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Everything posted by WeAreGolden*

  1. I can help with Greek, and I'd like to learn French (see what Mika does? ).
  2. Crazy isn't a bad thing :mf_rosetinted: It's awesome being obsessed with something/someone, isn't it? Pathetic too, but at least I always have something to think about, pictures to stare at, videos to watch :mf_lustslow: My top obsessions are Mika, Johnny and Harry Potter

    Yes, and it's a Tim Burton movie, right? And with Helena Bonham Carter. Guaranteed masterpiece :wub2:


    I still kinda like him, I think everyone looked best in Eclipse for some reason. I also like Emmet :teehee:


    I read them in 2008 I think, and I was addicted as well. The writing was kinda bad though :aah: Haven't read Vampire Chronicles, I'm kinda over the vampire thing. After Twilight I started reading every fantasy-vampire book I could find. Vampire Academy, Shiver, Angels, My Name is Memory (awesome book by the way, I recommend it :wink2:) were all about vampires/immortal people/angels. :lol3:

  3. I'm in love with him :mf_lustslow: Have you seen Cry Baby? It's one of his first movies, he's SO young :shocked: And I can't wait for The Rum Diary :swoon:


    So you're team Jacob? :aah: It's good, first half is kinda boring, and I hated the direction, but whatever. As I said, it's the worst Twilight movie. Have you read the books?


    Oh, bad girl :teehee: I love it when I skip school, I'm in my bed knowing that everyone else is studying :devil:

  4. Johnny Depp....is one of my obsessions :mf_lustslow: I've watched most of his movies (and they're a LOT). That's what I did this summer, watch Johnny Depp movies :teehee: Have you seen Sweeney Todd? It's one of my favourites

    I've watched Dorian Gray too, I really liked it :biggrin2: I'm a movie freak as well as you see, I would watch 5 movies a day if I could. :blush-anim-cl:


    So you like Twilight too? I watched Breaking Dawn 2 days ago, it's the weakest twilight movie imo. :huh:

    ...who speaks too much now? :roftl:


    I'm good, happy it's Friday :groovy: I'm going to do absolutely nothing today and I love it :mf_rosetinted: You? :biggrin2:

  5. Late reply is late :teehee:


    Oh I understand, it's not so bad then! :aah:


    I watched Water For Elephants, wonderful movie:wub2: What kind of movies do you like?


    And how have you been? :huglove:

  6. Oh you lucky!:aah:


    Thank you, I love it here, everyone is so nice :wub2: Da boss is awesome:teehee: I first heard of Mika when Grace Kelly came out in 2007, and I loved his music ever since, but never was a true Mikaddicted until about 2 months ago, when I listened to all the songs and watched 87326028643 videos on youtube. Best decision I've ever made. :fangurl:

  7. Hello! :D I'm good, thanks for asking :aah: Just came back from school, and going to have private lessons now :huh: You? :huglove:

  8. :aah: I'm going to bed now, busy day tomorrow. It was nice talking to you, goodnight :huglove:
  9. Added! :pinkbow: And I saw on fb you like Harry Potter? You're my new favourite person :teehee:

  10. Yeah sure, give me a link :biggrin2: I get called weird not because I dress differently, but because I'm more of an introvert and I don't talk/go out much. Oh well. Weird and proud :teehee:

  11. Oh I see! I have 2 facebook accounts actually :teehee: One for my 'friends' here, and a private one I use for internet friends and stuff. :aah: Indeed they do, I love both! I hate how every person who is different is automatically called weird. :huh:

  12. Well they have no taste then :sneaky2:

    This always happened to me as well, and now I've stopped sharing anything about me. They don't know about Mika or anything else I like, and it's better that way. I've created my own secret world that I share only with people I like.:wub2:

  13. Oh dear, of course you can't remember then :aah:

    Getting bullied? Why? That's terrible :( Stupid people from school making fun of you, right? I know how that feels, trust me :huh:

    Thank you :huglove:

  14. I hate my stupid racist, homophobic friends. I hate the fact that I have Latin exam tomorrow at 8am. ....that's all. For now.
  15. Oh where exactly did you go, Athens? :biggrin2:

    Aww what's wrong? :huglove: I'm alright, nothing special like always, a bit tired. And nervous, I have an exam tomorrow :huh:

  16. Oh well we don't have this name in Greece, so yeah :aah: How was your day? :biggrin2:

  17. Emma? You have the best name in the whole universe *_* I was thinking a few days ago that if I ever had a daughter I'd name her Emma :aah:

  18. Heey, thank you for the friend request! :huglove: I'm Marianna :biggrin2:

  19. Ohh I get it now, thanks for explaining! :biggrin2: It's a bit weird though, basically you have to know what you want to study in Uni from the age of 15-16 so you can choose a highschool with the right profile? I have no idea where I'd go :shocked:


    I'm good, way better! Just relaxing, going to watch a movie with my family later. You? :huglove:

  20. I bought this jacket 2 years ago, I think it's very Mikaish with all these colours and stuff
  21. I'd pick the Geography/tourism one, I hate economics :huh:


    We don't have those 'highschool profiles' like you do (I have no idea what they are :aah: ), so I study every subject you can imagine. Latin, history, maths, physics, chemistry, Greek, Ancient Greek, Politics/Human Rights, literature, English, biology etc etc. 3 I don't know what to study in uni yet, the only thing I like is English :biggrin2:


    I'm better yes, and going to school tomorrow unfortunately. Oh well :mf_rosetinted:


    Goodnight :huglove:

  22. True that -_- And what are you going to study?


    That's okay, no worries! :biggrin2: My mum is kinda used to it by now, because I've been sending cards and letters to my friends almost 3 years now. And she's always the one who goes to the post office, poor her :teehee:


    Thank you, you too! :huglove:


    Even though I didn't go to school today, still sick :wink2:

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