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Status Updates posted by Mikasgirl:)

  1. Oh no!! We MFCers have more important things to do than test though:teehee: I was supposed to write a formal lab report on cellular respiration:aah:

    But the thread is complete!!! :yay:

  2. Yeah I've already got it written out:D now I just have to type it and the fun will begin!!!! :boing:

  3. It could be like the Naughty Corner. Tell us medics what caused them to come:D

    People could send in "Job applications" too!! This is going to be soo fun!!

  4. Hey:bye: So about the medic thread... Do you think we should really make one? And if I do, would you want to be HEAD nurse?:D

  5. Okay let me find the recipe!:)

  6. Okay let me find the recipe!:)

  7. Well, the apple cider cookies won't be like any cookie you've had before!:D theyre simply amazing

  8. Actually they're pretty easy to make!:)

  9. Does she like macaroons? Because my mom and I have an amazing recipe for chocolate dipped macaroons

  10. Sounds just like my dad! Anytime I make cookies he eats like 7:teehee: you're welcome. If you ever want any other recipes you only need to ask:D

  11. Thanks, I'm glad you like them!:D

  12. Hey:bye: just letting you know that there is a new younglings thread:D

  13. Yeah it was such hard work! :rotfl: (cut and paste is exhausting!

  14. She actually said that?:teehee: thats great. The link to the new thread is up

  15. Hehe, me and my dad tried it once. I could do it but he nearly puked:blink: I guess it must depend on the person?

  16. Have you ever tried the cinnamon challenge? You know the one where you have to swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon without spitting it out?

  17. Snickerdoodles are amazing!!:D are they your favorite cookie? Mine are white chocolate macadamia nut:)

  18. Lunch?? Oh wait, it's noon over there:teehee: I had to think for a second. Hope you like them:D

  19. :teehee: my thoughts exactly!!
  20. I will. It's operation MIKAette time.

    Besides, trying to force MikaMusic fans into MFC means that they'll just end up like most the people on here... Not posting :teehee:

  21. Yeah, everyone's asleep but us:) we are listening to Mika, watching my name is Earl, making tortilla chips and muffins:D I've got her addicted to his songs, but she doesn't think he's hot(YET. We're getting there:))

  22. Just be very, VERY glad you don't dear!!!

  23. He's always been at a naughty age! :das: he just... Screams. Screams and screams and screams. When he's done with that he'll either punch you in the face, spit on you, or say he hates you :sad:

  24. I have my little brother (who's 6) and my little sister (who's 9):D I think my sister is awesome, but my bro is pure evil!!

  25. Yeah I know your pain! My little brother does absolutely nothing around the house so it gets put off on me :doh:

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