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Everything posted by Mousetrap

  1. Я купила билет, простой входной
  2. После того как я услышала новую песню, поняла, что прежняя причёска совсем бы не подошла к новой музыке, так что Мика наверное уже не отрастит свои кудряшки Но мне он так даже больше нравится
  3. Я принципиально в таких конкурсах не участвую, могу сама билет купить, зачем отбирать шанс у того, кто не может
  4. Mika called it short film and it wasn't supposed to be a single or first a single, but this video is official
  5. Guys! "Andy Dermanis ‏@andydermanis We made a short film for the song too which comes out next week. It's not a music video." "Andy Dermanis ‏@andydermanis ...but we wanted to address the lyrics and sentiment of the song through a film."
  6. Oh, so sorry I've listened to the song for 10 times already and as much I listen as much I love it
  7. This song is so diffrent but I really-really love it It's gonna be absolutely new era I'm not sure I'd have recognise Mika in this song if I didn't know it was his song...but I'll get used to this electronic sound for sure
  8. I can see the window with VLC player as well, but no sounds at all! I want to get a heart attack
  9. за 1500 с местом? какое может быть место в поле, хм... почитай в группе в ВК обсуждение на стене - я там разговор выложила с человеком, который был на Пикнике раньше. Хотя бы какая-то информация. Но я опять начинаю склоняться к випу - все таки шанс попасть поближе к сцене
  10. Ой, узнай, пожалуйста Я просто разрываюсь - не знаю какой билет покупать Я на фестивалях и в давках на концертах бывала, но это было так давно, сейчас мне уже такого не хочется совсем И в то же время хочется и на Мику поближе посмотреть, а не с растояния в 500 метров...хотя в середине толпы при моем росте даже близко к сцене ничего не видно будет
  11. Thank you, sweety! Can't decide what ticket do I want, I'm in panic and gonna break my head of all stuff connected to this :shocked: It's fectival, very big festival and I'm not sure I'll manage to see Mika other than like a small figure cuz of a huge crowd :tears:

  12. oh, yes, I agree with you! I became Mika fan only in August 2011, though I've heard two of his song before *only two*:shocked: One of them was "Big girl" and I knew that it was Mika's song. Another was "Relax" and when I was listening to LICM for the first time it was like "Wot, I know this song, I love this song!". I didn't make any connection btw Relax and Mika before that :doh:

  13. Hi, thank you for explanation :doh: and for the link, it will help me a lot:flowers2:

    and the video about Imaginarium tour is great, it's very sad that I will never see this show alive :tears:

  14. :bow: ah, thank you, sweety :flowers2:
  15. Can you tell me how do you put 'smiles' in your messages?

  16. Hi! I remember Mika promised that he will appear in the next vid, so we'll wait ... X)

  17. Hi :) Can you explain me what does 'goosebump' mean? =P Can't find it in my dictionary and google denies to help me...

    And I wonder why Mika didn't make DVD for Imaginarium tour - it would be wonderful X)

  18. I suppose it will be smth about new single, but with Mika's FB you'll never know what to wait =P

  19. Not yet, but I hope I will buy it later :)

  20. Yes, I received my LICM yesterday and I'm happy X) I hope to get my TBWKTM in two weeks cuz it's in Moscow already =P

    My LICM

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