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Status Updates posted by Mikasgirl:)

  1. Hi there:bye: can I join the mika's smile fan group?

  2. :wub2::wub2: imaginary time machine, here we come!
  3. :biggrin2:Okay. So what's your name? I'll try and find you on Facebook

  4. I want to see your earrings!:D and if you could just give me your name I will find you instead:thumb_yello:

    I might just have to go to to that signing:biggrin2: I was at one of david's concerts a few years ago, he was just so energetic, jumping around and such. Reminded me of mika:aah:

  5. I haven't any idea where he went to school, so that part's up to you:teehee: or even better, we can try and catch him in his twenties!!:das:

  6. Just saw that you were on:bye: I'll have to try and send you a pic o those earrings somehow :thumb_yello:

  7. Dont worry, if I discover a time machine you'll be one of the first here to know:mf_rosetinted:

    We can go back to when mika was bullied in school and give him a big hug and say "We love you, mini Meeks!"

    (And he would probably be thinking "Who the hell are these two and why are they hugging me?!" lol :lmao:)

  8. I'd have to go with the mid 70's:D then I'd be old enough for Dave AND young enough for Mika at the same time:teehee: (just looking at ALL my options:teehee:)

  9. I love that we are both like: :fangurl: over him, yet he is old enough to be our father:das: thanks for the lovely piccie:D

  10. Dave%20Gahan%20in%20JL%20Playing%20the%20Angel%20Tour%201.jpg

    Just to spice up your profile:naughty: it's GIANT!!

  11. Haha that was so random:D I was trying to send you a pic of Dave but I didn't realize I put in the wrong link :teehee:

  12. Oh! *facepalm* duh:) yeah I would totally go as a kick ass hero, just because mika's song :teehee: my earrings are all colorful, too. some of them are from my grandma:) there all 80's-ish haha

  13. I'm thinking of being her for Halloween:D Just to show some class to all the girls who think halloween is a day they get to wear their lingerie outside of the house :teehee:

    What do you mean there I go? :dunno:

  14. Sure!:thumb_yello: my name is Aubrey Mecham. And I got a couple of my friends from school hooked on mika and they are members here too:biggrin2:

    @cupcakedreamsinthesky & @ mika_luver

  15. Exactly my thoughts:D (At least we are the youngest ones on here right?? I think I saw a 10 year old on the younglings list!) convienently enough we both found one of the Only people our same age on here!!

  16. I thought we were a bit to old to be infants:teehee: doctor Phil in a diaper is much more classy.:mf_rosetinted: (no really, the only thing that sold me on that picture was the tie)

  17. I'm gonna go :bye: it's nearly midnight and I can barely keep my eyes open! Talk to you tomorrow (maybe)

    Oh and btw, here's the link to my Facebook:http://m.facebook.com/?w2m&_rdr#!/profile.php?pos=1&__user=1561279935

  18. Yeah me too! I'm looking at the ages of the people on here and feeling like this:


    While everyone else is like:


    "Oh look this little child must be lost!"

  19. I'm 13. How about you?

  20. I might just have to send you some! Lol. That would be strange:teehee: "mom, I'm running to the post office to mail some cookies to a friend in Vietnam whom I met on the mika fan club! Be back in a minute!" she would be like:shocked:

  21. That's a good lucky number:D 6 & 8 do look similar, now that I think about it :teehee: in Utah it's 11 pm. What about Vietnam?

  22. You are on the list, don't worry:D #125. Theres really nothing to it! You just post, and talk to everyone. They'll welcome you in a heartbeat!

  23. Well of course I do:D and yeah the map was big, but it was the only good quality one I could find :teehee: do you ever get on the younglings thread? It got pretty funny earlier today :lmfao:

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