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Status Updates posted by Anney

  1. good morning!!

    I´m glad you are back here:naughty:

    life is hard without mfc-heh?:naughty:


    staying here is more fun then reallife sometimes:teehee:


    ahhh! I wanted to play some sims too! my sis showed me the zombie-game yesterday and I spent the whole evening kiling zombies:teehee:. But it gets boring pretty fast and so I switched on mikas music and when my sis came in she saw me shooting zombies and singing relax:roftl:


    how was your day?

    any plans?


    (my plan is to play some sims today and to show you a pic of my lovely kid meeks and I have:mf_rosetinted:)



    Sorry that I didn`t reply for ages!

    There wasn`t enough time for my mfc-familly:blink: ...how can there ever be not enough time for the familly??:mf_rosetinted:

    well...now I´m here:biggrin2: tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa


    What is your tourism teacher like??

    what did he do to you?:sneaky2:


    ahhhhhhhh! my smileys don´t work again :(


    what do peeps in busses argue about??:teehee: but I`m glad it was only a small argument:mf_rosetinted:


    my last days were all pretty good.the cupcakes were delicious!

    my friend left on friday again. I hope I`ll get to see her on christmas again. We live in different cities because my familly moved 1 year ago and we try to meet often but it doesn`t really work out:sneaky2:


    how have yuo been the last days??


    bye dear .........wait for da nickname? It´ll arrive when you don`t expect it:mf_rosetinted:

  3. get well soon dear:huglove:


    I`m a bit tired for some reason but fine too :teehee:

  4. good to see ya:naughty:


    how are you? :)

  5. goooooood morning B)



    so here I am! hehe

    how was your day?


    parc des princes was so amazing!

    It was the first time I ever saw it! So wonderful and amazing..and wonderful and amazing *.*


    my other smiley don`t work today :(only the ones on the right side:blink:. I`m such a passionate smiley-lover and it doesn`t work :/


    I wish I would have more time for sims and stuff. but always school and work and other rubbish bah


    school in Germany is propably like in Romania:teehee: at least like your explanation sounds:roftl:

    how long do you go by bus?

    really many fights? o.O there are weird peeps on busses:mf_rosetinted:


    my day today was not bad :D I made some cupcakes with my bestfriend and they are georgeous :teehee: I`ll put some pics on fb soon:teehee:


    you said mfc is not reallife?:shocked::mf_rosetinted::roftl:


    don`t worry... I would be more around if my net wouldn`t be ****:mf_rosetinted:


    how are you? how was da day?



  7. good evening:biggrin2:


    da concert was amazing:shocked: ..you propably know it:teehee:. it was parc des princes... the show which is also on the dvd but I hadn`t watched it and loved it.


    yap... difficult for meeks in Germany... is not really accapted in here:no:


    you are so right about da film dorian gray:teehee::teehee: loved it!!!! what an amzing film. did he make other films yet?? don`t know that much about him:blink:


    omm:teehee:mary spread the word,heh?:naughty:

    well... I kinda created da whole pennimansXD

    I love creating the peeps but do not have enough patiency to let them have a long and happy life XD ...

    I created iMMa too but for some reason she became a lesbian:roftl:... she was supposed to be happy with meeks... well... that`s how life plays...now she`s happy with Ida XDDD


    you created da whole bunch too ?? seems like every mfc does that some day:mf_rosetinted:


    how was your day?

    all da best:huglove:

  8. Good evening:wink2:

    How are you?


    awwww....the gift is such a cute idea!!! love it. an the kid will:teehee:


    today was a cold day but very sunny.

    But best friend visits me for one week and I`ll show her the city and eveything:biggrin2:



    I allready forgot...when does the kid arrive?:teehee:



  9. your sims kid will lookgood in the end! an dif now you can make a lot more with meeks:mf_rosetinted:


    hehe. I crated iMMa at once and Ida only later. (I prefer iMMa:biggrin2: ...Ida is so ...dunno... don`t like her that much:roftl: (am not jealous because of her relationship with meeks at all:mf_rosetinted:


    I`m not playing atm :sneaky2: thanks to my zombie-killing sis:blink:


    how was your day btw??

    sorry for my late reply:teehee:

  10. Good afternoon dear :pinkbow:(the nickname will arrive soon... when you don not expect it:mf_rosetinted: )


    I love Ben Barnes tooooooooooo:wub2: I love "the picture of dorian gray" and "easy virtue" :wub2:.I only cam across himwatching NArnia tho:roftl:


    Good luck with with da project:naughty:

    I need to do some rubbish like that too :( and havé to hand it in in november and am not exactly looking forward to it.my presentation is december .:puke:


    ohhhh! :( sorry... but maybe I got it all wrong anyway! My english is not the best you know.And she didn`t tell it mfc but only a fan asking... but I guess I´m wrong!


    My day was allright :) . My closest friend will visit me tomorrow and stay 1 week so I had to tidy everything up. but my evening will be amazing!!!! There will be a show in TV about mika!!!!!!!! I don`t know what it is yet but I`ll watch it!!! He is nnot popular in germany at all and so I´m over the topexcited:teehee:


    how was your day?:huglove:

  11. I created iMMa and mika...

    at first they were together but then iMMa got lesbian :blink:

    not that I have anything against lesbians but that wasn`t planned:mf_rosetinted: dunno...

    and I created all da pennimans and Ida:biggrin2:

    now my sim is together with meeks but we don`t have any kids because we are concetrating on our career:mf_rosetinted:

    that`s how a real freak-fan-nerd sounds:mf_rosetinted:


    how many kids does sim-mika and you have?:naughty:

  12. wise words:biggrin2:


    that`s what sims is for :D

  13. :roftl::roftl::roftl:


    mama p is amazing:aah::aah:

    good that fortuné is not lonely:naughty:


    I always think it is so damn difficult to create the pennimans in sims:blink:

    mine usually don`t luck much alike:aah:

  14. awwww:teehee: what a lovely child you two have:aah:

    I like the pic of zuleika :DDD


    I just noticed that I didn`t create mama P.:blink:

    did you?

  15. :aah: think I would still like him as a zombie! as long as his hair doesn`t fall out ...or an arm...or leg:blink:


    will you upload then on fb or mfc???

  16. I `ll show when my sis killed all the zombies:mf_rosetinted:


    she is 14 years old and loves to lpay such games:shocked:

    you know... I allways liked to play sims:teehee: allready at the age of my sis but she allways comes p with new pc games where the only ame is to kill somebody-...

    she is such a sweet little girl:mf_rosetinted:


    what about you showing me a pic of your mika-sim?:naughty:


    omm!!! I just had an image of meeks as a zombie standing on the stage and killing the band while love today:shocked: :roftl:

  17. ::roftl::roftl::roftl:

    I know that :D... one spends money and doesn`t look different at all!! Or even when I look different and I actually like it it looks **** the nexr day because those peeps just put it nice...:mf_rosetinted:


    I´m watching my little sis playing some agressive game called "fear 2" . I actually wanted to play sims too (to see how grandpa meeks is doing:naughty:) but now I watch my sis killing zombies:roftl: allmost the same:mf_rosetinted:

  18. I told ya you would survive:mf_rosetinted::naughty:


    yor teacher will be happy when he/she will see you drawing 30586298653753 pics only of mika:aah:


    need to go to such a class too and let a teacher help me to draw him:teehee:


    so... back from salon?

    how do ya look like?:das:

  19. I only saw kick ass because I read that mika has made a song for it:aah: and I loved it...not because da song ofc:mf_rosetinted:



    For me it is around 8 a.m. now :DD

    You`ll survive da drawing lesson:naughty: ...what are you drawing thre btw?

    you gotta post a pic of your new hair in fb or mfc then:wink2: ...

    My hair is pretty thick but so damn even. I allways wanted to have some curls or something...curls are beautiful. not thinkin of meeks at all:mf_rosetinted:


    nothin up around here.

    Just watching a few mika vids . am a bit hungry now.

    guess I`ll go and search for sth eatable:biggrin2:


    bye. cyaa

  20. good morning dear:wink2:


    I usually say what I think but I`m actually in this fanclub to chat with some nice people and to get some info about mika. Tha`s why I don`t like to post many bad critic. I say when I do`t agree on sth but I`m just here to have fun and so I like to stay out of arguments:blush-anim-cl:


    hehe. I just heard radio yesterda and there was some silly advertisment for furniture or something but in the back there was played realx:teehee: and I just started to dance around while that voice was advertisig a chair:roftl:.


    have you allready started to think about da clothes for your nephew?:naughty: hehe


    Today I will tidy up the flat . I can`t wait for my friend to arrive:teehee:.


    Have a wonderful day and lots of fun with your familly


  21. good morning!!!!

    omm!!! a pic of ben barens now?:wub2:

    I`m a biiiiiiiiiiiig fan of him:fangurl:


    oh my o.O ...that def sounds like a lot of work!!! when is that presentation?


    the nickname will arrive when you don`t expect it:mf_rosetinted:

    it will be like :pbjt::roftl:I hope:mf_rosetinted:


    I`d be a big girl I guess:blush-anim-cl:. but... after one gig this year jasmine tole a few mfc-ers that the whole idea of getting fans on the stage would be over soon:crybaby: I hope we can still do it!


    You don`t sound oldfashioned:mf_rosetinted: and staying with your mfc-familly is good:naughty:


    I made some schoolpractice in a lawoffice last year. My gramps wants me to be a lawyer but I want to become a teacher in grammar school:mf_rosetinted:

    what do you want to do after school?


    ( I only plan to work in the café while I`m going to school. Want to earn some money for a mika concert and my drivery licence.)


    Have a good day dear.


  22. Hey dear :wink2:


    yap. I didn´t mention it here in mfc because I don´t like it when people start talking bad things.

    His voice is so amazing *.* and beautiful and touching...


    HIs next album should better be succesfull here :( ... He is not played often in radio and usually only from licm.


    My best friend will visit me and stay for a week:biggrin2:

    Now I`m watching tv with my familly and am a bit tired.


    Do you have plans for the weekend?

    It is so cold here :blink: summer is definetly over :(

  23. You need to come up with a nickname, I'm really curious of your imagination

    what project?

    I know:aah: That´s how I describe my schooldays too :aah: : boring.



    Interview with the vampire is from there? o.O woah! Guess, I`ll read da books now:naughty:


    The ice-café I work in is in the citycenter so it is open the whole year and there are a few teenagers working there :D I`m really lucky:naughty:


    I had no idea what a m&g is too:naughty: mfc-ers had to explain me XDDD


    ahhh-... understand you! I don`t think I would have the guts to go there by myself:blush-anim-cl: ... not alone anyway


    I hope I can go to a m&g when I go to the concert:teehee:


    such a nickname is a serious thing:mf_rosetinted:

    It will come and it will be good:aah:


    plans for da weekend?:naughty:

  24. heya dear ... errr... I need to come up with a good name.give me some time:mf_rosetinted:till then you are : Carmen!! tadaaaaaa:aah:


    My day was gooooohooooood:wink2: ... I relaxed (love that word :roftl: ) till 2 pm and then went to work in an ice-café :teehee:

    I only worked 3 hours today and am back home now and am on mfc and into everything mika-related:naughty:


    Is the vampire story you wrote me about a book or a film or both?

    (yeah, I know I could simply google it but I´m still asking:mf_rosetinted: )


    Asking for a fav mika song is so hard :aah: and there are always so many answers.:roftl:

    I love it all but it depends on my mood... atm my favorite is : relax I guess ^^


    I havn`t met mika yet:sneaky2: I`m only a fan for about 1 year and missed him when he came to Germany in march...

    But I`m looking forward to it:biggrin2: can`t wait for the new album andnew tour !!! *.*


    have you met him? you were on the gig but have been to a m&g or so?


    How was your day? :D

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