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Status Updates posted by Lilasko

  1. Yes it hit me yesterday when I met one of my classmates. I will never meet her in school, the only way we will meet is like this. Deciding to go shoping or do other things together. No casual meet-up in the hall way or exploring the celler together :tears:

    Sad to hear about your parents :huh: Hope everything will work out well :huglove:

    I feel the same, I'm not the same person I was last summer. I'm not as shy and worried anymore, more "outgoing" and actually more girly and fitting the "normal" better now. How weird and wrong that sounds :aah:

    agree last summer was one of the best and I realized. You don't have to ve able to touch someone to be friend with them :hug:

  2. Thanks :)


    About the MFC logo: I know it's been posted somewhere but I guess it's just to ask some of the mods and they'll give it to you :wink2:

  3. So late? But congratulations :yay: I skipped my own :aah: I'm pretty good actually even though I've finished school. :huh: And you, how are you? (:

  4. Oh right :duh: fixed it :wink2:

  5. ANNU omg. Hi, how are you? :huglove:

  6. No they have not :huh:

    you want to pm me that would me nice (:

  7. Well I'll try to come by more often. I'm here now for instance. A little bit too early though :aah:

    Actually I'm good, this last couple of weeks have been busy and I've finished school :crybaby: Even if that was the most fun I've ever done I'm sad I'll never sit with my friend on physics again, looking at cute baby animals or scrolling together on tumblr :huh:

    And you, how's the last couple of months been since we spoke? :hug:

  8. I know :huh: But almost no one is here anymore and I hate my computer so I've stopped using it... But I've missed you :huglove:

  9. No problem :wink2: Hope you're more comfortable around here now, and you understand mfc a bit more :hug:

  10. Thanks for the friend request :huglove:

  11. Hello, I'm Hanna (:

    So ofc I'll help you. You mean post in threads right? Go to the thread you want to post in and then click on: Post Reply in the bottom left corner. Write what you want and then post :wink2:

    May I suggest you to create a new thread and present yourself? (: Just create a new thread here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=3 And write a short presentation about yourself, your name where you live maybe and how you discovered Mika ;D

  12. Jo eller hur! Skulle behöva skaffa mig internet på franska :aah:

  13. Jo men eller hur. Vill inte ens prata om hur min engelska var för bara ett år sen. Var tvungen att dubbelkolla allt med google translate :aah:

  14. Haha jo, jag började med att skriva till dig på engelska sen kom jag på vad jag hade gjort och var tvungen att sudda ut allting igen :aah:

  15. Tack för vänförfrågan :huglove: Gud det känns helt konstigt att skriva på svenska här, haha :aah:

  16. A women that can see in to the future..... she's dead :mf_rosetinted:

  17. A shiny and blank gold medal :naughty:

    Haha :aah: Better luck next year :itsok:

  18. I like dark and cold :naughty: None at all? We have a gold medal :fisch:

    You have a brons :teehee:

  19. I like dark and cold :naughty: None at all? We have a gold medal :fisch:

  20. What I love x-country skiing :wub2: xD No 7th place is pretty good :mf_rosetinted: Shh let's not talk about that :mf_rosetinted: xD

    Oh no nothing, just feeling sad for Emil, for not getting any medal. Which he deserves so bad. The only time I cried watching sports because it went bad :sad:

    Sorry, I'll stop ranting about xc-skiing. What's up in Finland? :teehee:

  21. :aah:


    Silver :naughty: and some sadness...

  22. Haha no :aah: More, come and hug me and then celebrate xD

  23. That's great! :huglove: Well they are cute :aah:

  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :yay:


    Hope you had a wonderful day :huglove: Sorry for the late congratulation, didn't have a computer :huh:



  25. Do you know what time it is in my part of the world? :mf_rosetinted: I need sleep xD

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