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Posts posted by nas

  1. Not yet :aah:


    :yay: No better way to describe what I feel for him right now. :teehee:




    Really? If I remember right there are only a few countries in the world where who have that, and the UK is not one of those.


    On Feb 5th, there is a good chance of the legislation going though, despite opposition from some Govt MPs. The only thing blocking it is the Churches refusal to sanction it. But I think registry offices will go through with ceremonies, so should the bill get passed, I think there will be gay wedding ceremonies by the end of the year.


    Oo my bad! I've always thought it was marriage and not legal civil unions :blink: I blame Elton and his widely publicized marriage :aah:


    Good to hear separate but equal will hopefully be done away with soon! :thumb_yello:

  2. Is that correct?


    How would someone look or behave if they were...






    I've answered: They would look like a clown wearing weird clothes, bright colours, with grotesque make-up. They would behave like a clown if they behave in a foolish manner.

    They would look perfect, flawless like a doll with a porcelain skin.

    They would look like an owl if they have got large eyes.

    i'd add they behave like a clown if they're always joking around or acting out physical humour...for the doll- what you said, with perfect make-up, and hair...for the owl - especially if they had large round glasses/spectacles...

  3. If you've got examples, they will be welcome :wink2:


    Who or what would you describe as


    a) flesh-eating? a bacteria

    b) beer-swilling? a hooligan

    c) blood-sucking? a mosquito, a vampire


    What might be


    a) oven-proof? a dish

    b) foolproof? an idea

    c) tamper-proof? screws, seals


    good answers again!


    about the president - maybe because he's worried about the country, about to be accused of corruption...

    the drug addict because he's running out of money or about to over dose...anyone else has any suggestions? :teehee:

  4. :huglove: thank you nas! I've got other questions as thrilling as the last ones :fisch:


    Why might each of the following have been foil-wrapped?


    a) a soft cheese

    b) cat food

    c) baked potatoes


    a) to store them the best way as they are extremely moist

    b) to wrap and preserve the food (tin food, cat pouches)

    c) to cook them (a recipe)

    would be my answers


    great answers!!:thumb_yello:


    now that makes me think you should give reasons the president and the drug addict would be on knife-edge since the question wants you to give a reason for each...

  5. Hi! I've got exercices to do as I'm preparing for the proficiency in English examination. We have to learn lots of idioms and phrasal verbs. Could someone help me with the following questions, please?


    Why might the following be on a knife-edge?

    a) a president

    b) the economy

    c) a drug addict

    For the economy, I've answered this: the economy is balanced precariously between collapse and salvation.


    If a salver is silver-plated, name an object that is

    a) copper-plated

    b) chrome-plated

    c) gold-plated


    I can't find any word with one letter different, like gild, chrame,...like the example given. I would have answered a kettle, pipes for a), a car bumper, a tool, taps for b) or a watch, jewelry, a medal for c)


    I may have other questions later on. Thanks for your help!


    those are the strangest english testing questions i've ever seen in my life!:shocked:


    the first question is worded incorrectly unless they mean u have to give a reason why each option is on a knife's edge (which doesn't make sense because that term isn't commonly applied to a person, but a thing. however a person can be 'on the edge' or 'on edge') Anyways i agree with your answer and your reason.


    the second question...there are no words i know of with one letter different as well...and salver is not a commonly used term anymore either :aah: so i would say go with your listing of things that have different platings..


    good luck and I don't envy you this exam at all!:teehee:

  6. I had a dream I was casually hanging out with Mika because we were a couple. :mf_rosetinted: He had signed up for another one of those song writing camps and was panicking because he had to write one song before the camp started. He played the song for me from YouTube and it even had a video although it wasn't fully finished and there were scenes of Mika putting his face to a scanner and spreading the pictures all around the room. :aah: The song he was writing for the camp was a total copy of Blame It on the Girls and Mika couldn't understand why he couldn't make another song like that.


    The best part of the dream was that I found out Mika's secret YouTube channel for unfinished videos and songs: it was called "HangoverSounds". :floor:


    going to search yt for this channel...will be sooooo disappointed if it isn't his :aah:


    i had a mika dream last night too...which was weird cos i haven't been thinking that much about him :teehee: i was at a retaping for paul's xmas show and i was sitting on the guest couch but wasn't supposed to be a fan...so i saw all the behind the scenes stuff but was kinda scared the whole time he'd find out i was a fan...then after i wrote something negative (not bad though) on twitter and he responded with a virtual death stare :aah: the whole show was tremendous fun though! i woke up wishing it was real...


    let no one say my dreams don't mean anything :naughty:

  7. I've wanted a Mika t-shirt for ages, and I thought I'd be able to get one in Manchester. Unfortunately, they only had XL left. There is same situation on Mikasounds website (although the OOL tour t-shirts are not up there yet), and eBay. The only place that seems to stock them in my size (women's medium as a maximum, preferably small) is the official Mika clothing website. These are shipped from the USA, with a shipping charge of about $30, which makes the whole purchase ridiculously expensive.


    Anybody found any MIKA t-shirts recently in medium or small women's? I guess small men's might be ok too if it comes to that.


    aww that sucks! i'm really glad i got my sml tee right off the bat...i haven't seen any OOL ones anywhere on ebay etc..i'd prolly say our best bet is to wait for mikasounds to start stocking the new merch...:dunno:


    Yes, that was the Imaginarium tour that you saw in 2010 (which is the same as The Boy Who Knew Too Much tour... I think), so I'd probably assume the shirt you've found has the right dates. (Don't quote me on that though!) :biggrin2:But I can't see the Imaginarium t-shirt anywhere on the official mikasounds.com shop, or anywhere online for that matter. :dunno:


    that's not unsurprising since the person ur replying to saw them in *2010* :naughty::naughty:

  8. never heard of ariana....i don't roll too much with the nickelodeon crew these days :naughty: she's not that famous obviously, prolly only with the tween set, otherwise i'd have heard of her :mf_rosetinted:


    the song isn't awful..it just sounds EXACTLY like every other disney/nick song geared towards the tween set (not even teens i'd say) and the musical arrangement sort of overpowers the vocals.So sadly i don't see this winning him any new adult listeners in the US, it's too niched and cliched...and if it does take off amongst young girls it'll only further polarise opinion about him...but hey maybe not..maybe any exposure is good exposure and in any case any record bought is a good thing...though anybody buying TOOL based on this song is in for a huge surprise! :aah:


    i seem to be the only one, but i like the new version. :teehee: not as much as the original, and maybe it's just cause i'm a little bit drunk atm and just returned home from a club where they played much worse. :lmfao: but i can so well imagine that on the radio! will listen again tomorrow, but for the moment, i like it. :thumb_yello:


    me too but post dinner!:thumb_yello::aah:

  9. They are talking about Mika on Radio 1 but not for the reasons we'd hoped. A show called Diasterpieces. :aah:


    Anyway offers some opinions why Mika has struggled in the UK since TBWKTM. Starts at 18:45.




    well that was interesting...and trying to be objective all they said sounds true (right up until the 'u don't want more than one supermarket pop album' bit)...in retrospect things are so much clearer :aah: TBWKTM is my least fave mika album and there're at least 5 songs i tend to skip on it...so that creates the sad situation of a second album that the british public were 'fickle' about, but a great third album they would love, i think, it they knew it existed :aah:


    btw, interesting how below the program link u can listen to the songs they play on the program except for mika and robbie williams (who have separate links) :sneaky2:

  10. I refuse to think that anyone working in a label wanted to ruin Mika´s career... I don´t want to believe they are that stupid. The more albums Mika sells, the more money they get, so... :dunno:


    For real something smells like rat (or to rat, I don´t remember) here. I bet we will never know what really happens behind the curtains and I´m not sure how "upset" is Mika with all this. If this were my record, my album, and I were Mika and I wanted my music to be played on the UK, I´d be doing SOMETHING FFS!! It´s ok that his label is doing NO-THING but Mika is not doing ANYTHING either himself.

    And yes, I´m also upset that it seems we are more interested in his success than Mika himself.


    I used to be really upset with the whole situation as well, as we saw what was happening with the album release in various countries, etc. but i came to the same conclusion rosa - he doesn't see to be bothered much by it. Of course he just maybe be good at hiding that aspect, but he doesn't seem to be actively trying to remedy it either. Either ways my blood pressure was sky rocketing and Mika seemed happy enough so i stopped worrying and let it be :aah::aah:


    I have no clue what's going on with the singles (or lack thereof), but I don't understand why people are complaining about him doing gigs like these. It would be a lot worse if they wouldn't ask him for this anymore.


    And on the bright side: if all the moaning about promo on the MFC is justified, we'll want him to do private gigs, because it won't be long before we can afford them ourselves :mf_rosetinted:


    :floor: at the bolded part...good point...i stopped worrying and now should just start saving...:aah:


    Loved the behind the scenes, but was a bit disturbed by the fact they posted this vid even tho he asked whether the mike was off (implying he wanted to speak off the record)...tho he may've given permission afterwards :dunno:


    and yea MTV and VH1 are basically dead to music in the states too..

  11. my dream from 2 nights ago:

    Christine, Suzy, Kira (all from MFC), Penny from Happy Endings, Erin from the Office, me and a couple other girls were waiting in some kind of lobby. We knew Mika was coming thru soon so i hid under a couch. A bit later i was looking away but turned just in time to see that Mika had bent down to look under the couch cuz someone told him a fan was there. i caught him grinning at me before he stood up and walked out, along w his family or manager. We ladies waited there then awhile longer, hoping he'd come back and stop to talk or something. Finally we decided we waited long enough & went to talk to Mika in his hotel (or apartment?) suite which was in the basement. As we walked down there i was last in our single file line and asked if anyone wanted to switch places with me and said "you might get more time with him if you're last" and "i'm always the last in line whenever i meet him". We got down there and kinda clustered in this dark hallway that opened into a large open room around the corner. We knew that was where Mika and his entourage was staying. A few peeked around the corner, my heart was pounding and i was sure we'd be caught so i didnt think i should look. Then a camera flashed. One of us said it was Erin who took the pic and i asked if anyone saw him and no one had but they said they saw some of team Mika. All of a sudden a tall dark-haired guy in a shirt that had '20' printed on the front appeared up on this sort of balcony area above us, he was looking at his phone so didnt see us. I had one second to think 'OMG ITS FORTUNE' before everyone started running back to the room we'd been waiting in. I remember worrying i couldn't run fast but then i passed Penny. We got back and had just a little while to get into natural positions before we knew John the tour manager would be there. For some reason some ppl put their shoes on. Two ppl, Christine i think and someone else, put buckets on their feet and plopped on the couch trying to look casual. I quickly told them they'd look less guilty with no shoes on instead of buckets. Aaaaand then i woke up!




    all very natural things to do when prepping to see mika...:mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted:

  12. I've been Mikafan almost 5 months now. Here is my little collection.:fisch:




    The cow isn't related to Mika, it's just one of my keychains.:naughty:



    love ur collection aneli!! esp love the keychain!:wub2:


    inspired me to take pics of my lil collection:




    and i forgot to put this in the general pic :aah:




    and non-official merch from friends and gigs:


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