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Posts posted by nenartus

  1. Hi everybody!


    First of all, thank you to Deb (as I understood you were the relay between MFC and the MikaTeam) for organising this little after-party.


    Then, thank you to all the people I met during the queue. You all are very nice and I hope to see you next time!

    This event was the first time I had the chance to meet MIKA. I saw him once in concert in 2010 and then, never had the chance to be in the same country as him... So, you can imagine how happy/excited I was (do you remember your first meeting with him? :) )

    The SWATCH event was, in my opinion, very good. He took the time to talk to us (maybe because we were the first ones?) and Chandon's meeting with MIKA (the "little boy") worth this long afternoon !


    Here are some of my photos!






    Now, the "after party". Can I say the music was perfect? ahah I was hoping to meet new mikafans during this event. The ones I read everyday here or the ones I follow on Twitter and who don't know me ahah As I am "shy" and some groups were already created I didn't talk to a lot of people, but it was lovely to meet some new people!

    When Mika arrived, I also saw the "little crowd" moving with him. I have to confess I filmed his speech, but don't blame me :fisch: I was far from him. I stayed quite far from him, even if I didn't stay at my table. (under the stairs, like Harry Potter ahah) I really reacted normally, but I think people are more "extrovert" and can react differently. (or maybe it is a cultural difference?)

    If you would like to hear his speech, I uploaded it on Youtube (don't know if I have the right? I've put it in unlisted. I'm a newbie, so if no, please tell me and I remove it immediatly :) ):


    [YOUTUBE]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/dp7YIzhFVx0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/YOUTUBE]

    EDIT : Oups I don't know how to integrate the video ? can someone help me ? :( here is the link


    and I only took a few photos:






    I didn't manage to thank him for this idea as he was "escaping" but I think I thank the two girls from the MikaTeam three times ahah (By the way, they are really nice... and I realise EVERYONE was really nice yesterday!)

    I think this day will definitely stay my best day during my stay in England :thumb_yello:




    Thank you!

  2. Some nights ago I stayed awake till 2 in the night to watch an interview on deejay television, the following morning I had to wake up at 7.

    Thanks for the link, I didn't watch it yet 'cause I'm afraid to get sad I wasn't there. I know, I can act like a child now and then. I'll try to get over it:doh:

    I do hope he knows how much we really care about him, I think it's heartwarming to be aware of that and I want him to be happy even because of us. I hope he doesn't think we would turn him down if things go wrong and that we like him as a man. But I'm sure you guys have done lots of things to show him that. :huglove:


    Oh, don't be sad. I wasn't there either, I just participated in projects. I don't have the opportunity to travel a lot and I know I won't be able to see him live much. This year I was lucky to see him in Budapest and I believe for me that's it. But these projects are a great way to say "thank you Mika for everything" even you can't see if he likes our present. This video is a rare opportunity to enjoy his reaction. :wub2:

  3. I know! I don't usually look at the pics, but sometimes they just are so good that I can't help. I'm interested in his soul and mind, but I'm not blind! So I can enjoy a good pic :fisch:

    He said he thinks he's ugly, but then he sometimes takes his shirt off... Maybe he just realized what ugly actually means :naughty:

    That's exactly what I'm feeling, happyness and energy. I don't sleep very much but I don't feel drowsey.

    I wonder if he's utterly aware of the magic he produces in people's lives. I mean, that's almost incredible. How can a man affect the life of a stranger that way? We don't know him for real, but he's much real in his positive effects than some life issues. I'm getting messy, I can't explain myself as I wish.

    I mean, does he knows how much he can bring relief and even happiness in people daily life? Or does he thinks we are a bunch of disfunctional people? Of course, we won't ever know. :aah:

    I'm a little be afraid to have a blue time when I won't be able to see any new interview about him. I guess it will happen soon, since his life isn't always so TV oriented like now. I have piles of video to catch up, but still....

    Thank God there is MFC, I know you'll watch my back writing about everything about him. :wink2:


    I used to turn my alarm on to wake me up during the vacation when he was doing some early radio interviews couple of years ago. It was an exciting summer. :naughty: Now I learned to be patient (mikatime helps a lot :mf_rosetinted: ) and to find everything I want here at MFC. This place is a pure treasure thanks to some precious members. :wub2: You'll see who they are, for sure.

    You are not messy at all. I understand perfectly what you mean and I'm sure he doesn't think we are a bunch of dysfunctional people. He appreciates his fans a lot. Fans all over the world are telling him all the time about that magic. So far he must be aware.:teehee: But he stays modest and that's magical too. Have you seen his genuine surprise when he received this year's MFC birthday present. It's precious.


    between the first and the second album he dissappeared for months and we only got a life sign every few weeks, then between the second and the third album it was even worse. This time he is very present with the TV shows but I´m absolutely sure he will hide during his time in LA so be prepared to get only one tweet every three weeks and nothing more :wink2:. Use the time to watch all the thousands of vids on Youtube and read all the interviews here on MFC .......


    He should exploit the wave of popularity in Italy and France. I have a feeling he is not going to be so secretive about the fourth.

  4. Ciao elwendin!


    You are so at the right place! :thumb_yello: Surely you already discovered a lot about Mika, but I believe that this world is just opening up for you. I almost envy you. :teehee: I remember how was it for me. It was a wonderful period of my life. :huglove: Full of energy, happiness and love. He gave me hope that there are still some great people around here capable to create wonderful worlds around them and at the same time staying on the ground, nice and normal.


    One more thing. Before I entered MFC I haven't realized how good looking he is. I was here because of his music at first, and interviews the second, but then MFC atmosphere sucked me in... Beware! :naughty::mf_rosetinted:





  5. It's so nice when someone comes back. I's like coming home.


    I'm so sorry to hear that you are being bullied. It's a terrible way to get through a college, but hey you ARE a ninja! Stay strong and believe in yourself! :thumb_yello:


    It's a purple world around here, so you have to enjoy it.:naughty:

  6. As everybody knows there's a new version of origin of love so here is it:


    could somebody post the video?, please.I can't:teehee:


    I think it's a radio remix and it was played on some radio station in UK. (help!:doh:) I'm not absolutely sure, but I think I have it somewhere in my (overcrowded with mika stuff) laptop.:teehee:

  7. Roberta is out? What happened to Gaia?


    I also didn't like Michele's performance this time. What Morgan did with the song was great. It's fresh and interesting, but Michele was pale and flat this time. Blame it on his youth and the lack of that kind of energy this song needed.



  8. Interviewer: "Mika, I heard you signed more than 800 Songbooks yesterday at Fnac."

    Mika: "Yes, my hand still hurts. I can't move it. I spent the day holding my right hand with the left one."




    Mika: *Oh boy, it's great we are doing this interview on the floor. I would fall from the chair how tired I am.*




    Mika: "Is it over? I can't concentrate any longer."




    Mika: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *sleeping with his eyes open*



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