226cab90aa692z.jpg


    Nice pic you posted in the gasmics :blush-anim-cl:. A few weeks ago I saw a similar jacket on Joe Browns' and I convinced my hubby to order it :teehee:. He looks great in it but too bad I have these pics to compare him to :roftl:.

  2. The longer you're away, the better is the coming back and the better sound the first notes of MIKAmusic. It's like taking the first sip of coffee after a coffee-free period. I' literally dizzy from listening to the music again. I'm hearing things in it I haven't heard since I first discovered him. If I only had the willpower to make such brakes more often... :lmfao:

  3. It sort of was MIKArehab :biggrin2:. No MIKA whatsoever since last Thursday afternoon (except for my kids humming Love Today every once in a while :roftl:).


    I had a plan worked out: if I had tripped and come back to MFC too soon (three days before the right time is not too soon :biggrin2:) then I would have told my husband about MFC. Since I didn't want to jeopardize my MFC life I was a GOOD girl :biggrin2:. Well, almost :naughty:

  4. Oh, Rosie! I've become a GOOD girl! No talking behind his back. If I can't talk in front of him, I won't talk behind his back :angel_not:. Sure! :lmfao:

  5. Think twice before you send MIKA to me :naughty:. We've been busy, but he's gone to Italy now so I had time to come to MFC again :roftl:.


    I've missed you too, seriously! :huglove:

  6. Aww, your wall! MIKA in red! I should have come back sooner!:wub2:

  7. Hi francoise! :huglove:

    I was swamped in work, deadlines hanging above my head, so I decided to step back and dedicate to work 24/7. First I was planning on leaving a note, but I knew that if I logged in again, I'd lose my soul to MFC. But I'm fine, better than before. Not so sleep-deprived any more and ready to catch up with what I've missed :roftl: and there seems to be A LOT! I had planned to stay away until Monday, but I couldn't resist the temptation any more. A week without MFC and with no MIKAmusic is all a girl can take :naughty:.

    How have you been?

  8. Yeah, that's true! Unless his umbilical cord is extensible :teehee:. But actually I am planning on going to London, not to try to find MIKA's house or to stalk him, but simply because I haven't been there yet. There's a MFC gathering in January, but I'm afraid I can't make it :(.

  9. I must admit I haven't read the rules (not in detail anyway) :teehee:. I have an impression that I heard or read something about him buying a house, but I can't be sure, cause in the last 4 months I've had so much MIKAinformation that I don't know where, when or even IF I heard it or whether I simply dreamed of it :lmfao:.


    His flat IS awesome! All the playthings and the shoe shelf! My fav! It's like an exhibition.


    It would be odd, of course, if he lived in a big(ger) house, considering that he felt necessary to tweet after spending 3 nights a row in his apartment. MIKA constantly on tour or recording the house would be lonely :teehee:.

  10. Hi! I'm in Edinburgh, so it's quite a long way from here to MIKA's flat, wherever it is in the posh K***ton. Didn't he move house in spring (not that we should discuss it, probably :lmfao:)?

  11. So I missed a few smilies! Actually I didn't forget them - I was one big bunch excitement. Nothing carnal about it!


    Rosie, I love the pic! Honestly! And I love the new hair! And I love the lashes! And I love the nose! And I love the lips! And I love the ears! And I love the... :blush-anim-cl:

  12. Yep, Rosie! I saw him on livestream from Buenos Aires last night! :wub2: My oh my was I happy! I was all :clap::insane::bow::kachinga::punk::roll1::boing::fangurl::woot_jump: all at the same time. Can you believe it!? :wub2::wub2:

  13. Hi Rosie! The freshest MIKApics ever:




    I wish you had been online! It was sooo great to see him live again :wub2:

  14. Thanks, I joined! Just the right place for me :lmfao:

  15. Well, he was supposed to be "not vulgar" :teehee: I like the view, though :naughty:

  16. Be my guest! Always happy to have friends over :lmfao:

  17. Sure a girl sees when there's something left for the girl to see :lmfao:. Which unfortunately doesn't happen very often :naughty:

  18. Something for your profile collection, Francoise :wink2:



  19. Did I notice the lip thing!? Rosie, I do have eyes, you know :lmfao:


    I do have eyes indeed...


  20. I can't see it :sad:. It says that the file has been removed due to violation of Imageshack terms of service blahblahblah :crybaby:


    I believe it's something I'd really like to see ... :naughty:. Am I right or m I right :lmfao:



    PS I finally watched the vid you have in your siggie and ... I wish I hadn't. The game he's playing with his lips at the end of the first minute - he's cruel :swoon:.


    Plus I wish I was the mic (as lame as it sounds).


    Plus the part you have in your siggie - I'd do with him what he does with the smells he likes - conserve him. But no, he'd fade. He cannot be captured. He's so happy and so lucky, yet I believe he must also have a lonelier and sadder side to his heart. Happy and glittering outside, but serious and sad inside, just like his songs.


    Huh, Siu, stop the melancholy :lmfao:

  21. Hi Francoise! :bye:

    I'm living in MIKAland, where there's no day and no night :lmfao:

    But actually I'm in the UK, getting too little sleep lately :lmfao:. I am trying to cut down on MFC a bit though :roftl:.


    Where do you live? Your name is French but your morning starts when I'm doing my last hours here :teehee:

  22. Thanks Alba! :huglove: This gasmic view is for you


  23. I wish it was my (only) reason. The reality is much duller:emot-sad:. But I have my music in my ears and if I get very bored I allow myself a few glimpses on my other desktop. True sight for sore eyes, wouldn't you say? Yet completely innocent pleasure.






    I try not to look at this, cause I doubt I will have a nice morning ... in a few hours :lmfao:




    The short time I've been in MFC has truly messed me up but I like being messed up like that.

  24. Two hours less than where you are, I believe :lmfao:. Why aren't you sleeping? Why aren't I sleeping!? OK, I know the answer to the last question too well...

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