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Everything posted by Mousetrap

  1. АААААА! Спасибо, Наташа Классная фотка
  2. Lena, thank you for you report - it's amazing And I've just remembered that we met two Franz Ferdinand's fans by the fence and ask them about Mika's performance and they said that they really liked his gig And they took his autographs as well! Oh, and I was a bit embarrassed while I was sticking my photo camera into his face
  3. More Mika for you: the quality is not very good, but still
  4. Спасибо И точно, удачно сложилось
  5. Я просто точно не запомнила Сейчас попробую поправить
  6. Privet Poka (o sounds like first u in a word 'umbrella') Kak dela? (a sound like first u in a word 'umbrella' ) Kak tvoi/vashi deti? (tvoi like tuyo, vashi like su) Sobaka (o sounds like first u in a word 'umbrella' - can't invent another example...) Koshka/Kot (she/he) Dobroe utro (u like ) Dobryi den' (soft n)
  7. Я выложила фотки в теме концерта и написала репортажик там же. Пока не буду писать по русски - по английски оказалось проще, потому что можно написать лаконично
  8. I made some misprints in my report, sorry I was writing spontaneously
  9. Mika waved to everybody and said "Good night" and looked back at me as well cos I standed a bit distant from others Mika went away for the last time!!! That's all I wanted to say.
  10. And he went away ... Then Julia Welcomes and sveta-svetlaja came (I explained to Svetlana how to find us by cellphone about 4 times ) Girls embarrassed a bit and didn't want to came closer to the fance to give Mika a chans to notice them. But miracle happened for the second time - he came to the fence again and gave autographs to Julia and Svetlana and took a pic with them cos Julia had won tickets to the fest on MFC!
  11. Mika gave autographs to DoReMi and me and then he talked to LenaMik. He was very kind, very patient, very attentive to us all I forgot all the words when I saw his smile and his huge brown eyes looking in mine So when he asked how we managed to find him I just couldn't say a word... Thanks to DoReMi cos she told to Mika "With heart" Then Lena presented him some souvenirs!
  12. And miracle happend - Yasmin (I suppose the lady in a hat was her) notised us and told him. Mika glanced at us, I waved him and he waved back We have been standing there near the fence without any hope but he stood up and came to us There was only three girls!!! and no one else!
  13. After the show Lena Mik and I emerged from the crowd and went to the hunting ... for Mika of cource We found the car entrance at the back of the stage and noticed Mika sitting on the bank of the river Moscow and being interviewed by local TV channels. Then DoReMi joined to us (she's found the way by herself). He made about three interviews and went away! We were very upset but then he came back to the river bank to have a rest.
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