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Everything posted by AmaranthineMikanista

  1. I gde su ti albumi??? :) :) ;)

  2. I looove this song, thanx so much Alba!! :thumb_yello:

    And Mika ^^...mwwaaaaaa...^^ bless his little soul! adorable.... :mf_lustslow:


  3. Just clicked on the link and heard the song for the first time, soo cute and so much fun :roftl:
  4. He's absolutely worth every penny!!!:biggrin2:

    All the vids of the concerts I've seen it's just clear how much he gives of himself at each and every performance!:wub2:

    I get the feel of the energy and the atmosphere just by watching at home, can't wait to see him live in concert!! :boing:

    It was so lovely to talk to you Alba!

    We'll talk again soon, have fun today! :huglove:

  5. Oh, I hope it comes true for you soon!! :thumb_yello:

    I'm still hoping that he'll come to Serbia and give us a proper concert here... :wink2:

    Well, I'm hoping also that the tickets won't be too expensive..:teehee::naughty:

    If I were rich I would just go all over the world and listen to Mika sing everywhere!!! I would make it my official occupation: following Mika around the world...:naughty:

  6. :shocked: Mika could never make me sad!!! :aah:

    LICM helped me get through some rough stuff in my life, and I've been a happier person ever since... :pinkbow: It impossible to look at a picture of Mika and not have a big grin on your face, at least for me...:blush-anim-cl:

    I'm so happy for you for meeting him and giving him a little kiss...OMG! :wub2::thumb_yello: I have no idea how I would react in that kind of situation... :swoon:

  7. OK, I officially melted! :wub2:

    He looks so precious here, he's such a sweetheart... :blush-anim-cl:

    You have the best Mika pictures, Alba, from now on you are my official Mika Pictures Guru! :naughty::biggrin2:

    Where do you get these lovely images? Have you ever met Mika? It's a dream of mine to go to his concert and meet him,maybe get a signature... That would just be HEAVENLY... :mf_lustslow:

  8. :huh: don't be sad, honey, you'll make me sad too :tears:

    don't worry, he'll turn up :naughty:

    let's go searching for him :hunter::mf_rosetinted:


    we'll find the studio where he's recording and :serenade: him in front of it! :wub2:

    maybe he'll let us in and let us listen to the new material... :mf_lustslow:

    Oh, I bet he's having fun recording though, I know I would be...:blush-anim-cl:

  9. Hi Alba! :flowers2:

    How are you? Everything all right?

    Just wanted to stop by and say hey! :wink2:


  10. :blush-anim-cl: thanx! I weaved it from scratch and actually did some crochet for the flower
  11. Hi guys! just discovered this thread! sooo cool! wanted to show you a bag I made after listening to Life in Cartoon Motion was so inspired and this is what I came up with the front and the back I've been carrying it around ever since...
  12. His eyes, :wub2: the close up of his face, :mf_lustslow::boing::blink: it's all just too much for me :swoon::stretcher:

    Ok, I'm back! All better now... oh, no, the lip bite :swoon:


    Thanks honey! Every time you send me these gorgeous pictures I end up in heaven :harp:

    They are BEAUTIFUL!!!

    They make me wanna shout I LOVE MIKA! I LOVE MIKA! :blush-anim-cl:


  13. Aaaaa, hvala! :D :D :D I love you! :)

    E, super, sad jos samo da sve uvezbam... ;)

    Ma, super je ovo chetovanje, samo mnogo, bre, addictive! ;)

  14. i ja imam mozillu, al ne znam gde je to paste quote :) probacu na ovaj drugi nacin sledeci put. svaka tebi cast na brzini kad postujes, ja imam jos mnogo da vezbam, spora sam, nisam se jos skroz snasla ;)

  15. Thank you so much! :blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl:

    I'm so glad you like it! :biggrin2:

    If I ever make a business out of making Mika inspired bags I'll definitely make you one! :das::wink2:


  16. Samo kliknes na pictures and albums na levoj strani kad udjes u profil. Onda dodajes slike sa kompa (browse). =) A kako citiras vise od jedne poruke tj, dve razlicite poruke u odgovoru kad postavljas post? =)

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