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Status Updates posted by krysady

  1. Thanks,Silver! I offered my help :thumb_yello:

  2. Ai twitter,facebook,sau email,ceva mai privat,sa-ti trimit linkul cu XF?

  3. Asa e,se merita sa-i intelegi glumele,omu' e genial! La fiecare concert se intampla ceva diferit,nu te plictisesti niciodata :naughty:


    La fel si cu amicii mei,toti stiu ca numai despre Mika vorbesc,iar sotul meu e deja impacat cu ideea.Sambata ne intalnim sa urmarim Vocea Frantei :biggrin2:

    Ai grija cu concertele,dau mare dependenta! :fisch: Eu n-am crezut vreodata ca o sa ajung asa,citeam aici ce ziceau fetele,dar credeam ca exagereaza.Ei bine,dupa ce-l vezi pe Mika live,viata se schimba total :teehee: Iar concertele din strainatate sunt mult mai faine decat cele din Romania,la noi lumea nici nu stia cine canta.....


    Poate o sa ne intalnim pe la vreun concert,eu am deja 10 la activ,in 8 tari :thumb_yello: Deocamdata Italia e de evitat,prea multa nebuneala de cand cu X Factorul,iar in Franta e cam la fel.Dar sunt sigura ca vor fi si alte tari pe lista cand incepe turneul,eu abia astept :D

  4. Oh,suntem aproape! Stiu,si eu am avut nevoie de mult timp sa pricep cum functioneaza forumul,mai ales ca e prima oara cand fac parte dintr-un fanclub.Plus ca habar nu aveam de engleza,dar a trebuit sa inteleg ce zicea Mika in interviuri,asa ca am fost nevoita sa ma chinui un pic :aah:


    Ai fost la vreun concert de-al lui?


    Cand vrei sa-mi raspunzi,da click pe nickname-ul meu,ca sa postezi pe wall la mine,acum a aparut raspunsul tau tot la tine pe pagina :wink2:

  5. Salut! Pe mine ma cheama Cristina,sunt din Roman.De unde esti? Daca ai nevoie de ajutor,sa-mi spui :wink2:

  6. Teaser :mf_rosetinted: I hate him :wub2:

  7. This is from Making Of of WAG video?

  8. Doriand is very good at taking pictures :naughty:

  9. Really,what I could say about this pic?? I have no words,no matter how much I tried to think of something :wub2:

  10. Dunno,some gay guy I guess. I see he's a photographer and journalist :teehee:

  11. I really think that would happen,a new album,a new tour,we definitely must meet somewhere in the world! :hug:

  12. He's so photogenic :wub2:


    Have a wonderful holidays,my dear friend Alba! :huglove:



  13. I remember that's from a vlog :wub2:

  14. Thanks! :huglove: and beautiful suit too :wub2:

  15. :naughty: At least now he's not looking at vio as before :thumb_yello:
  16. He did that always,flirting with everyone and everything,don't you remember? It's in his blood :naughty:

  17. Lucky you! :wub2: That's the problem,the more you have,the more you want :tears: Ahhhh,I hate him! :aah:

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