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Posts posted by Lilasko

  1. And that, my friends, is why we have 3.6 million posts on MFC. Mika is never clear about anything (at least not immediately) and we have to talk about it for days, months or years until we find out the truth. :pinkbow:


    3.6 million posts! :shocked: That's a lot! People really like to discuss (me included) :roftl:


    AND what's even better... Celebrate is now for sale in the Belgian version of Itunes as well!!!!!!! :yay:http://itunes.apple.com/be/album/celebrate-feat.-pharrell-williams/id535706462?i=535706463&ign-mpt=uo%3D4


    So maybe it's available for other countries too already, and if not it won't be long I guess :D


    Let's hope, so it isn't only released in the French speaking countries.


    Be sure that Mika never says "no" to a contract. If he hasn´t been aired in UK, or if he hasn´t toured there, it´s just cause NO ONE in the UK hired him. It´s not his fault... A man who is up to do corporate gigs where 50yo women lead on him, it´s up to play at festivals or gigs all around the world........if he is hired. Maybe France likes to think Mika is "french" and they love him so much and that´s why he gets more promo and air there. Nothing else. If Mika is out of UK or US its just cause no one there wants to play his music. And it´s just a matter of taste.... IMO


    Well, maybe but he haven't come up with something new for over 3 years (except EMD) and the most radio channels only play new, "fresh" music so I think that's why he isn't played on the radio channels. Rihanna is played a lot because she releases like one single every month, so she's always "new" and when people hear her on the radio a lot they start liking hear and by her albums then the radios play her songs even more because they know a lot of people like her and then it goes on and on.


    I think of it like a diagram.

    The x-axis: the time

    the y-axis: the recognition/people listening to the song

    The red line: over the song is played on the radio, under it's not.


    I know the diagram is really bad, but I hope you get my point :aah:


  2. As I understand it, it is released in France first but will be released in the UK and other countries later.


    Yes, you are absolutely right. But what if he releases Celebrate in the UK first and it becomes a flop? And for the reasons I mentioned I think it isn't unlikely (sadly, radio stations are silly :sneaky2:). And then Mika woudn't have any chance anymore for airplay in other countries. No one wants to play a song that flopped.


    Celebrate becoming a hit is much more likely to happen in France. In France you can expect it, in UK you have to hope for it.


    I think it should be released at all countries the same time, I'm sicking tired of waiting just because France gets everything first. :sneaky2:

    I haven't thought of that, you have a point, but just because it becomes a hit in France it doesn't mean it will become a hit in the rest of Europe. I think Mika is playing far to safe, he wanted to refresh himself and then you need to take risks. He should have released Celebrate in the UK first and if it flops it flops, but then it wouldn't have worked in the rest of Europe anyway because they are too influence from of the UK music industry, so it's almost he same market.



    The more I think of it the more certain I am, if Mika doesn't release Celebrate in the rest of the world soon, I don't think it will be played on Swedish radio at all...

  3. Id love to believe that there´s a shadow behind Mika which tries to ruin his career, but in the real world out there, money is the key. Sometimes people know how to do the right movements to become rich, but sometimes they fail. I can´t believe that UK is deliberately not playing Mika´s songs anymore... the same way I can´t believe that presenters in Radio Stations are not playing Celebrate just cause it´s Mika´s and they think it´s not cool... maybe I´m wrong here and UK works in a different way that Spain does. But here, every radio station has his own facebook account, twitter account etc. And I remember talking in Europa FM´s fb wall last year about Mika, asking for his songs, and they played it. If a song is a f*cking hit, presenters don´t care if it´s Mika´s, Adele´s o Queen Elizabeth´s. It´s a f*cking hit, and they will play it cause their incomes come from the advertisements, and people wants to listen to hits, so, the more hits, the more listeners... the more listeners, the more people listening to the advertisements...

    Anyway, that´s what happens in Spain. I dont want to believe that there´s a conspiracy against Mika, cause, be honest... he is not Michael Jackson... he has a really consolidated fanbase, but nothing else...

    Maybe nor MYH nor Celebrate are what the world is needing now even if we love those. In my case, I don´t hate any of them, but they are not GK either.


    Are there a conspiracy? People are just starting to wonder why he has spent so much time with France. and when Mika himself aren't saying anything you have to make your own theories.

    The reason why they don't play it is because it isn't released in the UK yet, or am I wrong?


    :teehee:yes, we still miss a little detail: when is Celebrate going to be released to all us poor mortals outside France?


    It's not a little detail it's a big one, and I want to know now!

  4. Yes, I'm wondering if they're trying it out in France. But I do think it would do well there. I'm wondering though, if they're guaging reactions to Celebrate, in case they decide to put out a different song.

    But it's all so confusing, and if it's confusing for us, what must it be like for Mika! If I was him I wouldn't hardly know what day it is.

    I suggested on the Lovebox gig thread (although I won't be there) that maybe fans could hold up the two letters O and K, or put them on a poster to encourage him. Because he must be wondering how the UK are taking the fact that the song won't be out yet, and if I was him, I'd be worried about it.

    But I do think he should tell us what's going on. We're not going to think less of him. No matter what we, as individuals, think of one song, or the other song. Whether we like one, and are not quite as keen on the other, what we all agree on is that we love Mika, and want him to know that and trust us about that.


    I think that's a great idea to show him that we and UK like him and his song, not only France! No, I think if he explained everything the "relationship" between him and the fans would be much better/easier, to keep quite I think would get the opposite effect and fans getting irritated 'cause they won't be a part of it and they feel like Mika have abandon them.

  5. I think it's not the same with EMD and Celebrate, because EMD is in French and wasn't marketed in the UK or other countries. This song was only for the French market.


    But you can they "hello, I'm still here and have great new songs" in two different ways: "Hello, look that's my new single Celebrate, I hope you will play it" or "Hello, look that's my new single Celebrate, it's already number one in France". And I think the last one is much more effective ;)


    But celebrate is only released in France as well!

    No I don't think so, it would have been much more effective if he came and said: "Hello, look that's my new single Celebrate, it's already number one in UK" then I'm pretty sure they would have played it on the radio. I'm in fact a bit scared that the release in France will have the opposite effect and radio station won't play it because it will be too associate with France.

  6. Yes, that's partly why I find MYH much more appealing than the single they chose to release. It is open to interpretations and complex in the musical format as well. Unfortunately, the assumption is that these characteristics won't make it suitable as a single, so he comes back with a song that fits the production line. I hope at least it will go according to plans.


    I agree with you, and I think they released the right song. Even if MYH is good it wouldn't have been sutibal as a single at least not if you want it to be played at the bigger radio stations. Can imagine MYH to be played on the radio but only at one station...

  7. Personally I don't think it's a bad move. It seems like the UK media sees Mika as a one-hit-wonder, one of the artists which no one is interested now anymore, so the don't play him / recognize him... Radios choose the songs they think the audience wants to hear. And for me it seems like they think "no one wants to hear Mika anymore, it's not cool anymore", so they wouldn't play him even if they think the song is good.


    So, if "Celebrate" becomes a huge hit in France they can see, that a lot of people love the new song. So it's more likely they choose to play it if they like it because they see it appeals to people.


    I actually don't think that that is the case. I think the radio stations don't play him anymore because they have forgotten him, and I don't think it helps if Celebrate becomes a big hit in France 'cause EMD did but it was only played a few times on Swedish radio, at a radio station that does not play mainstream songs and only like 2 am in the night. And the fact that it wasn't played on Swedish radio is because it's in French but also because of the fact that Swedish radio only play songs from USA and UK barely anything else.

    That's why I think releasing the single only in France is a really bad idea, don't think it will help the song, at least not in Sweden...

  8. am going to see a flashmob in the citycenter later today :boing:

    it´s all about soapbubbles and I´ll make a pic of it.

    not taking part cause I can´t find the thingie to make them with...can´t believe it. Ive been a soapbubble geek as a kid:mf_rosetinted:


    Oh, I love soapbubbles. My brother has a soapbubble machine, whenever he's not looking I steal it :naughty:

  9. @Lilasko @Marilyn yes, that's what I keep thinking, too, especially that someone mentioned earlier either that 'Celebrate' will not be released in UK until later in the year. So I really don't understand what is going on but it would be good for Mika to take his head out of the sand and explain what happened. There is no way a UK artist holds album review parties and launches first single in France only / first.

    I can see he is still signed with Casablanca but in terms of distributing his record he may no longer have a worldwide deal ( ? ) or they'll use France as a test market for the first single, trying to repeat the success of EMD :dunno:What his fans may perceive as him suddenly having transformed himself into a French artist over the last year may simply have business reasons behind.


    Yes maybe there's business reason behind, but the I think he should be straight forward and explain why he released the single on the French market, explain the situation, and I really hope it's not because he's trying to repeat the success with EMD. Because if that's the answer I feel betrayed and sad, like Mika have loosen all he's hope in us (the other countries) and don't trust that the single can success in the rest of Europe. He wanted to do something new and then you can't play safe.


    Maybe Celebrate is only for France,and they will release a more powerful single for the international market? :dunno:

    I hope not! I don't want to have any sort of special treatment, or that France get it.


    I thought celebrate was the first single on the album?? or did I get it wrong?:blush-anim-cl:


    No, I thought so too, but since he only have released it in France I don't know :dunno:

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