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Posts posted by nenartus

  1. I've to quote this, because I just discovered this song and posted it in the XF thread right now.




    And an hour later you open this thread :shocked::naughty:


    Jovanotti is on my list of the "Italian musicians to listen to" and after discovering "Le Tasche Piene Di Sasso" he climbed up much.


    I am absolutely in love with this performance that I posted. Penso Positivo was one of my favourite songs years ago and they nailed it here. It's at 16:00, but everything is worth listening.

  2. Aww thanks Flavia, I'm totally sure his voice sounds amazing live :wub2: *sigh* and I saw Morgan very satisfied of his "boy " performance, I like Morgan, seems and interesting man :naughty:


    I like Morgan too. He is very energetic and passionate about music and he has an attitude. I was listening to his band Bluvertigo these days and it looks like an interesting one. It made me wonder how many good bands around the world are that we don't know of.

  3. Very often in the past few years thanks to Mika I was finding interesting artists and performers, but this time he reminded me of one that I really liked years ago and then somehow he slipped through my mind.


    Tonight was Jovanotti night for me and I'm trying to catch up everything. I found this wonderful performance in a bike shop in Austin.





    For those who don't know who he is Lorenzo Cherubini Jovanotti is an Italian singer-songwriter and rapper. I think his song

    is world wide known.


    Share with me, please, some more of his music that you know and like. :teehee:

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  4. http://televisione.nanopress.it/news/x-factor-2013-simona-ventura-entusiasta-di-mika/P151357/


    X Factor 2013, Simona Ventura entusiasta di Mika


    Simona Ventura è entusiasta di X Factor 2013 e di Mika, il nuovo acquisto della squadra che ha conquistato tutti in un batter d’occhio. La settima edizione del talent show canoro sta andando a gonfie vele e lei, l’unica donna del gruppo, non potrebbe esserne più soddisfatta. Non solo, la conduttrice non ha paura di dire che per lei si tratta del programma più bello d’Italia.


    Ha solo parole entusiastiche Simona Ventura per descrivere l’attuale esperienza con X Factor 7. Intervistata ai microfoni di TV Sorrisi e Canzoni, la conduttrice spende parole più che positive per quest’annata brillante e ricca di novità. A partire dal quarto giudice, la popstar britannica Mika, che ha sostituito Arisa e portato una ventata di simpatia ed eleganza nella trasmissione. Il ragazzo inglese ha davvero conquistato tutti, sia il pubblico che gli addetti ai lavori, facendo breccia grazie alla sua classe, all’intelligenza, ai modi garbati e all’indiscusso talento. La Ventura non è da meno e anche lei è palesemente rimasta vittima dell’incantesimo di Mika:

    ‘Sono tutti pazzi di lui. È dolce, ironico, acuto. Ed è gentilissimo, arriva sempre con un regalo. Sa che mi piacciono le cose di Smythson, una famosa linea di pelletteria inglese che da noi non c’è. Io in cambio gli ho fatto scoprire l’amarone, perché va matto per il vino rosso.’


    Un inserimento riuscitissimo, che rappresenta la ciliegina sulla torta per un talent show di altissimo livello. Simona si sbilancia senza problemi, ritenendolo il miglior prodotto televisivo in circolazione e benedicendo il passaggio dalla Rai a Sky, sia per la trasmissione che per se stessa:

    ‘Sulla Rai bisognava pensare a un pubblico molto più ampio, fare contenti tutti, scegliere sempre canzoni popolari. Passare a Sky è stata la scelta migliore che potessi fare. Mi ha cambiato la vita, prima il lavoro impegnava gran parte del mio tempo, ora posso divertirmi con la tv senza perdere un momento della vita dei miei figli.’

    La Ventura ha ricevuto in custodia i gruppi vocali quest’anno e non stanno mancando le critiche per le scelte finali che ha fatto. Tuttavia, Simona non si pente di niente e difende a spada tratta i propri pargoli, anche se poi con loro si cala nella parte della maestrina dalla penna rossa. Perché di questi tempi è importante far capire ai ragazzi che bisogna farsi largo nella vita a suon di lavoro e fatica, nulla giunge per caso e per arrivare in alto bisogna sudare. Sul paragone tra i Freeboys e gli One Direction, l’opinione della torinese è molto chiara:

    ‘Prima di tutto ho conosciuto gli One Direction e sono dei grandissimi artisti. Avercene. E sui Freeboys sto lavorando molto, li porterò lontanissimo dal mondo delle boyband e da tutto ciò che la gente si aspetta da loro.’

    Di certo il gruppo sta facendo molto parlare di sè, chissà se saranno proprio questi fanciulli a regalare alla Ventura la sua seconda vittoria nella storia di X Factor.


    So should we expect Simona Ventura around here soon? :naughty:

  5. Those swatch hints really confused me. I was thinking in another way, now I don't have a clue. :doh:


    EDIT: Every time I post my desperate thoughts here I crack the puzzle! Insane! I have to do it earlier! :aah:

  6. Yeah, can't wait, too, to see her singing with "her heart in her hands", as Mika said.


    And regarding Mika's Italian, yep.

    He's talking faster and faster, and above all he's using different words day by day.

    Within December he will completely forget his French, and we will begin to understand him speaking at The Voice France :aah:.


    That's not so bad. :naughty:

  7. oooooh i really really do not like this one :naughty:


    his hair looks like it's been licked by 1000 kittens, his pants are way to short looking, don't like that little line in front of his pants, the sweater, though it appears soft, looks like it was knitted with leftover wool of every color & don't get me going on those spiky shoes :no: i do like the red shoe laces :aah:




    who wears a watch on top of their bathrobe cuff? :naughty:


    on the up side... i like the cover of the magazine :wub2:


    1000 kittens!!! :lmfao: :lmfao: Now i'm going to have some strange dreams.


    Who else but Mika. :lmfao: Maybe it's the next Swatch puzzle. sherlock.gif


  8. I've just seen the XDaily.

    Violetta is not my favourite, even though I liked her so much in the first live, but the song they (I am not sure HE really chose it), and the interpretation I'm sure she will do, will make my Thursday evening, I'm convinced in advance.

    I really can't wait.


    She was the last of the three: after she listened to the lyrics, her lips trembled, and cried a bit, softly.

    He was so sweet with her, as usual.

    "Violetta, with you we have to open a door."

    He said in the part without her that he wants to demonstrate that she's not the girl people think she is, and that he chose for her a song that people are afraid to sing, and that it will be a performance that will shock everybody.

    He said To her again: I'm sorry I may have the "distance of being not italian, but I really love the words of this song, and I know it will be a powerful performance. I know that you are reading all the comments about you and that you feel bad. But I know that you're strong".


    She said that she agrees that the song fits perfectly her particular feeling there, in the loft, facing all the difficulties of this new situation.

    This song, she says, deals with all the little things that every day flow, flowers blooming, music exploding but fading away, in spite of your being alone.


    If you want to study, this is the original version:


    Jovanotti, Le Tasche piene di Sassi (My pockets full of pebbles)




    Thank you! I watched the video and wanted to ask why she cried and your answer was here before I asked.:naughty: The magic of MFC. Thanks again! :huglove:


    It's a beautiful song. I can't wait to see her performance.


    I understand Mika's Italian less, so it must be he is better and better every time. I won't understand a thing until the end of x factor.:doh::naughty:

  9. Can anyone help with hints, please. I'm back from work and I don't have an idea. I tried to figure out this morning and so far I know it's in Times and it's really a 13 digits code.


    EDIT: Never mind I did it. I feel even more stupid than yesterday!

  10. if we solved the puzzle now, we'd be in the top 10 (tho they won't be updated again before tomorrow) - but, arrgh!! :aah:


    no hints today by the ones who solved it already? :fisch:


    I found the hint that it is 13 digits, no letters and that the hint is on the puzzle image.

  11. The girls sing really good, they have a great voice but why I'm not excited and feel goosebumps when they sing and have it when Michele sings? if a singer or a song does not thrill me it's boring to me and that's the case of those girls :dunno:


    I haven't heard Michele. Videos were buffering too much yesterday and I had the patience to watch only girls and tried to catch Mika's comments.

    I haven't felt goosebumps since Mika...:aah: I can rarely find music these days which is so exciting.

  12. Agree,she did it well this time,but the song was an easy one,comparing to Gaia and Valentina.She performed in the same way from the start to the end,nothing spectacular to remember.Well,I remember the snow fall,that was cute :thumb_yello: But you're right Cath,I wish we could have seen the whole performance of Cry Me A River,I liked that bit. I hope Mika will give her something different the next time,to prove me wrong :teehee:


    It looks to me he knows exactly what he is doing with this selection of the songs. He left the best to show for some later performances. These girls are really good and I think they are going to go to finale. Though it's sweet seeing Mika when he fears for them. :naughty:

  13. I've been reading on twitter that Morgan asked him to wear a pajamas,dunno why,maybe it's related to the song's lyrics :dunno:

    As for Viò,many people said that she was saved because Mika chose the perfect song for her :teehee: But imo she's the weak link from Mika's team,nothing to remember,as you said.

    I like the fact that Morgan "lives" the music,and he made an original arrangement for every song,I was sorry for Lorenzo :huh: The level of the show is quite high,every performance is genuine and creative in its own way,it's not only about lights and special effects. And let's not forget the professionalism and sobriety of the judges! :mf_rosetinted:




    Violetta actually surprised me. I thought she was the weak link of Mika's team and I was sorry for Roberta. But now I changed my mind. She was good. She is different, very elegant, looks fragile but she has some inner strength. And I like the way she controlled that silly goat vibrato this time and used it in a way it doesn't hurt ears. :aah:


    Gaia is still my favourite.

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