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Posts posted by Lilasko

  1. I wish I could. It was originally only comimg out on DVD but now its being shown in a handful of cinemas in Australia. That's only because heaps of people contacted the company that has the release rights and told them they wanted it released.



    Unfortunately for me I'm nowhere near a cinema that will be showing it, so I have to wait till it comes out on DVD. I wouldn't mind seeing it though :sneaky2:


    Oh, sad to hear. It's is truly a very original movie, still haven't decided if I like it or not. But I think you will like it, but the last half hour is a bit over the top, at least in my opinion :aah:



    Reminiscence Therapy


    MIKA's pre-3rd Album Band --



    Like the video a lot!

    To bad you don't have time to read the text, though...

  2. Well well well.. It's not about Mika's songs.. BUT.. I'm sure you all know a song called "Eurphoria". Ofc you do. it won the eurovision xD Anyway.. THere are words.



    An everlasting piece of art

    A beating love within my heart

    We’re going up-up-up-up-up-up-up


    Instead of it, everytime I hear



    forever lasting kiss my butt

    A beating love within my life

    We’re going up-up-up-up-up-up-up


    sorry...:aah: :aah: :aah: :aah:


    HAHAHAAH! :lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:

    Don't blame you it's really hard to hear what she sings! I thought she sung: I never left a piece of us. But your mishearing was much funnier :lmao:

  3. :fisch: I'm still searching, it looks like. I would love to pen pal with ANYONE outside of the US. So, yeah. I'm really looking for someone, so if you want to write letters shoot me a message. :wink2: I'm 16, from London, moved to the US a few months ago, loves Mika and long walks on the beach...... I feel like I'm filling out a personal ad. :aah:


    Haha a bit, at least with the part I like long walks at the beach :aah:

    Sad to hear that it didn't work out with the original pen pal hope you'll find a new one :wink2:

  4. that IS interesting!! and quite possible given the whole theme of the movie...see? this is further reason why the movie is awesome! :aah:


    Yes I think so too and the fact that they say that the it will be sunrise in 8 minutes and 8 minuets later the movie ended and they turn the lights on in the theater. I think that's an quite interesting detail. :aah:

  5. i've seen it - absolutely LOVED it!! it's a combination of different horror genres and just nice and fresh...plus i loved the ending! :naughty:


    You did!? Maybe I just didn't like it because I'd expected it to be a classical horror movie.

    The ending, I absolutely hated it. I wanted to see what would happen next, what they looked like and if they were as evil as everyone said :aah:

  6. Actually there is a rule for formal letters. If you are writing to someone you don't know, so that you have to start the letter with "Dear Sir (or Madam)", the letter should end with "Yours faithfully". If you are writing to a person whose name you know -"Dear Mr Smith"- the letter should end with "Yours sincerely".


    Thank you, so there is in fact some rules, just thought it all depended on how well you knew the person you wrote the letter to. :aah:

  7. So did I!! I started yelling at the television and rewinded it to check. But that turtle definantly ate it!! Who cares. Anything can happen in an animated movie. :aah:


    Haha, so wired :aah: But as you said everything can happen in movies. Just look at dance/song movies, how can they know the song and dance all the time? I know it's a movie but still :aah:

  8. Congrats to Sweden!!!! Well done! :thumb_yello: My personal favorites in the end were Estonia and Serbia, but not surprised about Sweden's winning at all. But, I genuinely thought Scandinavia was very strong... I can't believe Norway and Denmark didn't have any success :blink:


    I was chocked too, can't believe Norway finished second from last. At least I thought they would be in the middle, but we had Eric Saade last year so maybe Europe was tired of that kind of stuff, but still..Norway deserved better!

  9. Tsss:thumb_yello:




    Our singer have been sick since tuesday.. wonder how it will go


    Heard that too. I hope she'll be able to sing as good as she usually can!


    11 minutes! So excited! :boing:

  10. This show, idéfabriken (the idea factory) was broadcast on Swedish television a few months a go, and they have We are Golden as intro.

    When I watched it the first time I got really really surprised, 'cause I've never heard a Mika song in any kind of movie or TV show before. Actually I've never heard WAG on the radio. So love that they chose it as an intro :wub2:


    Listen around 01:45



    But I don't know if you can watch it outside Sweden.

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