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Everything posted by Lilasko

  1. Hanna Thank you so much Well it's confirmed. Ther will be an extra episode in the fourth season and they Will start filmning it. In januari and the fourth season Will be out in 2015
  2. Haha thank you! The quality is pretty bad though finallåt bought the Thord season so I'll have a rewatch as soon as I have time.
  3. Here's my Sherlock video I made a year ago, but wasn't able to upload to youtube until now. Enjoy [YOUTUBE]bc-UyD9ORcU[/YOUTUBE]
  4. I saw 22 jump street the other day. I loved it, it was amazing even better than the first movie. All I want to do is to look myself in a room and watch it over and over It's so funny. [YOUTUBE]eqBePUi0I04[/YOUTUBE]
  5. Btw, if anyone remember which I doubt they do, here's that Sherlock video I made last year but I couldn't show you. Now finally youtube has allowed me to publish it so here it is. I'm actually very proud of it even though I keep thinking Sony will sue me and I'll end up in jail or something for publishing online The quality sucks though. [YOUTUBE]bc-UyD9ORcU[/YOUTUBE]
  6. Going to see the movie at cinema soon, hopefully. I actually don't know if I want to see it since movies based on book almost never ever are as good as the books, and with that logic the fault in our stars movie won't be that great
  7. Congratulations Austria!
  8. Well okay we ended up on third place well it's not that great, but it's not bad. Wanted another song to represent Sweden.
  9. Austria will win, mark my words! Go Sweden and Poland! I want us to win, but not host the next year's eurovision. I know, but I just love that song
  10. The one I'm watching escape with is so boring, she's not even watching barely answering my comments. Anyone here? I'm probably voting for Poland or Armenia.
  11. Sadly I can't have an opinion about the politics in the us ans the us as a countryme country in general, since all I know is the second hand information I get from the news. But the all the scandals about leaked media and how that have been treated in USA is pretty bad. And I'm still mad Sweden didn't ask any quoting when Obama was here last year and neither did we offer political asyl to Snowden. Me too. That would be interesting, don't know if I think it would be an all great experience though.
  12. It has, at least if you want to live in an open and free society without currupcy. The government. Should never get the chance to hide and make decisions no one will ever know about. That would be INTERESTING! I think it would be really really empty and most of us would miss it, growing up with it it's hard to think of a society without commercials.
  13. Anyway sorry but I need to sleep even though it's overrated But I'll be here on Saturday during eurovision. Good night
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